Lin Yuanfei was silent for a few more seconds, and asked, "Since you have been paying attention to me, you should know that there is a girl named my wife Yuki beside me, right? She is missing now, and she is in your underground Buddhist kingdom. Can you help me?" Shall I find her?"

Sadako Yamamura sighed softly and said.

"I can find the two my wives who are not by Mr. Lin Yuanfei's side, but Mr. Lin Yuan, are you sure you want to see them at this time? I feel that if you two meet at this moment, I am afraid that many things will be irreversible. gone."

"..." Lin Yuanfei was silent for a few seconds, and said with a cold expression, "That's not something you need to worry about, you just need to let me see Yuki. As for what happens, I am responsible for it myself."

The woman on the lotus platform shook her head with a smile and sighed.

"If Mr. Lin Yuan can handle it, there will be no scenes of sisters turning against each other. If you meet those two ladies, it will only delay your time. Even if you can resolve their disputes, the rest of the time will be too late to leave Qian Ye Shi. At that time, I'm afraid that Mr. Lin Yuan will tear up the agreement and continue to embarrass me... So, you can't see those two girls, but I can send them away. Send them out of this world, Mr. Lin Yuan can go Communicate with them outside."

Lin Yuanfei sneered at this.

"Speaking of it, isn't it because I'm afraid that after I meet Yuki, I'll deal with Yuno and work together to deal with you? But since you can send them away, then send them away. I'll go outside and talk to them myself. "

"In addition, my other friends, Orihime, Makoto, and Kotomine Shirou, you should send them away too."

Lin Yuanfei said expressionlessly, "Send us all out, and I won't care about your nonsense."

Chapter 551 What is a demon

Seeing that Lin Yuanfei agreed to her deal, the woman on the lotus platform clasped her hands together and let out a long sigh.

"Mr. Lin Yuan is willing to step back. It is really the luck of the hundreds of dead in my underground Buddhist kingdom. On behalf of all the dead in the Buddhist kingdom, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mr. Lin Yuan. Thank you for your compassion and not preventing us from transcending the road."

In Yamamura Sadako's soft sigh, she slowly closed her eyes.

"I will send some of your relatives and friends out."

After saying this, Yamamura Sadako remained motionless as if turned into a stone statue.

Lin Yuanfei stood on the spot, looking at her expressionlessly, and had no intention of plotting against her.

About ten seconds later, Sadako Yamamura opened her eyes.

Looking at Lin Yuanfei, he smiled slightly.

"A few of your friends, I have already sent them away. You can go out now, and I will send you away."

Saying that, Sadako Yamamura waved her hand, and a huge mirror appeared in the void.

In the mirror, a dark mountain forest was reflected.

Next to a dry well, several men and women suddenly appeared, and they were all familiar to Lin Yuanfei.

Kotomine Shirou, my wife Yuno, Yuki, Orihime, the comatose Makoto...

Seeing several acquaintances appearing outside, Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath.

"Good! I also thank you for your mercy and letting them go."

He clenched the knife in his hand and said, "If you have an afterlife, I will do my best to help your reincarnated fetus be safe in the first life!"

He roared angrily, the devilish energy surged all over his body, and the evil and violent breath erupted again.

In an instant, Lin Yuanfei's figure disappeared from the spot.

The strong wind tore his body.

The speed was so fast that he broke away from the limit that the human naked eye could see.

In an instant, in an instant, the knife in Lin Yuanfei's hand had appeared in the void hundreds of meters away.

With one knife, he slashed at the lotus platform in front of him and the woman on the lotus platform!

Flying sword flow!Nine-headed dragon flashes!

The dazzling sword light shines in this world.

The surging demon energy almost shook the world.

The moment Lin Yuanfei slashed out, the smile on the face of the woman on the lotus platform froze.

She stared blankly at Lin Yuanfei in front of her, as if she saw an incomprehensible creature.

Slowly, she clasped her hands together and sighed sadly.

"Mr. Lin Yuan's reputation... is really worrying."

An invisible barrier seemed to surround her all the time.

Lin Yuanfei's fierce nine sword lights were all blocked by the invisible barrier, making no achievements.

Obviously the two sides are only a few feet apart, but it is as far away as in another world.

Lin Yuanfei slashed down with the wooden knife several times, but he was unable to cause any harm to the woman on the lotus platform.

Sitting on the lotus platform, looking at Lin Yuanfei slashing wildly close at hand, the woman's expression was very sad.

"Why do you have to embarrass me? Mr. Lin Yuan, is our path of detachment really so intolerant?"

Several chops in succession failed to cause any damage, and Lin Yuanfei flew back hundreds of meters in an instant.

Stirring the devil's bat wings on his back to float in the void, Lin Yuanfei looked at the woman on the lotus platform from a distance with an indifferent expression.

"The line is wrong, the more you do it, the more reactionary! The more you do it, the more damn it!"

"What you have done, from the very beginning, is good and inhuman, and you are worthy of complaining that the world will not tolerate you?"

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