...You really can't support the wall with mud.

The old man murmured in a low voice,

"Having said so much, you are still afraid of the so-called disputes... You have been the head of the Shimada family for so long, haven't you learned a truth?"

"If there is a war, you must hold the initiative of the war in your own hands!"

The old man growled angrily, "You may not be able to decide the end of the war, but you can at least decide the beginning of the war! Don't you have to wait until Toshizo Tsuchimikado is fully prepared, and then eat the entire Shimada family to the bone? left?'

The old man's angry roar made Nobuhide Shimada's body tremble in fright, and he knelt on the ground directly.

"Father!" Shimada Nobuhide lowered his head tremblingly and said, "I know I was wrong! Shimada Nobuhide said through gritted teeth.

Gen obviously, this son who is not aggressive still doesn't agree with his father's statement, but he can't resist his father's authority.

He lowered his head in pain, and said, "What should I do next, please guide me, my father. Nobuhide Shimada's retreat made the old man silent for a few seconds.

He turned around slowly, looked at his son kneeling in front of him, and said.The old man didn't seem to see his son's expression and trembling body, but said lightly, "Since there may be a war, let's get ready first.

"Tonight, there might be a lot of trouble...

The convoy drove slowly into the gate of Shimada's house.

Said it was a convoy. In fact, there were only four cars.

Three of them were parked not far from the gate, and only the car carrying the girl drove into Shimada's house.

After all, this is the Shimada family, so there is no need for too many guards to ensure the safety of the girl.If even the protection of the Shimada family can't protect the girl, then it is probably useless to increase the number of the girl's guards by ten times.

Therefore, there were no guards to follow the girl into Shimada's house.Soon, the car arrived at the designated place.The girl got out of the car, and the Shimada family greeted her in front.

This time, the one who greeted her was no longer the shady Shimada Aoko, but Shimada Nobuhide's wife, Shimada Nobukatsu's mother who died in Chiba, Shimada Yuko.This lady has the grace and luxury of a noble family, as well as the gentleness and amiability of Yamato Nadeshiko.

Facing Orihime's arrival, Shimada Yuko welcomed him with a smile.Even if his son's death was somehow related to the girl in front of him.But there was no hatred in Shimada Yuko's eyes.

She greeted Zhi Ji with a smile, and even warmly took Zhi Ji's hand, leading Zhi Ji to the banquet hall together.So facing Yuko Shimada's affectionate behavior, Orihime didn't resist too much, but calmly let the other party hold her hand.

Shimada Yuko's friendly attitude looks like an older aunt.

However, in other parts of Shimada's house other than these two women, some similar orders were quickly conveyed.Many people who were walking outside the family were called back one after another.

The Shimada family members in the entire capital city received similar messages, quickly put down their work, and rushed to the family immediately.Looking from the night sky, the streets near Shimada's house are full of traffic lights.

In this scene, even the lively and bustling banquet hall seemed to have a strange atmosphere.

There seems to be a little more gloom and a little killing intent in the air

Chapter 677 Dagger Now

The moon is rising and the night is falling.The noisy Shimada House is brightly lit in the night.

This is an area near the outskirts of the city. Although it is within the scope of Kyoto City, once you leave the gate of Shimada's house, the streets outside will look very deserted.

But the interior of Shimada's house, which is separated by a door, is bustling and lively.It's just that these luxury are not seen by ordinary people.

One after another, luxury cars in the eyes of ordinary people drove into the gate of Shimada's house, but these cars were extremely quiet, without any noise or horn.

The quiet air inexplicably gave people a feeling that they were about to suffocate.This general mobilization of the whole family, generally speaking, only appears at the beginning of the new year.Now that such a big battle suddenly appeared, it naturally attracted the attention of many people.

The Tsuchimikado family, who were also in another area of ​​the capital city, were keenly aware of the abnormality of the Shimada family.When Tsuchimikado Toshizo was informed about the Shimada family's incident, he was playing chess with that guest.The guest from Europe is Nied Hogg, a famous white magician who is about the same age as Tsuchimikado.This surname originated from a certain black dragon in Norse mythology.

legend.People in this family also use dragon blood.In front of Nid Hogg, Toshizo Tsuchimikado did not evade, and listened to the information conveyed from below.After hearing the change in Shimada's house, Tsuchimikado Toizo frowned and fell into deep thought.It was Nid Hogg who laughed, "It seems that the Shimada family is very respectful to your family. It's just a peace talk banquet. They made it so easy.

Tsuchimikado Toizo shook his head at his friend's ridicule.He stood up, paced in the small courtyard, pondered, and said.

"Has Orihime entered the Shimada's house?" Tsuchimikado Toshizo asked the assistant.

The assistant nodded, "Missy has already entered Shimada's house an hour ago, and she should be at the banquet hall now.

"That's it... Tsuchimikado Suizo thought about it, and said, "Arrange someone to pick her up at the Shimada's house. Just say that there is an urgent matter in the clan and call her back. Don't stay at the Shimada's house."

Yes," the assistant took out the phone and started to communicate.

However, two minutes later, he looked at Tsuchimikado Toishan with a slightly astonished expression, "The two people who were rushing to each other looked at each other because they couldn't get in touch with the courtyard, and they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Tsuchimikado Toshizo's eyes turned cold.

"I can't get in touch with you all...

"Well, none of them can be reached.'

"In that case... Tsuchimikado Toizo played with the chess piece with his finger, the ponderer said, "Where is Hayashibara now? Have you returned to Ganba?"

Not yet, the train he was on stopped in Aichi Prefecture.Because someone committed suicide by lying on the rails, the train stopped running, and the train has not yet resumed operation.

.Then wait a little longer," Tsuchimikado Toizo squeezed the chess piece in his hand, and said slowly, "Let's see what the Shimada family wants to do.

Tsuchimikado Toshizo's order made the assistant to retreat respectfully.

At the same time, at the banquet hall of the Shimada family, the performances of the maidens have ended.

With a slight cough, the most awesome old man of the Shimada family came out slowly surrounded by people.The moment she saw the old man, Orihime was a little surprised.Because the people who entertained her tonight were Shimada Nobuhide and his wife.

It is already a matter of face for the other party to entertain her, a junior, as the patriarch of the clan.Orihime, like everyone else, got up.Under her observation, the old man coughed softly and walked into the room slowly.

Then, something weird happened.Not only the maidens withdrew, but even the maids standing beside them also withdrew.

The accompanying guests also retreated one after another.

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