Of course, Lin Yuanfei also recognized this move.

After all, Faith Sword is a common move in Japanese Kendo, and it is also used in Feitian Yujian Style.

This is a kind of swordsmanship that uses defense as offense and strikes later.

Seeing his appearance, Lin Yuanfei curled his lips, "Speaking of Uncle Hao, I have a question to confirm with you."

Lin Yuanfei said, "You said that if you lose, you will cut off your arms, but if you are severely injured by me and cannot hold a knife, how will you keep your promise?"

Lin Yuanhao smiled slightly: "Don't worry, even if I lose so badly that I can't hold a knife, my companions will help me fulfill my promise."

As he said that, Lin Yuanhao glanced at the group of subordinates at the side, and said to the European and American white man who had whispered in his ear before.

"Duke, if I lose later and I can't hold the knife anymore, you can help me cut off my arms... okay?"

The man called Duke nodded, expressing his understanding.

And Lin Yuanfei's gaze stayed on Duke for a few seconds before moving back to Lin Yuanhaoyi.

This guy named Duke looks weird.

He felt some kind of resentment faintly overflowing from this guy, as if this guy was related to some vengeful spirit.

But that breath was too weak to get on the stage at all.

But Freddy's voice suddenly sounded at this moment.

"Wow...that smells so familiar."

Freddy's voice, chuckled in Lin Yuanfei's ear, "Isn't this the feeling of those demon servants? It seems that this Duke is the biggest trump card for you, a cheap uncle like a little samurai."

Hearing Freddy's sudden reminder, Lin Yuanfei frowned.

"Demon servant? What the hell? Is it powerful?"

Freddy laughed and said, "Not very powerful, this guy is a very common cultist in the United States. After all, you know, little samurai, America is a paradise for cultists."

"Although most of those cultists are swindling liars, occasionally one or two unlucky ones can really connect with real demons."

"This guy should be one of the demon cultists."

"But this kind of guy can't even be considered a magician, so he just bullies ordinary people. He has a little rubbish special ability, so you don't have to worry about that."

"After all, your mother-in-law is a terrible demon, and you still have the power of your mother-in-law in your body. Compared with you, this kind of low-level cult member is a younger brother, a garbage among garbage."

"Don't talk about this little idiot, even if the devil behind him stands in front of you in person, it may not be your opponent, little samurai."

"You cheap uncle, if I provoke you this time, I really kicked the iron board, hahahahahaha..."

Freddy's loud laughter faded away, Lin Yuanfei curled his lips.

Then he looked at Koichi Hayashihara in front of him.

"You should do it first," Lin Yuanfei calmly put on a gesture of drawing his sword, "Otherwise, if I win, others will say that I am invincible. So let you do it first, and I will show you how to behave." Opportunity."

Lin Yuanfei's confident appearance made Lin Yuanhao frowned.

He looked at all the people present, everyone in Lin Yuan's group was panicked, suspecting that Lin Yuanfei's mind had gone out of his mind, and they were always pretending to be aggressive.

But Lin Yuanfei's confident appearance...

Lin Yuanhao subconsciously looked at the European and American man named Duke.

Among the crowd, Duke nodded to him with a serious expression.

As a result, Lin Yuanhao was encouraged and gained confidence.

He smiled, posing with a sword drawn.

Said, "Since Xiaofei insisted on it again and again, then don't blame Uncle and my subordinates for being ruthless."

Lin Yuanhao pointed the tip of his sword at Lin Yuanfei, and said, "But don't worry, for the sake of the old man, I won't take your life, uncle."

"After all... the old man showed mercy to my subordinates back then! Hahahahaha!"

Chapter 586 Confused

In the courtyard, Lin Yuanhao smiled happily.

It seems that the shame that has been snowed for many years is about to be wiped out, so it seems a little crazy.

And the few old people in Lin Yuan's group couldn't bear to watch what happened next, they all turned their heads and looked away.

The European and American man named Duke stood in the crowd, with his hands behind his back, his fingers silently interlocking with each other, forming a strange handprint.

And under the sun, Lin Yuanfei looked at Lin Yuan Haoyi who was laughing in front of him with a blank face, as if he was looking at a silly [beep].

"Have you laughed enough? Hurry up, okay? I'm really in a hurry!" Lin Yuanfei said impatiently.

After Lin Yuanhao restrained the smile on his face, the corners of his mouth slightly curved, and he sneered.

"Then, next, let me test and teach you eight years of sword practice!"

Lin Yuanhao let out a loud shout, and rushed out.

The sharp blade, reflecting the sun's rays, seemed to shine a thousand points of cold light.

The speed was too fast for ordinary people to parry, and the old men in Lin Yuan's group immediately closed their eyes in pain, completely desperate.

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