But for Lin Yuanfei, he sneered when he saw this ghost crawling out of the vortex.

If it was that Sadako Yamamura who was falsely merciful and nagging and couldn't figure out the details, he might still be a little bit afraid.

But the ghost in front of him... Heh... Although it is indeed terrifying, Lin Yuanfei has never been afraid of this ghost!

His eyes were extremely cold.

With the right hand, put the knife back into the sheath.

In the battle of the wraiths, it is difficult for Dongyue, the root fairy, to play a role.

With his right hand, he took out the human skin diary Zhi Ji gave him, and slowly opened it.

In an instant, a strange force spread to Lin Yuanfei's limbs and bones.

In a trance, his spirit seemed to split into a small thread, and got into the body of something extremely cold.

Lin Yuanfei couldn't help shivering.

——Is this the feeling of manipulating a shikigami?

Silently, behind Lin Yuanfei, a strange pale voice slowly crawled out from the darkness.

cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck—

The ghost named Gayako slowly crawled to Lin Yuanfei's feet with a cold and chilly aura.

From the eye exposed under the long hair, there was a vicious hatred flowing out, staring at the opponent's white ghost.

Kayako and Yamamura Sadako, two ghosts with different backgrounds, faced each other in an extremely strange posture.

cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck—

The bloody Kayako squirmed slowly, and slowly crawled forward a few more steps.

And in the darkness behind her, a second pale figure crawled out.

And then the third, fourth...

cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck-

The ear-piercing sound of broken bones rubbing against each other made one's scalp tingle.

Lin Yuanfei's feet were soon covered with strange white figures.

Those blood-stained white female ghosts all had the same face, lying at his feet, staring at Sadako Yamamura in front of him with incomparable resentment.

It seemed that in the next second, he would rush forward and tear the opponent into pieces.

Lin Yuanfei's face was slightly pale.

This is the scariest part of the Grudge Diary.

The number of Kayakos is unlimited.

Because Kayako is not a simple ghost, but a manifestation of curse.

If you have enough power to control the curse in the diary, you can even directly summon hundreds of Kayako troops.

However, Lin Yuanfei summoned more than [-] Kayakos and it was already very reluctant.

His face began to pale, and his mental load was heavy.

Looking at Sadako Yamamura who had completely climbed out of the vortex on the opposite side, Lin Yuanfei sneered palely and said.

"Have you finally crawled out? To deal with this kind of evil heretic, we don't need to talk about the morals of the world, let's go together!"

In an instant, all the Kayakos at his feet got the order, and they all flew out.

More than [-] pale and terrifying ghosts flew across the void, and a sinister and chilly aura filled the air. Lin Yuanfei couldn't help shivering, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

And Sadako Yamamura, who crawled out of the vortex, was overwhelmed by these Kayakos before she could speak.

In Lin Yuanfei's field of vision, he could only see a pale scene.

This terrifying picture of the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts is simply a restricted-level picture, extremely frightening.

Chapter 548 Sun Yifeng gave military advice

Wraith, this kind of weird and terrifying spirit creature, is very scary.

But in many cases, it is not only their appearance that is scary, but also the cold and gloomy aura around them when they appear.

Under the coercion of that eerie atmosphere, ordinary ordinary people could hardly move.

Now more than [-] resentful spirits gathered in such a narrow area, and the eerie aura spread out. Even a warrior like Lin Yuanfei, who was full of blood, felt a little stiff in his limbs.

Even this is because he is the controller of these wraiths, and the impact is not very great.

If he is not the controller of these ghosts and faces these monsters alone, as long as he does not have this wooden knife in his hand, it is probably difficult to get out of sleepiness.

wooden knife...

Lin Yuanfei, holding the human skin diary in his right hand, lowered his head subconsciously, and looked at the wooden knife in his left hand.

This wooden knife was obtained from Liang Ri, and followed him all the way through all the dungeons.

According to Orihime, this is a Oniyan wooden sword stained with Ibaraki Doji's blood.

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