After listening to Kotomine Shirou's words, Yuno's eyes lit up.

"elder sister!"

Yuno jumped down from the roof lightly, and after finding several points of leverage, finally landed lightly beside Yuki.

Hugging her sister with a sad face, Yuno's voice was crying.

"The perverted senior looks dead, so pitiful."

After being hugged by her younger sister, Yuki was stunned for a moment, "Huh? Hayashi Yuan-kun is dead? Yuno, how did you confirm that?"

Yuno kept rubbing her face against her sister's face, her body also kept rubbing against her sister's bumpy body, her face began to flush slightly.

Breathing is also a little short.

She said with watery eyes, "Facing two Heroic Spirits at the same time, no matter how hard he tries, he is no match for him. The perverted senior must be trying to delay us, so he died alone. We must not let him down kindness."

"Now he may be dead, we must blow up this beam of light, break this false world, and escape before those two heroic spirits catch up!"

"You must not die here, and you must not let the efforts of the perverted senior be in vain!"

Yuno said heartbroken, "Sister! I know you can't accept this cruel reality, but since it has already happened, let's not think so much and finish what we need to do first, okay?"

Yuno gently hugged her sister's head, her forehead was pressed against her forehead, and the faces of the two sisters were almost completely pressed together.

Yuno's eyes were full of love and tenderness.

"Forget about the perverted senior, sister, we have to get to work quickly. Don't let his efforts and sacrifices go to waste!"

Kotomine Shirou on the side was shaking his face.

At first, he was going to say something to comfort him, but after a closer look, uh... It seemed that if he opened his mouth, he would burn himself?

So the wise priest kept his mouth shut.

On the other hand, Zhiji on the white fox's back looked down at the two sisters' friendship on the street indifferently, and said.

"Do you know how to break this false world?"

Yuno nodded, "Yes, we are ready."

Yuno said very seriously, "This beam of light has a substance. There is a gate on the outside, and there is a spiral staircase inside the gate. I don't know where it leads. But what is certain is that this beam of light is an important pillar supporting this world. "

"My sister and I have already placed explosives near the entrance of the stairs inside the beam of light. We only need a detonator to detonate the beam of light, and the beam of light can be blown up in an instant!"

Yuno's plan made Orihime silent for a few seconds.

Then he asked, "You two ordinary female high school students, it's okay to use so many military weapons, and you even know directional blasting? Do you know how explosives detonate?"

Yuno smiled, "Of course I know, I still learn some useful little knowledge once in a while. It's such a small matter, it's easy."

... Silently, Kotomine Shirou moved a little away from this beautiful girl.

And Zhi Ji looked at the little girl beside her, and asked, "What do you think? How about this plan?"

Xiao Zhenzi hesitated for a few seconds, and looked at the colorful light curtain in the sky.

Then he said, "This beam of light is indeed the pillar of this world, but if it is blown up, I don't know what will happen. It is possible that the world will collapse and disappear, or it is possible that Sadako Yamamura will jump out and die with us... There are all kinds of possibilities.”

"To be on the safe side, let's enter this beam of light. Didn't my wife and sister say that there are spiral stairs inside? We climb up the stairs and climb to the top, and we will definitely be able to see the real body of Sadako Yamamura."

"It's the safest way to beat her down directly in person."

After listening to Sadako's suggestion, Orihime looked at my wife and sisters.

"I also have a similar view," Orihime said, "In this false world, once an important pillar is blown off, what will happen is unpredictable. We only have one life, and I don't recommend taking risks."

"So, what about you, Mr. Priest?" Yuno looked at Kotomine Shirou with a smile and asked, "What do you think?"

Kotomine Shirou said with a smile, "As a monk, the mundane world has no meaning to me. I am willing to obey the orders of the girls, no matter what."

As Kotomine Shirou said, he clasped his palms together, with a serious look, quite the demeanor of an accomplished monk...if he wasn't wearing that black divine robe.

Seeing Kotomine Shirou like this, Yuno smiled even more happily.

"Mr. Priest is really good at joking. All of us here are girls, and you are the only man left. In terms of emotion and reason, you should stand up and preside over the overall situation."

Kotomine Shirou's eyes widened, and he quickly waved his hands, "My wife's words are wrong. I am a priest, and my gender is non-existent. The gender division in the world has long been meaningless to me. You can just pretend that I don't exist, and ignore it." Mine, I totally agree with you."

Yuno smiled and asked secretly, "Then, does Father Kotomine agree with Ms. Tsuchimikado's opinion? Or agree with my sister and me? We have different opinions."

Kotomine Shirou clasped his hands together and let out a long sigh.

"Amitabha, good is good."

Then the guy just pretended to be dead.

Yuno seemed to be planning to continue to say something, but at this moment, a cough sounded suddenly.

"From what you're saying, I seem to be dead..."

With a coughing sound, Lin Yuanfei, covered in blood, slowly came out of the darkness, with a helpless expression on his face, "I'm not dead yet, you are so eager to curse me to death... Yuno, do you hate me so much?" ?”

Seeing Lin Yuanfei's appearance, the girls were stunned for a moment.

Yuki rushed over with a look of excitement.

"Lin Yuan-jun!"

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