Demons are very ancient creatures.But modern times are already rare.

One of the responsibilities of the Church of the Holy Church was to fight against these demons and cure demons and evil spirits.To be able to see demons in Japan in the far east, or in the second century, is almost as lucky as winning the first prize in the lottery.But this kind of luck is bad luck.

Of course, Aoko Shimada didn't care, it wasn't because she was an Onmyoji, it was just because a vengeful woman only longed for the power of demons.

After Shimada Aoko's attitude softened, the devil smiled and opened his mouth.

"I planted a seed in him, and once his human side disappeared completely, what awaited him was not death, but a new life—a new life as a demon.

"The more he uses my power, the farther he is from the category of human beings, and the closer he is to the attributes of demons."

"But it's a pity that there seems to be some accident recently. If it continues like this, it may not be able to sustain the complete death of his human side, and he will be able to find a way to survive."

"So I, I can only use some other methods."

The devil, who is as cute as a child, shows an innocent smile

"With my assistance... you can seize the power of the Shimada family."

"At that time, you will be able to use the power of the Shimada family to crush Lin Yuan. When the external pressure exceeds the limit of his ability to bear, he must borrow my strength again.

"Even being killed by you directly doesn't matter.

"Because when the human Linyuan dies, the demon I expected will be born.

"And the fight between Lin Yuan and the Shimada family just fulfilled your desire for revenge. This stinky family that took the power of your mother and child suffered heavy casualties. As a human being, Lin Yuan will also have a high probability

"Isn't such a plan just enough to eliminate the two most important murderers who killed your son?"

"Ms. Shimada, do you think this plan is okay?" Under the dim lights of the hotel, the young girl's smile was extremely beautiful.Shimada Aoko's gloomy face could not be seen clearly in the darkness, but the light flickering in the darkness showed her own innermost unrest.After a while, she took a deep breath.This young widowed woman, middle-aged widowed woman, stood in front of the devil, and said in a low voice with dark eyes.

"How can you help me?"

In the dark, the arc of the devil's mouth became more brilliant.Half an hour later, Shimada's house.Shimada's house under the night is very lively.

The brightly lit Shimada clan is preparing to welcome tonight's guests.

Although this guest was an enemy hunted down by their clan not long ago, this [-]-degree change in attitude is not difficult for the aristocratic family to adapt to.Although the people of the tribe secretly criticized the patriarch and the old man who made this decision, but the old man's prestige for many years is there, and no one dares to feel uncomfortable at this time.So tonight's welcome banquet is very grandly prepared.As for Shimada Ryujuro, he was sitting in his small courtyard, listening to the noise from a distance, and staring at the stone wall in front of him expressionlessly.

On the stone wall in front of him, hung a huge rising sun flag.Whenever the old man was restless, he would look at the huge rising sun flag and think about the time when Ruo had been in the United Sea Car Fleet.Recalling the past like this seems to be able to help him calm down.But tonight, no matter what, he couldn't have a peaceful heart.Some kind of inexplicable anxiety and uneasiness filled his heart.

The old man knew that something bad had probably happened, but no matter how he recalled or thought about it, he couldn't think of anything wrong.So that when his son came to visit him not long ago, he drove Shimada Nobuhide away indifferently.In the small courtyard today, Shimada Ryujuro is the only one left.At this time, no one dares to approach here.

However, the sound of footsteps approaching from far interrupted the old man's thoughts.

At the same time, it also aroused the anger of the old man.He turned around coldly and looked in the direction behind him.There, his daughter-in-law Shimada Aoko was slowly walking towards him.He has never liked this eccentric and vicious daughter-in-law.So after the death of the eldest son, the relationship between the old man and his daughter-in-law became worse.

Especially after the only son left by the eldest son was spoiled by his mother, the old man was full of resentment and dissatisfaction with this daughter-in-law.Now that the other party dared to disturb him, it was almost impossible to suppress the anger that was boiling like a volcano in his heart.He looked at Ruo's daughter-in-law coldly, and said, "Qingzi? What's the matter?"

Heizhong and Shimada Qingzi slowly came to a place five meters away from the old man.

The two looked at each other with gloomy eyes.

Aoko Shimada was not surprised by the poor attitude of the old man, because she had seen worse ones before.In other words, if the old man treats her better, she will be surprised.She also looked coldly at the old man opposite, and said, "Father, I want to ask you a question, a question I have always wanted to ask you, can you take a moment to answer me now?"

"Huh?" The old man frowned slightly, and was about to get angry.So he nodded indifferently and said, "Just ask.

"Okay, Father," Shimada Aoko said respectfully with a cold attitude and no respect at all, "I just want to ask you a question, why did you take away Nobunaga's inheritance right back then? The old man's pupils were so fierce The ground shrank. The moment he heard this question, he suddenly realized something, and subconsciously stepped back. His finger also drew a shallow symbol in the void. He was about to escape!

But it was too late.

A ferocious devil's claw protruded from the shadow behind the old man, and gently strangled his throat.

The breath was extended to the old man's limbs.His body froze there, even his soul was frozen, unable to move at all, he could only stare at his daughter-in-law in front of him with horrified and angry eyes.However, under his horrified and hateful gaze, Shimada Aoko didn't back down from the usual Vino.

She sneered, raised her head, stared back at the old man for the first time, and said

"Father, don't you want to answer my question?" The old man glared at her angrily, his eyes cracked.

Chapter 675 Family Thief

In the quiet small courtyard, there was a dead silence.The moment the old man was strangled by the devil's claws, it was already too late.

He looked at his daughter-in-law opposite him angrily, as if he wanted to jump over and tear her apart.

"The old man is very vigilant... When he heard that something was wrong with his daughter-in-law, he planned to run away. Unfortunately, it was too late.

The old man stood there stiffly, not moving at all.

The demon behind him continued to laugh mockingly, you want to ask me how this kind of demon got in, right? After all, it is the head of the dignified Shimada family, even if it is me, it is impossible to casually

"But it's a pity. House thieves are the most difficult to guard against in this world. This is an eternal truth.

"You are such a smart old man, don't you understand when you see your daughter-in-law?"

The devil's laughter made the old man's eyes crack.The residence of the magician is often his most stable grinding workshop.Even if there is a big difference in strength between the two parties, the stronger party dare not enter the opponent's corruption studio at will.

As for an ancient big family like the Shimada family, the ancestral home of the ancestral family is even more dangerous and unpredictable for outsiders.But just like what the devil said, no matter how dangerous the corruption workshop is, once someone guides the way, it will be no different from being undefended.The old man looked at his daughter-in-law angrily, but he couldn't change anything.In the sight of his hatred, the demon behind him dragged him into the darkness.

Then, in the corner of this dark courtyard, there was a creepy chewing sound.As the only bystander, Shimada Qingzi just watched all this happen without any fear.Those eyes were even filled with the joy of revenge.In her excited gaze, after the sound of chewing in the darkness ended, the figure of the devil slowly came out.

Then, under the faint light, the body of the demon in the form of a young girl twisted for a while, and turned into a gray-haired old man. The old man stood under the dim light and looked at his body. He laughed.

"My dear daughter-in-law, are you all right now? The old man looked at Aoko Shimada in front of him.

Shimada Aoko was not surprised by this, but just nodded, her expression returning to indifferent respect.

Shimada Aoko was as indifferent as ever, "It's all right now." Shimada Liujuro laughed, stroked the beard on his chin, and said, "Then you go and call my good son, I'm here Wait for him."

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