Even after solving the few resentful spirits in front of him, it is best to slip away as soon as possible, and the two sides completely cut off the relationship.

If Yuno feels that her existence hinders her and her sister, why should she find a chance to chop herself up?

Although the strength and reaction speed of this body are very good, Yuno in this world does not seem to be particularly fierce, and he may not be cowardly in a one-on-one duel.

However, my wife Yunai is not only proficient in thirty-six weapons, but also proficient in all kinds of swords, spears, swords, halberds, hammers, and axes. She is also a master of medicine.

These days, it is easy to hide with open guns, and it is difficult to guard against dark arrows.

After finally persuading the runaway Yuno with Yuki, Lin Yuanfei breathed a sigh of relief.

At least, although Yuno in this world is a little sicker, she still listens to her elder sister's words in the general direction.

This may be because of the family environment where the two grew up since they were young, right?

According to the information obtained so far, it can be inferred that Yuki's parents are probably the ones who often go out on business trips. There are only sisters and sisters at home. As an older sister, Yuki has a certain dignity in front of her. It's great.

In this way, as long as you are careful, the probability of being chopped by Yuno will be smaller!

Lin Yuanfei thought about it, and after Yuno calmed down, the three made a new plan.

The plan is actually very simple. To go to school tomorrow, mainly to find Mr. Takagi, and find a way to find out the whereabouts of Freddy's body from Mr. Takagi.

As long as the whereabouts of Freddy's body can be determined, then it will be easy to do.

Before that, for the sake of safety, the three of them decided to sleep in the same room tonight and take turns to sleep at night, lest everyone fall asleep and die inexplicably.

Hmm, sleeping Yuno's room.

This was brought up by Yuni.

Although Yuki proposed to sleep in her room at first, Yuno protested strongly, with those dangerous eyes obviously not wanting Lin Yuan to fly into her sister's boudoir.

It doesn't matter where Lin Yuanfei sleeps, he must be sleeping on the floor anyway.

Although he felt that Yuno clearly told him to get out of the aisle to sleep, but in front of Yuki, Yuno did not express his true thoughts.

In the end, everyone decided that Lin Yuanfei would stay in the first half of the night, and Yunai would stay in the second half of the night.

Lin Yuanfei slept on the floor as he guessed, while Yuno and Yuki slept on the big bed.

Lin Yuanfei was too lazy to take care of this perverted sister Yuno because he was excited to sleep with his sister. He sat in the corner holding the broken wooden knife in his arms, silently thinking about what happened today.

Uh... always feel like I forgot something?

On the other side, after Yuno and Yuki turned off the lights and fell asleep, the room became quiet.

Until a few minutes later, Yuki suddenly sat up, "Lin Yuan-kun..."

Yuki looked at Lin Yuanfei blankly, "I always feel like we have forgotten something important..."

In the dim light, the two looked at each other.

"Fuck! Student Council President!"

Lin Yuanfei instantly bounced off the floor and rushed towards the basement holding the wooden knife.

Behind him, Yuno Yuki in pajamas—by the way, Yuki and sister Yuno took a bath together tonight, and Yuno said it was to prevent them from being destroyed by evil spirits one by one after they separated.

It's just that the hard-working Lin Yuanfei can only wash by himself. It seems that no one cares whether he will be attacked by Jia Ye when he is alone...

After the three of them came to the basement one after another, in the dark corner of the basement, the student council president Sato Akiko, who was tied up with five flowers, was curled up pitifully in the shadows, and seemed to have fallen asleep.

"Uh..." Lin Yuanfei hesitated for a moment, gently grabbed the corner of the stockings with his hand, and then pulled the whole ball of stockings out of Sato Akiko's mouth.

Sato Akiko subconsciously smacked her mouth in her sleep and murmured, "I'm so hungry..."

Lin Yuanfei was a little embarrassed.

Mom, why did you forget about this little aunt?Fortunately, she wasn't hungry enough to eat the stockings in her mouth.

He quickly untied the rope on the little girl's body, but Sato Akiko still didn't wake up.

Yuki gently shook Sato Akiko, who was in a daze, "Aki? Wake up..."

A few seconds later, the sleeping student council president opened his eyes in a daze and saw Yuki with a concerned look in front of him.

She was startled, "Yu... Yuki?"

After saying the name, Sato Akiko subconsciously covered her mouth and looked surprised—eh?can i speak?

She sat up quickly, only to find that the rope on her body and the stockings in her mouth were gone.

In front of him, Yuki and... Lin Yuanfei who looked concerned?


An inexplicable cry of grief broke through the desertedness of the basement...

Ten minutes later, in the living room.

Sato Akiko, whose face was dirty and full of tears, glared at Lin Yuanfei, who was opposite, while stuffing something into her mouth.

It looked like he was going to fight Lin Yuanfei one-on-one when he was full.

Being stared at fiercely by this little girl, Lin Yuanfei was embarrassed, and he was almost ashamed.

After all, it was indeed his fault that he left such a big living person in the basement and starved for a day, still such a young and beautiful girl.

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