"Want to procrastinate? No way?"

The power of evil and violent demons emerged around him.

Lin Yuanfei's figure turned into that ferocious and ferocious devil figure again.

His pale hair also turned into an evil and strange purple.

Although every time you use the demon power in your body, you will consume your little vitality and burn your own life.

But if you are in a hurry, you don't care about so much!

I'd rather live standing up than die kneeling down!

Lin Yuanfei roared angrily, flapped the wings of the devil bat behind his back, and flew straight into the air.

At the same time, all the resentful ghosts around him also rose into the sky.

Looking from a distance, in the quiet world, the evil aura is raging.A ferocious and evil demon rose into the sky carrying more than twenty strange and pale figures.

Those wraiths were all around the devil, as if they were holding some kind of evil ceremony.

And the demon standing in the middle roared angrily, holding up the wooden knife with surging demonic energy in his hand, roaring, and slashing hard at the ground under his feet!

Boom! ! !

With an earth-shattering bang, the dark sword energy fell on the ground.

The ground, which had been sucked dry, shook violently, but it wasn't mud, it was more like some kind of solid crystal.

Visible to the naked eye, a shallow crack appeared on the ground.

The smile on the corner of Lin Yuanfei's mouth became even more ferocious.

"Delaying time? Since you want to delay time, then delay it!" Lin Yuanfei roared angrily, and violently raised the wooden knife in his hand again, and slashed out the second fierce dark sword energy.

"If you procrastinate, I will demolish your house!"

Lin Yuanfei laughed ferociously and said, "Let's see who wins first!"

Chapter 549

The evil and violent evil spirit surged in the void.

The devil's ferocious smile and incomparably arrogant laughter made one's scalp tingle.

And around the demons, one after another strange and pale female ghosts of resentful spirits floated in the void, guarding the demon in the center, and they were the most loyal guards.

One after another, the female ghosts in white were suspended in mid-air.

The cold wind blew, and the pale dress fluttered, inexplicably eerie.

But the demon who was just protected by these female ghosts in the center was filled with evil and violent power. His ferocious face and terrifying figure were like the demons in the murals, so frightening.

When he waved the wooden knife in his hand and slashed wildly at the ground below, one after another dark sword energy more than ten meters long surged.

Wherever he went, the earth trembled, and even the world shook crazily.


Deafening noises sounded one after another.

Lin Yuanfei slashed at the same spot frantically, within half a minute, he had already slashed six or seven knives.

As the previous vortex sucked all the water out of the world, the real ground of the world was exposed.

It's not a muddy ground, it's more like some kind of crystal, or in other words, a whole huge crystal.

Following Lin Yuanfei's crazy slashing, a shallow crack appeared on the originally extremely solid ground.

Although the scope of the shattering was not large, Sadako Yamamura, who had been avoiding standing up, was obviously no longer as leisurely as before.

It raised its head, its eyes of hatred and hatred fixedly stared at Lin Yuanfei who was suspended in mid-air.

Then, Sadako Yamamura raised her hands slowly, forming a triangle in front of her chest.

Lin Yuanfei, who was floating in the void, was caught in the middle of this triangle by her.


With a muffled sound, Lin Yuanfei's heart jumped suddenly in the void.

The shadow of death enveloped him.

Subconsciously, he pulled a female ghost beside him to him.

Before that Kayako could react, it felt as if he had been hit head-on by a huge force in an instant, and was directly shaken to pieces.

The female ghost's body silently turned into a black evil spirit, which finally flowed back into Lin Yuanfei's human skin diary.

On the ground, Sadako Yamamura still aimed the triangle formed by her hands at Lin Yuanfei, locking his figure firmly within the range of the triangle.


Another muffled sound.

But this time, Lin Yuanfei was prepared.

The batwing behind him shook violently, and the whole person moved horizontally in the void.

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