"It's great! It's great! After following my dear for so long, I have suffered so much and suffered so much, and now I have finally made it through and lived a good life. My dear is the best!"

Seeing Fu Jiang's excited appearance, if Lin Yuanfei hadn't estimated that Lin Yuanfei had beaten her, she would have jumped on him long ago.

Saeko Busushima looked at the manor in front of her, and asked curiously, "Lin Yuan-kun, what trouble are you talking about? Now that you have achieved success and become the third generation of the Hayashi Yuan group, you can say that you have no worries about food and clothing. What monsters are there?" haunt you?"

In this regard, Lin Yuanfei let out a long sigh.

Said, "Those who haunt me are a thousand times, ten thousand times more terrifying than monsters..."

Lin Yuanfei sighed, pointed to his white hair, and said, "According to what happened to me in the well, my lifespan is no more than four years."

"Devouring Aretha's dark side in Silent Hill has greatly shortened my lifespan. When I was underground, in order to survive, I had to use the power of demons to burn my life. Now I can't live for long."

"And Yuno and Yuki broke up again. Yuno even wants to lock Yuki up and imprison him in a secret room. This makes me very headache."

Lin Yuanfei said helplessly, "It's not that Yuno has a headache, after all, she is actually just suffering from mange, which is harmless."

"But Yuki's arrangement made me very helpless."

"Yuki is different from you. She has already lost her parents. In this world, she can be regarded as unaccompanied. And Yuno has completely broken up with her. If I die four years later, I don't even know Who can help her."

"That's what bothers me the most."

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, the corners of Saeko Busujima's mouth curled up slightly.

Then, she looked at Lin Yuanfei beside her, and said with a smile, "The biggest headache for Mr. Lin Yuan is actually not the safety of sister Yuki in four years, right?"

"You should be worried about how to face Yuki now, right?"

Saeko Busushima smiled happily, "Yuki likes Hayashibara-kun, this is something that everyone can see. And Hayashibara-kun..."

Saeko Busujima's smile was high and unpredictable, "...Obviously, Hayashi Yuan-kun doesn't know how to face Yuki now."

"Let's put it aside and ignore it. It is said that it is worried, but it is actually reluctant."

"But let's take responsibility. I feel that I can only take care of him for four years, and Yuki will be a widow after four years. I feel uneasy."

"So, this is what Lin Yuanfei struggles with the most, right?"

Saeko Busushima mercilessly revealed all the deepest worries in Lin Yuanfei's heart.

Lin Yuanfei smiled awkwardly.

"Uh... Busujima-senpai is really... as sharp as ever."

Lin Yuanfei smiled dryly and could only reply like this.

Seeing Lin Yuanfei's embarrassing look, Saeko Busujima said with a smile on her lips.

"Actually, I have a perfect solution to Lin Yuan-jun's distress."

Lin Yuanfei's eyes lit up, "What way?"

"Lin Yuan-kun promised to be with me, we two get married, so everyone doesn't have to worry about it?" Saeko Busujima said with a smile.



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Chapter 593 Give Me a Kiss

"Lin Yuanjun promised to be with me, and we two get married, so everyone doesn't have to worry about it?

Hearing these words from Saeko Busujima, Lin Yuanfei was instantly embarrassed.

This Poison Island-senpai really doesn't miss any chance to poach a corner...

Facing Lin Yuanfei's embarrassing and speechless expression, Saeko Busujima still smiled without any shyness.

She looked at Lin Yuanfei and said, "I'm different from other girls~~"

Saeko Busujima licked her lips and said, "What I believe in is that a good man should never be missed."

"A good man like Lin Yuan-jun, if you stay with me, then it will only be a few years, and I will be very happy."

"I don't care about forever, I only care about what I once had."

"And Mr. Lin Yuan, you don't have to worry that I will be alone after you die, because I am relatively confident in myself."

Saeko Busujima smiled and said, "Even if I'm the only one, with my family background and my ability, it's no problem to raise a few more children."

"So as long as Mr. Lin Yuan leaves me with a few children before he dies, then I won't have any regrets in this life."

"Compared to finding a man who I don't like so much and who is not so good and spend the rest of my life, I would rather choose a boy I love and live happily for a few years."

"So... Mr. Lin Yuan, in this situation, we are the most suitable couple, what do you think?"

Saeko Busujima still played her habit of hitting the straight ball, smiling and directly making the check.

Lin Yuanfei laughed dryly and said, "The moonlight is beautiful tonight..."

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