Lin Yuanfei gritted his teeth, and promised seriously in this life.

Saeko Busushima smiled slightly and said, "Then Hayashi Yuan-kun hurt senior sister's heart, and he needs to make up for it..."

"Just a little... small compensation will do."

As Saeko Busujima said, her face slowly approached Lin Yuanfei.

The breathing of the two can be felt by each other gradually.

The warm breath sprayed on the opponent's face.Feeling the breath of the other party at such a close distance, Saeko Busushima's face turned slightly rosy.

Her delicate lips were slightly parted, like a pomegranate fruit that had already been cracked, delicate and charming.

As for Lin Yuanfei, he watched Saeko Busujima's face getting closer and closer stiffly.

This time, he couldn't escape.

There is no position to dodge, let alone the qualification to dodge.

He stood there stiffly, like a stone, watching Saeko Busujima's face getting closer and closer.

Finally, the lips of the two slowly touched each other.

Saeko Busujima's hand gently wrapped around the back of Lin Yuanfei's neck.

Breathing gradually became heavy.

But from the corners of his eyes, crystal tears fell silently...

In the cabinet, Yan Ye was silent.

She timidly looked at Yuki beside her, not knowing how to deal with the situation in front of her.

And Yuki beside her also stood there silently.

In the darkness, Yuki's expression could not be seen.

But the silence at this moment undoubtedly belonged to the two people hugging and kissing together in the bedroom.

It will become the softest memory in the hearts of both of them...

Author's message:

PS: I was delayed by something today. I originally planned to make the fifth update, but I couldn't finish it.

Tomorrow five more

Chapter 600 There must be a misunderstanding

In the bedroom, Saeko Busujima was sitting on the bed.

She put her arms around Lin Yuanfei's neck, raised her face, and kissed Lin Yuanfei's lips.

The lips and tongues of the two intertwined, and the hot and humid breath sprayed on each other's faces.

Saeko Busujima's breathing was obviously heavy.

The pink smudges dyed the roots of her ears red.

Time seems to have stopped at this moment.

When the two hugged and kissed together, it seemed that only the two of them were left in this world.

Between each other, everything has been forgotten.

Even the air in the bedroom seemed so quiet.



Outside the bedroom door, the voice of the maid Chang Qingzi suddenly sounded, "There is a girl named Tohsaka Rin outside who wants to see you."

The voice of the head maid was like a heavy hammer, waking up the two who were in the ecstasy of kissing.

Lin Yuanfei quickly broke free from Saeko Busujima's embrace, and took a step back.

The moment the two lips parted, a light silver thread was pulled out in the air.

But it quickly broke.

Lin Yuanfei took a step back and looked at Saeko Busujima on the bed.

Saeko Busujima also looked at him, returning a gentle smile.

The two were silent for a few seconds, Lin Yuanfei touched his lips, and then he answered loudly to the maid outside.

"Rin Tohsaka? Where is she?"

Lin Yuanfei shouted loudly, as if this could cover up his guilty conscience.

But the maid Qingzi was very well-behaved and sensible, so she didn't push the door and refuse to come in, otherwise Lin Yuanfei would be really embarrassed to see this scene in the bedroom.

But Tohsaka Rin?

emmm... What is Rin Tohsaka doing here?

Lin Yuanfei didn't remember any friendship between himself and Tohsaka Rin.

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