Hearing this sudden sound, everyone instantly looked in the direction of the sound.

In the direction of the beam of light, a figure was suspended in the void out of thin air, looking at everyone present and laughing.

"Do you want your son to avenge you?!" The boy named Makoto Ito laughed wildly.

Seeing this figure exactly like Brother Cheng, Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a second, "Brother Cheng?! Is your mother here?"

Behind Lin Yuanfei, the little girl Sadako stopped crying.

She wiped the tears from her eyes and stood up slowly.

Looking at the figure floating in the void with cold eyes, Xiao Sadako said.

"He's not Ito Makoto."

In the snowstorm, the little girl's voice seemed to be full of unforgettable hatred, "He is the son of Sadako Yamamura, the evil spirit in the belly of the female ghost!"

Hearing the little girl's words, Lin Yuanfei was dumbfounded.

"Fuck?! Your son? You... you actually have a son? Can even female ghosts conceive and have children these days?"

Lin Yuanfei had a ruined expression on his face.

However, the smile on the little girl's face was ferocious.

"Of course female ghosts can't conceive and have children, so he is just a ghost who died young, and now he has taken Makoto Ito's body by force. Ten out of ten evil things, ghosts with viciousness and hatred from birth!"

Hearing the vicious evaluation from the little girl, "Makoto Ito" laughed happily.

"Isn't it a bit too much to talk about my own son? Mom, I'm your own son anyway..."

The little girl looked indifferent, "It's just a rapist. There is no disgusting thing that was born in this world. It turned into a ghost by resentment and viciousness. You have nothing to do with me!"

"Ah... this mother is really unfeeling," "Makoto Ito" said innocently, "Sure enough, mothers are different individuals, and there are differences between each other. Mothers with human bodies can no longer look down on them." We are monsters who don’t even have a body anymore. How pitiful, I have become a child without a mother..."

"Brother Cheng" had a mournful and mournful expression on his face.

Lin Yuanfei looked at him, the corners of his mouth twitching.

He remembered that the novel version of Sadako Yamamura was indeed raped and pushed into the well to kill.

But the movie version is not... emmm... Could it be that the setting of this Yamamura Sadako is a mixture of the movie version + the novel version?Elements from both versions?

So this vengeful spirit possessing Brother Cheng is the seed of the rapist who raped Sadako?

Not born, stillborn in the womb of the mother, but formed a ghost due to resentment.


This setting...

Lin Yuanfei looked at "Brother Cheng" floating in the air, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Although Sadako Yamamura is considered a celebrity in fan fiction, but Sadako Yamamura's son... this is really a rarity!

Lin Yuanfei looked back at the little girl Sadako and asked in a low voice.

"How to solve this thing? Generally speaking, the resentment and power of this kind of stillborn ghost are stronger than ordinary ghosts, right? And it's still attached to Brother Cheng now... How to solve it? Do you have a good idea?"

The little girl glanced at him and said, "It's the quickest way to stab him to death."

Lin Yuanfei stared, "That's Brother Cheng's body! You want to kill Brother Cheng?"

"Then I can't help it," the little girl said indifferently. "You might as well ask the lady onmyoji beside you, she might have a solution. After all, she is the expert in dealing with such things as resentful spirits."

It seems that the appearance of "Brother Cheng" made Xiao Zhenzi very unhappy.

It can even be said to be very angry.

This female ghost who likes to pretend to be tender in words and deeds, finally stopped pretending to be tender at this time.

It is rare to reveal a mature and cold ghost temperament.

"This bastard must die tonight!"

Author's message:

PS: Open a reward.

Originally, there were a lot of things to do this month, especially the second half of the month was very busy, so I planned to catch fish, but after thinking about it, I would like to offer a reward to spur myself.

If you continue to touch fish, you will be ruined.

emmm... One change per day is guaranteed, 200 blades per change, 300 monthly tickets per change.

If the status is not good, lower the difficulty.

Chapter 526 World

Bitter wind and snow came head-on.

In the dark night sky, the colorful light curtain is like the aurora of the North Pole, and finally forms a woman's face.

But no one pays attention to these for the time being.

In the cold wind, Lin Yuanfei and the others stood on the dilapidated street, looking up at the young man floating in front of the beam of light.

That evil thing that walked out in the body of "Ito Makoto", the unborn ghost of Sadako Yamamura.

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