Chapter 594

Regarding Saeko Busujima's flirtatious request, Lin Yuanfei was embarrassed and speechless.

Please, sister, we are still above AUO and not yet in lovers.

You flirt with me like this, be careful!

Lin Yuanfei had an embarrassing expression on his face, he didn't know how to answer Saeko Busushima for a while.

But Saeko Busujima obviously didn't intend to actually let Lin Yuanfei kiss her, she just teased Lin Yuanfei habitually.

Seeing Lin Yuanfei's embarrassing expression, Saeko Busushima smiled even more happily.

"Okay, okay, I'll just tell you," Saeko Busujima said with a smile, as if coaxing a child.

"It's actually very simple. When that beauty bent down and lowered her head just now, I saw that she wasn't wearing a bra, but had nipple stickers on her chest."

"But the clothes she's wearing don't need nipple stickers at all, just wear a bra, so why does she need nipple stickers?"

"After all, nipple stickers are usually only used on sexy dresses."

"Think about the background of the Lin Yuan group who prepared this villa for Mr. Lin Yuan, and the servants they will arrange, and you can probably guess."

"It is estimated that when Lin Yuan-kun and you came, these maids were wearing very sexy and revealing clothes, so Yuki was angry."

Saeko Busushima looked at Lin Yuanfei with a smile on her face, "That's why Lin Yuan-jun ordered them to change into more conservative clothes, but this beauty obviously doesn't have a bra with her, so she can only make do with breast stickers... right?"

Lin Yuanfei couldn't help giving a thumbs up to Saeko Busujima's analysis.

"That's amazing, my senior," Lin Yuanfei said, "I didn't expect you to have detective insight, you're amazing."

Among the girls Lin Yuanfei knew, probably only Yuno's female nerve insight could reach this level?

Facing Lin Yuanfei's compliment, Saeko Busushima accepted everything with a smile.

Soon, the three walked into the restaurant of the villa.

To be honest, this villa is not ordinary big.

Not only is the garden huge, but the main building of the villa is also huge.

Compared with Lin Yuanfei's, the single-family villa that Yan Ye's mother bought can only be regarded as a small apartment.

In one life and two lives, this is the first time for Lin Yuanfei to live in such a luxurious villa.

But Saeko Busujima and Tomie were very calm.

In other words, Saeko Busushima is very calm. After all, considering the family background of the Busushima family, they may not be able to live in this kind of manor.

Fu Jiang, it's not calm, but excited.

After all, for a flamboyant and vain Bichi, suddenly being able to live in this kind of big villa is as happy as being in the company of a rich man.

It is foreseeable that in the next period of time, Fu Jiang will be even more reluctant to leave Lin Yuanfei.

This time, Lin Yuanfei not only made her flock to her emotionally, but also made her very satisfied materially.

Just as the maid who notified said, when Lin Yuanfei and the others came, Yuki and Yanye had already taken their seats.

It seems that Yan Ye's consolation should still have some effect.

Yuki sat there, seemingly back to normal.

Seeing Saeko Busujima and the others appear, they smiled and stood up to say hello, as if nothing had happened.

But Lin Yuanfei...uh...Lin Yuanfei seemed to have been forgotten.

This dinner made his inexplicable junior feel cold.

During the whole process, the girls chatted happily, but he couldn't get into their conversation at all.

Several times Lin Yuanfei tried to get into the topic, but the moment he opened his mouth, the atmosphere suddenly became cold.

Everyone shut up.

Even Saeko Busujima was smiling, as if watching a play, without saying a word.

And after Lin Yuanfei shut up, the girls chatted quickly again.

At this time, probably only Fu Jiang who is next to him is willing to talk to Lin Yuanfei.

She even approached Lin Yuanfei affectionately and happily, wanting to feed Lin Yuanfei.

However, the strange situation appeared again.

Even though everyone saw the picture of Fu Jiang happily feeding Lin Yuanfei, the girls all continued to chat about their own topics, and no one expressed any opinion on it.

No one even looked this way.

This weird reaction made Lin Yuanfei a little confused.

Uh... what is this for?Sulk?isolate him?

But it's okay for Yuji to be sullen, isn't Yan Ye my apprentice?Why are you making trouble too?

And senior sister Pou Island, you teased me all the way outside just now, and teased me so happily, why did you turn your face and deny anyone in an instant?

Lin Yuanfei felt the deep malice in this world.

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