This city, which was completely built according to the style of Chiba City [-] years ago, even built the stronghold church of the Church of the Holy Church in Chiba City, which probably did not occur to Lin Yuanfei at all.

After running wildly in the city for a while, he saw the church building from a distance, so he came here with the mentality of giving it a try.

Unexpectedly, a big clock was actually found here.

Constantly knocking and hitting the huge clock, regardless of whether the service life of the clock would be damaged due to the huge impact force, the sound of Lin Yuanfei hitting the clock continued to spread in the dark night.

At the same time, that black demonic aura appeared on his body.

There was no hiding at all, and it could even be said that it was deliberately ostentatious. Lin Yuanfei continued to spread this violent and evil demonic aura to the surroundings.

As the bell rang, the presence of that demonic aura would inevitably attract the creatures in this city.

At this time, Lin Yuanfei was like a child holding a torch high in the darkness, calling out to everyone to come over, attracting the attention of the entire dark world.

A few minutes later, Fei Cun Jianxin's figure appeared in Lin Yuanfei's field of vision.

The moment the other party appeared, Lin Yuanfei grinned.

"Hey, Senior Feicun, it's been a long time."

Fei Cun Jianxin stood on the top of the residential building, looked up at Lin Yuanfei at the top of the church not far away, and said, "Are you calling your companion?"

Himura Kenshin asked, "Or...are you trying to lure us here?"

Lin Yuanfei's gaze moved quietly in the darkness, looking for the existence of another heroic spirit.

But the smile on his face remained undiminished.

"Senior Feicun is really indifferent. Do you ask such boring questions when we meet? Everyone is a member of Feitian Yujianliu. As a senior, you are still a famous person. Don't you have anything to do with me? Did the seniors say it?"

"..." Feicun Jianxin was silent for a few seconds, looked at Lin Yuanfei's smiling face, and said slowly, "A sword is a murder weapon..."

"Sword skill is a way to kill people," Lin Yuanfei pouted, and said, "No matter how many beautiful words are used to cover it up, it is still the truth...Senior Feicun, besides copying the words of Master, do you Are there no other lines?"

"..." Fei Cun Jianxin looked at him and said expressionlessly, "You used Tianxiang Dragon Flash before, although it was weak and badly used, it was indeed Tianxiang Dragon Flash... Where is your master? ?”

Fei Cun Jianxin stared at Lin Yuanfei's face coldly, and asked, "Who is the master who taught you sword skills? How is he now?"

Lin Yuanfei smiled, "This has nothing to do with senior, right... Could it be that you still know my master?"

Himura Kenshin was silent for a few seconds.

"I know that in order to continue the inheritance of Feitian Yujianliu, master recruited another disciple in his later years."

"That disciple is a blond girl of a different race. Calculate the time and age, if there is no accident in the middle, that girl of a different race..."

Fei Cun Jianxin looked at Lin Yuanfei with cold eyes, "...should be your master?"

Lin Yuanfei thumped in his heart——Mom!Fei Cun Kenshin knows the master of the original owner of the body?

In the dream given by Freddy, the master of the original owner of the body is indeed a tall blonde beauty.

Alien girl... is it a Russian hairy girl?

Chapter 510

To be honest, Lin Yuanfei has always been curious about the master of the original owner of the body.

After all, for the swordsmanship used by tough guys like Feitian Yujianliu, finding a little dwarf Jianxin is already a miracle, but he even found a woman...

Even if you are a fan, you have to teach the Basic Law, right?

Is there really a girl who is about [-] meters tall and strong in this world?

It's not a big sword, how can there be so many tall girls with blond hair.

Thinking about it this way, Jian Xin's master is really an expert who doesn't take the usual path.

It's okay to find a little dwarf Kenshin as his apprentice, and then he finds a girl as his apprentice... Could it be that when he found that foreign girl as his apprentice, he was sure that she could grow to [-] meters?

Lin Yuanfei touched his chin and thought for a while, then said.

"How can you be sure that my master is the alien girl you know? According to the time calculation, from your era, the Feitian Yujian style has been passed down for at least three generations, right? Maybe the girl you know is me Where is Master's Master?"

Fei Cun Jianxin looked at him and said, "The Feitian Yujian style is a very special school. People of our school, if they don't die in battle, their normal life expectancy is far beyond ordinary people."

"Because my body was too thin, Feitian Yujianliu's swordsmanship caused a lot of damage to my body, so I only lived to be seventy-one years old."

"And Master, he lived longer than me."

"After I came to this world, I used to track down Master's later deeds."

"As far as I know, Master lived to be one hundred and three years old, and when he was in his nineties, he adopted a child of a different race who lost his family due to the war."

"That young boy of a foreign race later inherited the master's swordsmanship and became the successor of the Flying Swordsman School."

"And she is your master, the one who took you away from the Linyuan group ten years ago."

"But since you can use Tianxiang Dragon Flash..."

Fei Cun Jianxin looked at Lin Yuanfei blankly, and said, "Maybe your master is gone now?"

Lin Yuanfei looked confused, "Damn it... Can Feitian Yujianliu live so long?"

However, according to the timeline of Fei Cun Kenshin, when he was more than ninety years old than Guqing Juro... in [-]?

Had the master of the original owner of the body already appeared at that time?

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