Hearing Saeko Busujima's excited inhalation, Yan Ye subconsciously grabbed Yuki's hand.

Her expression was a little frightened.

She looked at Yuki's profile anxiously.

In the dark cabinet, Yuki's expression was still unclear.

But Yuki's hand broke away from Yan Ye silently.

Yan Ye suddenly looked terrified.

Master!Sister Yuki, she...

Yan Ye wanted to grab Yuki's hand again, but Yuki's hand had already been raised and touched the cabinet door.

At that moment...

There was a chaotic sound of ping-pong-pong, it seemed that Lin Yuanfei ran away in a panic and smashed a lot of things.

His voice was extremely panicked.

"You...you don't come here! Sister Busujima! I warn you, you really don't come here again!"

Lin Yuanfei said loudly in great panic, "I'll be really rude if you come here again!"

Hearing Lin Yuanfei's words, Yuki's hand stopped on the cabinet door.

After a few seconds of silence, Yuki silently withdrew her hand.

It seems that the idea of ​​​​opening the door has been given up.

Lin Yuanfei outside was panicked like never before, and seemed to be caught off guard by Saeko Busujima.

"We can't do this!" Lin Yuanfei said in a panic, "Stand up quickly and stop messing around. If you come here again, I will be angry!"

After Lin Yuanfei's voice disappeared, he was silent for a few seconds.

Then it was Saeko Busujima's voice that sounded.

It sounds a bit confusing.

"Lin Yuan-jun, don't you like this?"

Saeko Busujima asked in confusion, "Or, does Hayashi Yuan-kun like to play something more exciting?"

Facing Saeko Busujima's deliberately pretending not to understand, Lin Yuanfei sighed.

Said, "Senior sister, we smart people don't speak dark words, why do you do this. You and I don't know, I will not do this kind of thing."

At this moment, Lin Yuanfei was leaning against the wall in a state of embarrassment, and there was a mess in front of him.

In less than five seconds, he rolled from the edge of the bed to the corner of the wall.

You know, the size of this bedroom can be used to play basketball!

Lin Yuanfei stumbled and did not know how many things he knocked down and broke, but at this moment he was in no mood to care about those furniture.

"Sister! Stop now, I can pretend nothing happened!"

Lin Yuanfei felt that his thoughts were extremely confused at this moment, and he didn't know what he was talking about.

But finally said it out, "I really don't want to do this kind of thing with you, please stop!"

As Lin Yuanfei said, he felt his heart was bleeding.

Lin Yuanfei, why doesn't he like the enchanting and sexy appearance of Saeko Busujima, and why doesn't he want to taste the beauty of the forbidden fruit together with Saeko Busujima.

In one life and two lives, he, Lin Yuanfei, has never even held a girl's hand, let alone with a sexy and charming stunner like Busujima Saeko.


"A man can do something and not do something."

Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath and said, "Sister, stop, we can still be friends."

Chapter 599 Soft Memory

In the luxurious bedroom, Lin Yuanfei tried to dissuade Saeko Busujima.

Although he was almost unable to control the flames surging in his heart.

Lin Yuanfei is also a man, and he is also obsessed with a sexy and mature body like Saeko Busujima.

But he knew it wasn't love, it was just lust.

In his heart, there was still a trace of reservedness that could not be cut off.

In other words, it has not reached the point of completely giving up treatment and breaking the can.

He also harbors fantasies, hoping that he can find a way to continue his life, and then pursue his own happiness.

And if he has done something with Saeko Busujima now, just for the pleasure of the moment, then if he finds a way to continue his life and survives in the future, will he really want to spend his whole life with Saeko Busujima?

Lin Yuanfei was afraid that he would regret it again.

Because he couldn't make up his mind to be with Saeko Busujima.

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