Chapter 500 It Wasn't Me

(Eight changes for blade monthly ticket 4600/4800)

The little girl in the void pointed her hands at Nobukatsu Shimada, who was frantically struggling among the group of evil spirits in the distance.

There was a dull sound in her throat.


One sound, another sound.

Every time the onomatopoeia sounded, Nobukatsu Shimada's body would twitch for a moment, as if hit by an invisible force.

By the end, the little girl even changed the frequency of the onomatopoeia.

She aimed at Nobukatsu Shimada at the hollow formed by her hands together, and a machine gun-like sound came out of her throat.

"Da da da da da da da da da—"

There were dozens of mental shocks in a row, but when the little girl Sadako withdrew her hand with some panting, the struggle of Shimada Nobukatsu in the group of resentful ghosts has become much weaker.

Its mouth overflowed with black dirty blood.

Its pupils are infinitely enlarged by pain and hatred.

Even its face still maintains that hideous and distorted look of hatred.

Its body twitched, its hoarse voice could no longer even roar, and black blood even began to slowly overflow from its eyes, its nostrils, and its cochlea.

The little girl Sadako's dozens of mental shocks, not only the first one, could hardly bear it anymore, even the grieving ghosts around it were weak and prostrate on it, twitching feebly.

Seeing this scene, the Onmyoji girl not far away looked indifferent.

She squeezed the notebook in her hand tightly. Although the mental shock aimed at Shimada Nobukatsu did not affect her, the power to manipulate this curse diary still made her face a little pale.

For her, it is obviously a little bit reluctant to control a shikigami of this level.

But this series of efforts paid off.

Looking at the weak Shimada Nobukatsu at his feet, Orihime raised a white talisman paper expressionlessly and pointed it at it.

"Come back, Xinsheng."

The girl whispered the name of the monster in a low voice.

Then, the white talisman paper burned a pale yellow beam of light, covering Nobukatsu Shimada who was pulled out of the sludge.

Golden Sanskrit, looming in the void.

In the sky, as if the Buddha came into the world, the pale yellow beam of light completely enveloped Nobukatsu Shimada's monster body.

The power of transcendence is acting on the monster.

The bloody dark red color began to recede from Shimada Nobukatsu's skin.

But Nobukatsu Shimada's body twitched, and an unacceptable angry expression appeared on his face.


It stared at the Onmyoji girl in front of it, and roared frantically, "You can't take all of this away!"

However, the girl stared at him indifferently, completely indifferent to his roar.

She was still mobilizing the power of the talisman, slashing and turning the monster at her feet.

Shimada Nobukatsu's body began to twitch in pain, and as the dark red gradually receded from its skin, the sound of the Great Compassion Mantra even faintly sounded in the void.

However, when the dark red light almost completely receded from its body, it suddenly raised its head and screamed angrily.

"You can't take everything from me!"

The cold and evil power suddenly flashed from its eye sockets.

The monster's two eyeballs flew out suddenly.

While the eyeball controlled by the evil force flew out, there was a long thin line behind it.

The flying speed of these two eyeballs was so fast, Zhi Ji didn't react at all, and was hit directly.


In the muffled sound that sounded almost at the same time, the Onmyoji girl hummed and took a step back.

A terrifying wound appeared on her left chest and lower abdomen at the same time.

The moment the flying eyeball pierced through the girl's body, it was snapped back by the monster.

While the girl's blood was carried by the eyeballs and flew back into the monster's eye sockets, Shimada Nobukatsu covered his face and let out a cry of pain.

"You forced me! You forced me!"

Shimada Nobukatsu screamed in pain, "It's not my fault! It's not my fault! It's your fault! It's all your fault!"

"If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be like this, and I wouldn't kill you either!"

Amidst the monster's painful roar, the dark red light came back like a tide, quickly submerging its whole body.

The pale yellow light that shrouded it was also directly shattered by the monster because it lost the support of its controller.

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