"The evil ghost named Yamamura Sadako has in a sense become two schizophrenic personalities."

"I, adhering to Master's teachings, practice self-cultivation day and night."

"And [it], driven by its own resentment, continues to do evil."

Chapter 545

"By an unintentional coincidence, a teenager carrying a video camera came to this small Buddhist hall in the back mountain."

“[It] used its own power of reading and writing to imprint its own hatred and resentment on the tape of the video recorder, and was finally burned into a roll of video tape by the teenager.”

"So, this videotape became the source of all evil."

"Everyone who has watched the videotape has been targeted by [it]. Under its intimidation and control, it keeps copying the videotape for other people to watch."

"Everyone who has watched the videotape will be killed by it, and every person who died tragically because of the videotape is controlled and enslaved by [it], becoming a ghost without free will."

"I can't stop this, but I can change it because we are all one."

"While [it] keeps killing people and mutilating the world, I am adhering to Master's teachings and constantly cultivating myself."

"In the end, I established an underground Buddhist kingdom under this dry well."

"This false world is completely constructed based on Chiba City, to accommodate all the unjustly killed by [it], and to give those unjustly dead peace after death."

"Here is the underground Buddha kingdom for me and those who died in vain."

"Here, the unjustly dead can be freed from [it]'s control and gain precious peace."

"Here, they maintain their previous lives and are no longer tortured by resentment and hatred."

"It's the detachment I give, it's the only thing I can do."

"Although [it] is not happy to see all of this, and even hates all of this."

"But I am [it], [it] is me, we are the product of light and dark, and we are essentially the same individual."

"I can't hurt it, and I can't stop it from killing people. Similarly, it can't hurt me, and I can't stop me from giving peace to those who died in vain."

"Thus, the division and rift became more and more obvious in this confrontation."

"Finally, an opportunity arose."

"On one occasion [it] used transcribed videotapes to split its own evil powers to kill, [its] powers inadvertently impregnated that victim."

"So, besides [it], Sadako Yamamura appeared a third split individual, a wraith who was reborn as a human being, that is, the guide who brought you to this world."

"Of course, that little Sadako doesn't know my existence. In a sense, she is the reincarnation of [it], and what she possesses is some power and memory of [it]."

"Xiao Zhenzi has always felt the call of the ontology, because [it] wants to use this individual that is not under the control of the ontology to destroy all of this, to destroy this false underground Buddhist kingdom, and to destroy these vain dead who are not enslaved by [it] .”

“[It] constantly puts pressure and fear on Xiao Sadako, making Xiao Sadako want to come to this underground world to destroy everything and completely escape from the shadow of [it].”

"So, in the end, Sadako brought you to this underground world."

The woman on the lotus platform looked at Lin Yuanfei indifferently, and said, "This is the truth of the matter. This is the origin of everything..."

Lin Yuanfei frowned tightly.

"A few questions..." Lin Yuanfei raised a finger and said, "First, you said that you established the underground Buddhist kingdom to purify those dead who were killed by the dark side, but as far as I know You know, those who died in vain have been swallowed up by Shimada Nobukatsu, right? There are no more grievances in Chiba City now. Didn’t Shimada Nobukatsu send you out?"

The woman on the lotus platform sighed and shook her head, "Shimada Nobukatsu was naturally not sent by me, but [it] was sent to disrupt the situation. Mr. Hayashi Yuan couldn't think of such a simple thing?"

"As for those who were devoured in vain... In fact, they didn't die. They lived together with this false world. If the underground Buddha kingdom is not destroyed, they will live forever."

"Now, they are only temporarily borrowed by Mr. Shimada Nobukatsu. And I, in order to maintain the unfolding of the ceremony, cannot intervene to help them."

"But in fact, I don't care about it anymore, because when Mr. Shimada Nobukatsu dies, they will be liberated and come to this world again..."

As he spoke, the woman on the lotus platform waved her hand lightly.

In the void, a huge mirror appeared.

What appeared in the mirror was the scene in the ruins of Chiba City.

Lin Yuanfei watched helplessly as the girl named Zhi Ji in the mirror walked to the ruins, walked to the side of the black monster panting in pain, and raised her hands.

In an instant, the dozen or so talisman papers suspended behind the girl all showed a huge light, submerging the black monster in an instant.

The black monster in the light let out even more miserable screams and wailing sounds, and the black mud-like body was visibly dispersed by the bright light.

In the end, the black monster disappeared completely, and what appeared in the ruins was a man covered in bruises, pale skin, and bloodless like a corpse.

"Ori... Orihime..." Shimada Nobukatsu murmured painfully in his dying state, his mind was so deranged that he couldn't recognize anything.

It's just that when he was dying, he still murmured the name in pain.

The girl beside him was silent for a few seconds, then raised a long sword made entirely of light, and pointed it at the man who was pale and strange like a corpse.

Then, the light blade silently pierced into the man's chest.

The girl's eyebrows lowered slightly.

But he didn't say a word...

Looking at the scene in the mirror, Lin Yuanfei subconsciously took a step forward, his face full of astonishment.

He quickly looked at the woman on the lotus platform, but saw that the woman on the lotus platform still looked calm and calm.

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