Although the police on this entire floor are their guards, in a sense, they can also be regarded as monitors.

If the members of Tsuchimikado's family did not allow Yuki to go out, those policemen would obey obediently.

Seeing Yuki's happy smiling face, Lin Yuanfei sighed and said.

"So Yuki, what are your plans now?" Lin Yuanfei asked, "Sadako Yamamura has been solved, and the last monster entangled with us is gone. In a sense, we are already safe. Then Come down, Yuki, what are your plans?"

Hearing this question from Lin Yuanfei, Yuki was startled.

"But...isn't Miss Tomie still around?" Yuki asked in confusion, "Could it be that Miss Tomie was also solved by Lin Yuan-kun?"

"Emmm... this..." Lin Yuanfei rubbed his hands and said, "I already know how to solve the Fu Jiang matter. I will deal with it later, Yuki, you don't have to worry about this."

Lin Yuanfei looked at Yuki and said, "What I want to know is what you plan to do with you and Yuno. Since your parents are dead, you two sisters are dependent on each other. When do you plan to talk to Yuno?" What about reconciliation?"

Hearing Lin Yuanfei's question, Yuki was stunned.

Then, she lowered her head in disappointment, and murmured, "It's not that she wants to fight with her... It's obvious that she did something bad, why does Mr. Lin Yuan blame Yuki?"

Regarding Yuki's little grievance, Lin Yuanfei smiled, a little helpless.

"I don't blame you," Lin Yuanfei said, "I just want to know how you plan to deal with the conflict with Yuno next. The relationship between your sisters for so many years can't just go away, can it?"

Yuki puffed up her cheeks angrily, and said very unhappy.

"Who asked Yuno to do bad things? Lin Yuan-kun has helped us so much, she just doesn't appreciate it, and even wants to hurt Lin Yuan-kun... For this, I will never forgive her!"

Yuki's expression was rare and serious.

Lin Yuanfei was a little helpless, "Then it's impossible to turn against her like this, right? I think Yuno still listened to you very much before. If it weren't for me, the two of you sisters would definitely get along..."

"Lin Yuan-jun!!!"

Before Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, Yuki grabbed Lin Yuanfei's hand suddenly, with a panicked expression, "You...are you leaving? You don't care about Yuki?"

"Uh..." Seeing Yuki's panicked and pitiful expression, Lin Yuanfei hesitated for a second, then laughed dryly, "What do you mean I have to leave? Where can I go? Yuki, you reacted so hard Well?"

"Then Lin Yuan-jun, what did you say without you..." Yuji stared at Lin Yuanfei suspiciously, and asked, "Lin Yuan-jun, what exactly do you want?"

Regarding this, Lin Yuanfei felt helpless.

Are these girls talented in some way?

How come it seems that everyone can see what he is planning at a glance?

Forget about Orihime, Yuki, a silly girl, can tell that he wants to run away... Am I acting very bluntly?

Looking at Yuki in front of him, Lin Yuanfei said, "Now that I have returned to Chiba City and found my original relatives, I will definitely continue to live in Chiba City."

"But you and Yuno are different. You are not residents of Chiba City, and you have no relatives or friends living in Chiba City. Your parents have passed away, and your property has been destroyed by nuclear bombs. You are penniless. You are going to join a relative next time, right?"

Regarding Lin Yuanfei's speculation, Yuji shook his head again and again.

"We have no relatives anymore..."

Yuki whispered, "Except Lin Yuan-kun, our sisters don't have any relatives in this world."

"Uh... this..." Lin Yuanfei twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Although I am very touched by what you said, I really can't afford Yuno's relatives. Yuno wants to hear what you said, Must run away."

"..." Lin Yuanfei's words made Yuki's body slightly stiff.

Then, the girl lowered her head in frustration, and said, "Sure enough, because of Yuno, Hayashi Yuan-kun no longer wants me...even afraid of me. It really is like this... Hayashi Yuan-kun doesn't want me anymore..."

Chapter 566 How to Deal with Yuno

Yuki's frustrated whisper made Lin Yuanfei very embarrassed.

Although he wanted to say that it wasn't because of Yuno, but because of Yuno's existence, he no longer dared to interfere with the affairs of the two sisters.

After all, the situation is here, if Lin Yuanfei continues to get close to Yuki, Yuno who has gone berserk will never be as easy to get along with as before.

——That's right, compared to the current Yuno who shouts and kills directly, the former Yuno who was only talking about it is really easy to get along with.

At least the former Yuno didn't know how to kill people!

Now Yuno and her sister are planning to confine PLAY in a secret room, this is completely blackened.

How terrifying is a blackened sick girl?

Lin Yuanfei didn't want to experience it.

Looking at the extremely depressed Yuki in front of him, Lin Yuanfei hesitated helplessly for a few seconds, and could only speak.

"What do you mean I don't want you... Yuki, what you said is very misleading."

Lin Yuanfei said, "We are such good friends, how could I ignore you? It's just that I don't think the relationship between you and Yuno can continue to deteriorate. We must find a chance to resolve this matter, right?"

The main reason is that Mr. Lin Yuan can only live for four years, and he really doesn't want to get involved in the family affairs of the two sisters.

In a sense, the two sisters were already unaccompanied, and almost all the family property was bombed in Raccoon City.

Now the two sisters are outside, with no relatives or reasons, even if Lin Yuanfei is willing to help Yuki, he can only take care of Yuki for four years at most.

But four years later...

That's right, Lin Yuanfei really likes Yuki, and he also thought about falling in love with Yuki, getting married, having sex, and so on.

But now that his life is almost gone, and he is still entangled with others, this is irresponsible.

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