"Uh... this... probably can't beat it?" Lin Yuanfei judged like this.

After all, when Lin Yuanfei didn't learn the Flying Sword Style, Yuno couldn't even stop him from running, let alone kill him.

Now Lin Yuanfei has learned all the sword techniques of Feitian Yujianliu, and his strength is on the same level as the original owner of his body.

As for the original owner of the body, who was capable of violently beating heroic spirits and tearing up followers, Lin Yuanfei felt that he should not be too weak.

Just my wife Yuno, Lin Yuanfei doesn't think he will lose if they confront each other head-on.

So Kotomine Shirou nodded.

"Mr. Hayashi Yuan understands this, doesn't that Miss Yuno understand?"

Kotomine Shiro said, and asked another question, "Then Mr. Hayashibara, let me ask you again. What do you think is the most important thing for that Miss Yuno? Is it to win back her sister's love? Or to kill her?" Mr. Lin Yuan, what about you?"

"Hmm... this... should be to take back her beloved sister," Lin Yuanfei said, "The reason why she wanted to kill me was because my existence affected her and Yuki's life. She was afraid that I would take her away." sister, so fundamentally speaking, it must be the older sister who is more important to her."

Kotomine Shirou nodded again, "That's right, what my wife Yuno wants most is to regain her sister's love. This is also the reason why she wants to imprison her sister, because all her actions are only for one purpose, which is to make her sister Come back to her."

"That's why she made a sudden attack and forcibly fell out with you, Mr. Lin Yuan. This can damage the relationship between Mr. Lin Yuan and Miss Yuki to the greatest extent."

"Now that the situation has developed like this, Ms. Yuno must also understand that she is not Mr. Lin Yuan's opponent. Why did she insist on plotting against you, Mr. Lin Yuan? For her, it doesn't matter whether she wins or loses, to plot against and attack Mr. Lin Yuan, or to fight with Mr. Lin Yuan. It’s all about the risk far outweighing the risk, right?”

"If Mr. Hayashi Yuan is weak and weak, then Miss Yuno will definitely not mind killing you."

"But when Mr. Hayashi Yuan is so strong, why does Ms. Yuno want to fight you to the death? If she dies, or gets injured and becomes limped, even if she wins, how can she protect her beloved sister?"

"Not to mention that if she loses, she will lose everything completely. Is Miss Yuno so stupid that she insists on entangled with Mr. Hayashibara to the end?"

Kotomine Shirou said with a smile, "Mr. Hayashibara has already said that to Ms. Yuno, Ms. Yuki is the most important person. I think you should worry about Ms. Yuki instead of worrying about being attacked by Ms. Yuno."

"If I were Miss You Nai, not only would I not attack Mr. Lin Yuan, I would even stay away from Mr. Lin Yuan. Then I would pick a time when Mr. Lin Yuan was not around, and take the opportunity to take my sister away."

"This is the safest and safest way to do it once and for all."

"No matter how crazy Miss Yuno is, she can't keep chasing Lin Yuan-kun you. The person she likes is not you."

Chapter 574

"The person she likes is not you."

The words of Kotomine Shirou instantly enlightened Hayashi Yuanfei, and he suddenly realized.

"So that's how it is..."

He slapped his forehead and said, "I'm so confused, I didn't even understand such a simple truth... Eh... It's useless to worry."

Lin Yuanfei breathed a sigh of relief.

Indeed, just like what Kotomine Shirou said, for Yuno, the top priority is of course taking away her sister.

As for Lin Yuanfei, he was just an insignificant bastard.

If she could take away her sister, she would naturally not get entangled with Lin Yuan. After all, Lin Yuanfei was very powerful and dangerous to Yuno.

For a dangerous person like Lin Yuanfei, Yuno would even choose to take the initiative to retreat to avoid a complete defeat.

Before, Lin Yuanfei had always used the behavior of my wife Yuno in "Future Diary" as Yuno's body, but he forgot the most important point.

In the original book, Yuno was so crazy and did so many terrible things, all for Amano Yukiki.

As an audience, Lin Yuanfei saw all this from the perspective of Amano Xuehui, so he naturally felt that Yu Nao was a crazy woman who didn't care about anything.

But in this world, Yuno doesn't bother to talk to Lin Yuanfei at all, the person she loves the most is her older sister Yuki.

People like Lin Yuanfei belonged to the kind of passers-by whom Yuno dismissed most and didn't even bother to talk to.

And because of Lin Yuanfei's strength, Yuno would never take the initiative to seek death.

Even if she made a plan to make trouble, she would only find a way to take Yuki away secretly when Lin Yuanfei was not around.

In a sense, Yuno probably didn't want to see Lin Yuanfei even more.

——Even if she hated Lin Yuanfei in her heart.

But for a sick girl like Yuno, loving people is everything.

He, Lin Yuanfei, is not Yuno's lover. To be honest, even if Lin Yuanfei yelled all over the world to find Yuno, Yuno might not even answer him.

Sure enough, the authorities are obsessed, and the bystanders are clear.

Lin Yuanfei sighed for a long time, and said, "Brother Shilang sees it clearly. What you said really woke me up."

Lin Yuanfei expressed his thanks very seriously, "Thank you for your advice, I am very grateful."

Now for Lin Yuanfei, the most important thing is not to prevent Yuno's attack, but to protect Yuki.

If it wasn't necessary, that lunatic Yuno would definitely not appear in Lin Yuanfei's sight.

If you want to protect Yuki from now on, you really need to bring her with you.

Lin Yuanfei thanked Kotomine Shirou, but Kotomine Shirou was very calm and took no credit at all.

He even started to chase people away by making excuses.

"So the most important thing for Mr. Hayashi Yuan is not to sit here and make a living, but to go back and protect Miss Yuki. You have been away from her for so long, it is very dangerous."

After Kotomine Shirou finished speaking, Lin Yuanfei immediately smiled.

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