Xintian's words stunned Lin Yuanfei for a second.

Oh my god... are these fellows waiting for me here?

He stared at the back of Nitta's head and said, "You mean, if I don't care about inheriting the Linyuan group, the Linyuan group will be snatched by that Linyuan Haoyi? The Linyuan group will be destroyed by him? So I have to be Lin Yuan's new team leader?"

Nitta nodded without objecting.

Lin Yuanfei shook his head decisively.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"It is impossible to be a gangster, and it is impossible to be a gangster in this life."

"I don't know how to kill people, and I don't collect protection fees. Only by fishing can I maintain my life."

"It is absolutely impossible for me to become the boss of the underworld."

Lin Yuanfei said, "Speaking of which, don't I have other brothers and sisters besides a tragic death brother? It's impossible for Lin Yuan's generation to be just me and my hapless brother?"

"Do you have any sisters or something?"

Lin Yuanfei was very curious about this matter, "If there are sisters and sisters, why don't you call them out to be the team leader. Even if they can't be the team leader, let them adopt a adopted son and change their surname to Lin Yuan, and then come to be the team leader. ?"

In Japan, this kind of operation is very common.

A person without heirs adopts a son, and then after changing the surname of the adopted son, he passes everything on him to the other party.

For example, Kenshin Uesugi, a daimyo during the Warring States Period, adopted a son to inherit the family business because he had no children in his life.

"If it really doesn't work, Xintian, you can be my godson, and I will pass on the Lin Yuan group to you," Lin Yuanfei said with a smile on his face, "I am very optimistic about you."

Nitta's expression immediately became entangled.

"Young master!" Nitta shouted angrily, "Please don't make such jokes, please? The succession of the team leader is very important! It is related to the wealth and life of our brothers, as well as the future of the entire Linyuan team , please don't be so frivolous?"

"Uh..." Lin Yuanfei didn't expect Xintian to be so angry.

It seems that this kid really has deep feelings for Lin Yuan's group.

Shrugging innocently, Lin Yuanfei said, "Okay, I take back my previous joke. Let's discuss how to deal with that bastard uncle of mine."

Lin Yuanfei stroked the scabbard and said, "Since that guy is dealing drugs in Mexico, he shouldn't be able to come back alone? According to the normal routine, does he bring a lot of men with him?"

"Well, Master Haoyi brought a lot of people," Xintian nodded with a serious expression, and said, "This time Master Haoyi came back, and brought a total of more than [-] people, all of whom are murderous Mexican drug dealers. I heard that, Master Haoyi did well in Mexico."

"So this time he came back to compete for the position of leader of the Linyuan team, and he received strong support from Mexico."

"His subordinates are all powerful drug dealers, murderous and cruel, and all of them are monsters comparable to evil spirits. It is difficult for us to deal with."

"After all, if we really fight, we are definitely not the opponents of those murderous executioners."

"Our only advantage now is that this is our home field, and we have a large number of people. So they don't dare to act rashly..."

After listening to Xin Tian's analysis, Lin Yuanfei touched his chin.

"Is everyone comparable to a ghost... This adjective really makes me feel kind."

Lin Yuanfei smiled, "My favorite thing to chop is the evil ghost."

Seeing Lin Yuanfei's appearance, Xintian quickly said, "This is what I want to report to you, young master."

"Because of the turmoil of the re-election, we are now being targeted by the Chiba City police. If a few people are killed and the matter becomes serious, it will end very badly at that time."

"So, I hope, young master, you can suppress your killing intent and don't kill people..."

Xintian warned Lin Yuanfei very seriously.

Lin Yuanfei thought for a while and said, "How about hacking that guy Lin Yuanhaoyi to death, and since the chief culprit is eliminated, his younger brothers should also be scattered like birds and beasts? Wouldn't there be no one to trouble you?"

Lin Yuanfei's suggestion made Xintian's hands tremble in fright, and the car almost rushed onto the sidewalk by the side of the road.

Although Xintian immediately turned the steering wheel back in the next second, he and the co-pilot's pheasant were still frightened into a cold sweat.

"Young...young master!" Xintian said with sweat profusely, "You must not do that! If you kill your relatives and uncles, if you do this and the news gets out, you will completely lose the right to inherit the Linyuan Group." Qualified!"

"If even you lose the qualification to inherit the Linyuan group, then the Linyuan group that cannot elect a new leader will soon disintegrate, and we will all be unlucky!"

"All right, all right, I understand," Lin Yuanfei said impatiently, "I'll follow your instructions on what to do next."

The struggle for heir to the extreme is really boring.

Lin Yuanfei now just wants to go back to the hospital to see Yuki...

But in the end, the car drove slowly into a Japanese-style courtyard.

This is the headquarters of Linyuan Group.

Of course, it is also Lin Yuanfei's home.

——Well, the home of the original owner of the body.

Lin Yuanfei stared at the familiar gate and courtyard in front of him, and was stunned for a second.

This...isn't this the place where he met Freddy when he first fell asleep?

Is there really such a Japanese garden in the real world?

Lin Yuanfei followed Xintian, but his eyes subconsciously drifted to the lawn beside him.

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