The monster growling the girl's name in pain seemed to be insane.

The ugly head that was almost torn in two, and the face that belonged to Nobukatsu Shimada was full of painful expressions.

"Weihime... Weaverhime... Weaverhime..."

In the mouth of the monster, the name continued to growl.

But even the girl who kept approaching it couldn't recognize anyone.

Behind the girl, Kotomine Shirou coughed dryly when he saw this scene.


"I think I still need to say something more..."

He squinted his eyes and smiled strangely, "Although Ms. Tsuchimikado is sincere and passionate, you may not be able to help Mr. Hayashi Yuan."

"..." Zhi Ji paused, then looked back at him, "Huh?"

A trace of confusion flashed in the girl's eyes.

Facing the girl's questioning gaze, Kotomine Shirou smiled and shrugged innocently.

"Everyone knows that the Shimada family has always been unreasonable. In any case, the death of Master Shimada has a lot to do with Mr. Lin Yuan."

"Even if it was you who made up the knife, the Shimada family may not let Mr. Lin Yuan go. Or, just because you made the knife kill, the Shimada family will definitely not let Mr. Lin Yuan go. gone."

Kotomine Shiro said with a smile, "It's good that you want to help Mr. Hayashi Yuan take the blame and bear the crime. Unfortunately, you are a lady of the Tumimen family, and your status is also respected. Under the circumstances that are obviously unreasonable, Even the Shimada family can't deceive people too much."

"So when they can't trouble you, our lonely Mr. Lin Yuan, another protagonist who plays a more important role in this incident, naturally becomes the target of venting their anger."

"People are bullying and fearing hard."

Kotomine Shiro said with a smile, "Besides, even if the Shimada family loses their minds and goes crazy, they really want to entangle you to the end. Not to mention whether your family will help, even Mr. Hayashi Yuan's character will definitely not ignore it." Yes, he will definitely be involved in this incident by then."

"So your idea of ​​helping Mr. Hayashi Yuan to bear the karma is good, but in fact it has no effect. It is good that Mr. Shimada Nobukatsu is not dead. Once it dies here, no matter who killed it, even Master Shimada He died, but as long as he dies, both Mr. Lin Yuan and you will definitely be involved in the subsequent turmoil."

Kotomine Shirou spread his hands and said, "This is something that has been determined from the beginning, can't you see clearly?"

Zhi Ji took a deep look at him and said, "You make a lot of sense, but you overlooked one thing."

The girl said indifferently, "If I die after I kill Xinsheng, even the Shimada family will not dare to get too entangled in this matter. Their young masters of the Shimada family are honorable, and the people of our Tsuchimikado family are also honored." Not begging for food."

After hearing the girl's words, Kotomine Shirou smiled helplessly.

"So why do you want to die..."

Kotomine Shiro sighed and said, "Didn't Mr. Hayashi Yuan say that he has a friend who can save you? Don't you believe what he said?"

"..." Zhiji was silent for a few seconds, then said, "It's too late."

She looked up at the sky above her head, and murmured, "I'm given too little time, no matter how powerful Lin Yuan is, it's impossible to solve everything in such a short time..."

"Uh, cough, cough...that...Miss Tsuchimikado, I think your words are very subjective."

Kotomine Shiro coughed dryly, and said with a smile, "You don't seem to know your fiancé very well. If you knew the feats he accomplished in the past ten days after losing his memory, you would probably change him to another one." An idea."

A trace of confusion flashed in Zhi Ji's eyes.

"Lin Yuan lost his memory... these ten days?" Zhi Ji asked, "What did he do?"

Kotomine Shiro smiled slightly, "This is too long to talk about. Although I don't know much, there is one thing we can know, that is, no matter how difficult the crisis is, it seems that Mr. Hayashi Yuan I can't hold on for a day in front of me."

"This fiancé of yours has a magical power that can break through all desperate situations in one day..."




Lin Yuanfei sneezed violently, feeling a little confused.

"Uh...why do I feel a chill?" Lin Yuanfei rubbed his nose, feeling itchy, and seemed to want to sneeze, "Is anyone speaking ill of me behind my back?"

Behind him, Freddy's figure slowly emerged.

Wearing a black top hat and a striped sweater, the evil ghost named Freddy stood behind Lin Yuanfei in the void with his hands folded, and laughed.

"Our cute little Yuno? Is it Yuki? Or the cute little apprentice of the little samurai? The big-breasted female senior? Well, if you think about it this way, your harem group is already huge, little samurai." .”

Freddy laughed strangely, "Combined with the new fiancée Miss, let alone playing mahjong, you can form a basketball team."

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes, "As long as you talk a lot, and you have time to talk such nonsense, why don't you help me find out what's going on in this place."

Standing in the dark world, Lin Yuanfei felt that the whole world was completely dark and could not see any light. "Didn't you agree to go to the ceremony center? Why can't you see anything?"

Freddy looked at the darkness around him and said, "It's not there yet, little samurai, can't you feel it? We are still transmitting, but the transmission is relatively slow, and we are almost at the end. This dark passage , It’s really annoying. Reminds me of my mother’s vagina, when I climbed out, it was super strenuous, it’s like the shadow of childhood... No, it’s the shadow of a baby.”

"...Hey, please pay attention to the influence, please?" Lin Yuanfei said with a black face, "Don't be full of swearing, this is a children's educational program, don't use swearing to spoil the children."

Freddy chuckled.

"These are great science popularizations of healthy and active physiological knowledge. If a child sees them, they will definitely be grateful to Uncle Freddy for helping him popularize the knowledge of human physiology. It's too late to thank me. Do you think everyone is as dirty as you? ?”

"When you see short sleeves, you immediately think of white arms, you immediately think of nudity, you immediately think of genitals, you immediately think of sexual intercourse, you immediately think of interbreeding, and you immediately think of illegitimate children. This is the only level where the Chinese imagination can make such a leap...Little warrior, Your heart is evil."

Chapter 542 Black Lotus

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