"I am arranged by Mr. Shinnosuke to guard the door for you!" The big man said seriously, "My name is..."

"That's all right, all right, don't introduce yourself, you know it's troublesome to choose a name?" Lin Yuanfei waved his hand and said, "I'll call you the gatekeeper from now on, anyway, I'm only staying for a few days."

As he spoke, Lin Yuanfei walked into the manor with the two girls behind him.

Then he looked at the small manor in front of him, which occupied a large area and could already be called a luxury.

Lin Yuanfei said, "Nobusuke didn't tell me that this place is so big... It seems that since there is a guard, is there also a housekeeper who is responsible for cleaning?"

The guard following them nodded quickly and said respectfully.

"That's right, Master Shinnosuke has arranged for ten ingenious girls to be in charge of disturbing the sanitation here. Team leader, don't worry, although these ten girls are not members of our team, they have all worked in our industry. Clever, guaranteed to make you like it."

Lin Yuanfei touched his chin, "Worked in your industry...emmm..."

Lin Yuanfei pretended not to understand anything.

Isn't the so-called underworld industry just making small movies, bars, KTVs, nightclubs, custom shops and the like?

A girl who has worked in a place like this... is still ingenious?

Mom!Shinnosuke, you understand well.

The corner of Lin Yuanfei's mouth twitched, pretending that he didn't understand anything and continued walking inside.

"Okay, I see, you go back and keep guarding the gate," Lin Yuanfei said, "I will call you if something happens."

Lin Yuanfei was really afraid that this guy would start explaining where these girls used to work as soon as his brain twitched.

That would be the end of it.

While driving the guard away, he secretly looked at the reactions of Yuki and Yan Ye.

Yan Ye, everything is business as usual.

As for Yuki, she has been looking left and right, observing the small manor with curiosity, like a curious kitten, but she doesn't respond to the words outside the door.

At this time, the benefits of Yuno not being around are highlighted!

If that guy Yuno was here, he would definitely ridicule him immediately, and then demolish Lin Yuanfei.

Now that Yuno is gone, a happy life is just around the corner!

Lin Yuanfei let out a long sigh of relief, and suddenly felt that the sea and the sky were brighter, and the sky was clear.

So things have two sides. When God closes the door for you, he will definitely open a window for you.

Everything has good and bad, you can't just stare at the bad side.

Lin Yuanfei took the two girls into the villa hall with a smile on his face.

Then, ten young, beautiful and sexy beauties lined up in front of him, saluting him with smiles.

"I've met the team leader," ten girls saluted Lin Yuanfei at the same time, with that slim figure, sexy figure, maid outfit with very little fabric, and that sweet voice...

Mom!This is entering the kiln.

Lin Yuanfei subconsciously took a step back.

And Yuki finally frowned.

No matter how cute a girl is, seeing this scene in front of her should feel abnormal.

The ten girls in front of Lin Yuanfei and the others looked like high-quality beauties selected from thousands of people.

Not only are they sexy and sweet, but even their temperaments are different, all of them have a variety of styles.Just standing there is enough to make one's heart itch.

In particular, they are still wearing maid outfits with very little fabric, which can almost be called sexy lingerie.

This scene that can dazzle a man's eyes makes people suspect that he has come to a high-end club.

That guy Shinnosuke is very attentive!

But this is so intentional and misplaced!

Lin Yuanfei watched Yuki's brows gradually wrinkle, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he was about to drive away these sexy goblins.

Yuki had already looked back at Lin Yuanfei, looking very unhappy.

"Lin Yuan-jun, you..."

After she yelled, she immediately misfired again.

The corner of the girl's mouth twitched, as if she really wanted to ask the question immediately.

But in the end, she still took a deep breath first, and said to the group of sexy little maids, "You go outside to sweep the floor first, and I will call you in if you have something to do."

After driving away the group of sexy maids, Yuki looked at Lin Yuanfei.

The expression is extremely serious.

"Lin Yuan-jun, what's going on with this manor, this villa, and these young ladies...?"

Chapter 591 Not necessarily a bad thing

After the group of sexy maids were driven away, only Lin Yuanfei and the others were left in the huge hall of the villa.

Yan Ye watched this scene, thought for a while, and wanted to follow the group of maids.

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