The distance is so close that you can even see the craters and huge craters above.

Three full moons hung high, and the earth was illuminated with silvery white.

Lin Yuanfei stood on the hilt of the tallest giant sword, condescendingly looking down at Feicun Jianxin, who was as small as an ant, and grinned.

"Illusory world... I like this kind of dungeon that can be eroded by the power of dreams. If it is the real world, then I really have nothing to do with you."

Under Lin Yuanfei's condescending overlooking, in the ruins tens of meters away from Feicun Jianxin, there is a young man with green robe and blond hair looking at the scene in front of him in astonishment, as if he didn't think that he just rushed into the black mist Among them, it appeared in this strange place.

Looking down at the two guys who had fully revealed their figures under their feet, Lin Yuanfei flicked the knife in his hand slightly.

While the evil evil spirit surged silently, relying on the power of the dream, it was forcibly restored.

Even after leaving this illusory dream world, the knife will return to its original broken appearance.

But here, it still has the original lethality!

Here is Lin Yuanfei's inherent enchantment (pseudo)!

Chapter 513 The True and False Monkey King

Freddy's power is very limited.

In other words, after the destruction of Elm Street, this murderous ghost can no longer hurt other people.

——Unless Lin Yuanfei is willing to let it out and let it enter the dreams of young children.

That way Freddy can keep killing innocent children.

But it was obviously impossible for Lin Yuanfei to do that, so Freddy would no longer be able to hurt any child.

The twin relationship between Lin Yuanfei and Freddy is, to some extent, a chain that binds evil spirits, binding Freddy to him.

As for the method of relying on the power of dreams to erode the real world and rewrite all the environments like Silent Hill, it cannot be done in the real world.

It can be done in Silent Hill because Silent Hill itself is a dream, a dream that belongs to Aretha.

With the help of Lin Yuanfei, Freddy, who is also a dream weaver, can rewrite part of the dream for a short time.

But in the real world, no matter how it operates, it cannot erode reality.

With Lin Yuanfei and Freddy attacking together, they could barely invade the dream of the target person.

But this kind of method is only useful in assassination. In a frontal battle, who would suddenly dream.

So in most cases, Freddy is basically useless.

——But in this illusory world completely created by Yamamura Sadako, Hayashi Yuanfei can rely on his own demon power and Freddy's power to rewrite part of the environment.

In other words, open up a deeper dream world in the illusory world, and pull the target person into the dream.

This abandoned giant sword mound is just a false dream.

Lin Yuanfei condescendingly looked down at the two heroic spirits at his feet, grinned grimly, and lightly flicked the blade in his hand.

The power of the dark demon emerged on the blade, and quickly repaired the broken blade completely.

In this false dream world, Lin Yuanfei, who is authorized as the dream weaver, can do more exaggerated things than this.

It's just that here, it takes a lot of mental energy to do some things outside the specifications.

Under the cold moonlight, Freddy's phantom appeared behind Lin Yuanfei.

It also looked down at the two heroic spirits that had already met in the dream, and let out a strange laugh.

"Samurai, these two guys are about to bump into each other...don't you rush down now and catch them off guard?"

Lin Yuanfei thought for a few seconds, then grinned.

Smiling incomparably darkly.

"What's the rush? Let them talk about the past first. Don't be in a hurry for this moment."



On the ground, the gloomy cold wind blows through the abandoned sword mound, bringing a severe chill.

Fei Cun Kenshin and his companions walk together in this weird world, each on guard against possible attacks in the dark.

However, the two walked forward for a while, but still did not find any figure, let alone any attack.

Archer spoke.

"What is this place?" He looked up at the three giant moons in the sky, and said, "It doesn't look like the earth at all, could it be an inherent barrier?"

Fei Cun Jianxin shook his head feeling the gloomy chill in the air and the breath of this barren world.

"It doesn't feel very similar... The descendants of Feitian Yujianliu are pure swordsmen, and rarely involve magic."

"And judging by Lin Yuan's strength, it is even more impossible. Even if he is a peerless genius who is rarely seen in [-] years, it is impossible to practice magic and swordsmanship to the peak at the same time."

"If he switches to that weird state, his swordsmanship strength has surpassed mine, and may even have reached the level of my master."

"If he still has time to practice magic to the extent that he has an inherent enchantment while possessing such a powerful swordsmanship, then he is already invincible in this world."

"Even the heroes of the Age of Gods may not be able to match his achievements."

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