"What an unlucky guy..."

The little girl said, "Where it hurts is not good, but it happens here."

She looked down at the position of the girl's lower abdomen.

There, the inside of the wound that she barely pressed with her small hand is the most important body organ of a woman.

But now it has been penetrated.

Even relying on her strength to barely repair it, but in the future...

"Heh... That guy Lin Yuanfei, even if he really marries you in the future, he will really be the last one."

The little girl thought brokenly, "But it's not necessarily true. There are so many women staring at that guy. Maybe he will leave some blood outside?"

"Even if I don't know if you, Miss Tsuchimikado, can bear that kind of humiliation..."

The little girl glanced at Orihime's comatose side face, and said, "It's best if your Tsuchimikado family has any way to repair your body. Anyway, I have no other way at all, and I'm tired of trying to save it, so I'll recover all of you." It's impossible."

"That suitor of yours, Shimada Nobukatsu is really a badass guy."

"You can do this kind of black trick on the girl you like. Sure enough, once a mentally retarded man provokes him, it will be very dangerous."

"So there is nothing good about men."

"The honest and stupid guys are as stupid as pigs. The clever and clever guys are mostly playboys, frivolous and dissolute, men..."

The little girl sighed a long time and said, "It's better for all the men to die. In this world, only Lily is true love."

Xiao Zhenzi said some random words with an indifferent face.

Under her full rescue, the eyelashes of the unconscious girl trembled for a few seconds.

Finally woke up.

The girl opened her eyes, looked at the little girl beside her who was treating her, and was silent for a few seconds.

Then, without the slightest surprise or violent reaction, he continued to lie there.

He said, "Where's Nobukatsu Shimada?"

The girl asked about the whereabouts of this former friend, "Is he dead?"

She looked around, but couldn't find Shimada Nobukatsu's body.

Xiao Zhenzi shrugged innocently, and said, "That kind of despicable guy who is afraid of death, how could he die so easily. He ran away after injuring you, but thankfully he didn't pester you, otherwise I would really It's too late to save you."

The little girl still pressed her hands up and down on Zhi Ji's two wounds, and continued to repair the girl's wounds.

Then he said, "Your uterus and heart vessels have been pierced by his eyeballs. It's okay to talk about the uterus, but for the heart vessels, if I come two seconds late, I think you will really be cold."

Xiao Zhenzi said with a serious face, "So, I am your savior. You have to thank me well, for example, give me a few hundred million yen or something after you go out. Your Tuyumen family is so rich, how can you save me?" Is it not too much to ask for hundreds of millions of yen for your life?"

Zhi Ji was silent for a few seconds, and said, "Yes, although I am not rich, I still have some savings. If you need it, I can give you the number you want."

Xiao Zhenzi smacked her lips after hearing this, "Evil capitalist... Bah! After staying with Lin Yuan for a long time, I have learned to be yin and yang."

The little girl gave Orihime a sideways look, and said, "But your Tuyumen family is really rich. Does a young lady have hundreds of millions of yen in deposits? Isn't that considered rich? Don't you think so?" Do you still think you are frugal?"

Zhi Ji was silent for a few seconds, and said, "These are all saved from my pocket money..."

The little girl rolled her eyes, "Suddenly I don't want to save you anymore... You evil capitalists are really sinful. No wonder Lin Yuan always said that you deserve to be hung with street lights. Now I finally understand his thinking."

"From the day capital was born in this world, every pore is indeed dirty and sinful."

Chapter 507 Do You Like Lin Yuanfei?

The little girl solemnly said the lines about being hung up with street lights in Japan.

Zhi Ji looked at her with a blank expression.

In other words, the expression of the Onmyoji girl always seemed to be so dull and indifferent, even at the moment when she was seriously injured and dying, it was impossible to see any expressions of panic and anxiety on her face.

This beautiful girl, however, seemed to have facial paralysis, and she had a cold aura that no stranger should enter.

Seeing Zhi Ji's appearance, the little girl curled her lips.

"It's this expression again... I suddenly wonder if you will have this indifferent expression when you have sex with men in the future, even when you climax."

"If that's the case, I suddenly feel sorry for your future husband."

"Having sex with such a cruel wife with facial paralysis is like having sex with a stone man. I guess you will definitely stop doing it after a long time?"

Xiao Zhenzi laughed maliciously.

Facing the little girl's teasing, Orihime is still indifferent and indifferent.

She said calmly.

"As a member of the Tsuchimikado family, I just don't need to lie to others. But that doesn't mean I won't."

"Acting skills are also a part of being a human being. If Lin Yuanfei likes to see me look sexy and unrestrained, then I can naturally satisfy him."

"You don't have to worry about that."

Zhi Ji's words made Xiao Sadako almost laugh out loud.

With a suppressed smile on her face, she looked at the cold onmyoji girl in front of her, and said, "But acting skills are fake after all. Could it be that you can hide from Lin Yuanfei for the rest of your life? Once he finds out that you are lying to him by acting, then everything will be over." It's over."

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