It seems that the fighting has stopped in general.

He continued to run wildly, and the gust of wind blowing away all the smoke and dust in front of him while running.

When he came to the most central area of ​​the explosion, Lin Yuanfei stood on the top of the ruins of a collapsed building, looking down at the scene below him.

In the center of the explosion, there was a huge crater.

In the potholes, there are dense potholes.

Obviously, this is where the fighting took place.

However, the two sisters who fought against each other disappeared without a trace...

Lin Yuanfei looked around, and he couldn't see any figure wherever he went.

It seemed that in the entire dark world, he was the only one left alone.

Chapter 536 The Devil's Call


The cold feeling of loneliness suddenly occupied all of Lin Yuanfei's emotions.

He stood alone on the top of the ruins, condescendingly overlooking the big crater at his feet, overlooking the pits and dilapidated ruins left by the battle.

His eyes were a little dazed.

Yuki... is missing?

Even Yuno disappeared without a trace.

In the ruins in the center of the battle area here, he could not feel the slightest trace of the existence of the two sisters.

It seems that both of them have evaporated from the world.

Standing alone in the ruins, Lin Yuanfei seemed to be abandoned by the whole world, unable to feel any warmth that belonged to the world.


Lin Yuanfei murmured the name in a low voice, and returned to the day when he just crossed in a trance.

In that gloomy Japanese-style hut, the girl backed away in panic.

"You... are you Mr. Lin Yuan... are you still Mr. Lin Yuan..."

The girl's terrified and cute expression seemed to be right in front of her eyes.

What happened at that time seemed to be in another world far away.

Even though only ten days had passed, Lin Yuanfei felt that it was as long as ten years had passed.

Now, he was alone again.

Standing alone in the ruins, as far as I can see, I can't see a familiar face.

Yuki, Yuno, Saeko, Yan Ye...these familiar figures and familiar girls disappeared without a trace.

Lin Yuanfei, who stood alone in the desolate world, seemed to have returned to the lonely state before crossing.

This feeling……

"It's really annoying," Lin Yuanfei murmured, and breathlessly breathed out a mouthful of white mist.

From frugality to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality.

After getting used to the lively feeling of always being surrounded by many friends and companions, Lin Yuanfei suddenly felt that he was not used to being alone again.

Obviously, he had been alone for more than [-] years before crossing over.

He stood in the ruins, silently looking for clues and traces that might exist around him.

However nothing can be found.

No trace of the existence of the two girls can be seen, nor can the breath of the existence of the two girls be felt.

Neither Yuno nor Yuki appeared.

If Yuno is victorious, she should attack him, right?Or did Yuno finally decide to leave with her sister?Just like she planned in the dream?Is it right or wrong to take my sister away from all this?

Didn't even kill Lin Yuanfei?

Lin Yuanfei was silent, and slowly raised his head.

A black demonic aura lingered around him.

His body gradually turned into a hideous and ugly demon.

Huge black flesh wings spread out behind his back.

Then, the pair of fleshy wings slapped hard, setting off a gust of wind in the ruins.

But Lin Yuanfei's body flew into the sky.

Like a straight sword, the violent figure of the demon shot straight into the sky.

The thunderous shouts shook the world.


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