Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a moment, "Huh? Family? Brother Cheng still has family in this world? Shouldn't his family be in Raccoon City?"

Zhi Ji was silent for a while, and said, "It's his half-sister. Although his father and mother have died in Raccoon City, his father seems to have many daughters."

"This time it was one of his father's daughters who came to pick him up."

Lin Yuanfei was speechless for an instant.

Chapter 567

Brother Cheng's father is... well, a scumbag.

Standard scum.

It can be said that he is the scum of scum.

This word may be a derogatory term for other people, but for Brother Cheng's father, it is just an adjective.

Ze Yuezhi, this is brother Cheng's father's name.

And compared to Brother Cheng who was hacked, his father's rank is many times higher.

The real world cloth seed.

I don't know how many girls were played by his father's feelings and then abandoned, but they never overturned.

The most recent example is Gui Yanye, who appears to be Brother Cheng's schoolmate, but is actually Ze Yuezhi's granddaughter, that is to say, Brother Cheng's own niece.

Then the two of them were talking about each other in "Day on Campus"... ah... Japan is really a magical country.

And Ze Yuezhi is even more miraculous within the miraculous.

If there was any positive effect of the disaster in Raccoon City, it would be that Brother Cheng's scumbag father was killed along the way.

Simply gratifying, congratulations, congratulations.

After hearing that Brother Cheng was taken away by his half-sister, Lin Yuanfei probably understood the situation.

It seems that Ze Yuezhi also has an old friend in Chiba City, and gave birth to a daughter... Tsk...

Shaking his head, Lin Yuanfei said.

"I see, thank you."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yuanfei took Yan Ye to the elevator.

Straight past Zhi Ji who was blocking the way.

And Zhi Ji didn't seem to want to stop him, she stood there blankly, watching Lin Yuanfei leave.

Throughout the whole process, Yan Ye obediently followed Lin Yuanfei without saying a word.

It wasn't until they got into the elevator that Yan Ye asked timidly.

"Master, you don't seem to like Miss Tsuchimikado... Isn't she your fiancée? And she seems to like you very much. Why do you dislike her so much?"

Lin Yuanfei sighed and said, "Love from someone you don't love is a kind of torture."

Hearing this answer, Yan Ye was startled, and instantly lost his voice.

Then, until the elevator reached the underground parking lot and the two walked out of the elevator door, Yan Ye kept his head down and did not speak.

And outside the elevator door, the people arranged by Tu Yumen's family were already waiting.

This time, Lin Yuanfei did not refuse Zhiji's kindness.

He followed the bodyguards in suits and leather shoes into the car, and then gave Katsura Manami's address to the driver.

Lin Yuanfei and Yan Ye sat in the back row, neither of them spoke.

Lin Yuanfei looked at the scenery constantly receding outside the window, unconsciously stroked the scabbard in his hand, speechless in a daze.

Gradually, tired sleepiness came up.

Lin Yuanfei closed his eyes slowly and fell asleep...



"Lin Yuan? Lin Yuan?"

A familiar voice rang in my ears.

Lin Yuanfei opened his eyes in a daze, and asked, "Have you arrived?"

Hearing this answer, the blond Yujie next to him was a little confused, "What's wrong? Are you dizzy from sleep?"

Lin Yuanfei was shocked for a moment, and his eyes widened immediately.

Then he found himself sitting by a sparkling lake with his trousers rolled up and his feet in the cool water.

And under him is a lawn, holding a fishing rod in his hand.

It looked like he fell asleep while fishing.

The afternoon sun fell on him warmly.

He squinted his eyes and saw the faces of the people around him clearly.

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