The tightly closed eyes proved that he had not yet regained consciousness.

However, dragged by a certain force, the boy's body slid on the floor soundlessly, following behind the girl step by step.

This scene looked extremely terrifying in the dark shadows.

But now no one can see this scene..

Soon, the figures of the girl and the boy disappeared into the shadow of the city.What happened that night was not witnessed by a third person.This is a news that I don't know whether to say it is lucky or unfortunate.

Lin Yuanfei stood in the dark living room with a gloomy expression, without saying a word.

The living room in front of me was empty, and there was no one in sight.

My wife Yuno, Ito Makoto, the victims who may be hiding here...these people who should have appeared here have not been found.

"It seems that you are late... Xiao Wudo.

Lin Yuanfei heard Freddy's voice, "Do you think your friend Makoto Ito is still alive?"

...Lin Yuanfei's eyes were extremely gloomy.

What Freddy said... was exactly what worried him most at this moment.According to Ganhui, brother Cheng has already come in.

But he came all the way, but he didn't see Brother Cheng, and he didn't find any clues here.And my wife Yuno also disappeared, obviously completely transferred..

Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath and said

"If Brother Cheng has three advantages and two...

Lin Yuanfei's eyes were extremely gloomy, "Even if I search the entire Chiba City, I will find my wife, Yuno, a lunatic, and do nothing!"

He got through Zhi Ji's phone and asked Zhi Ji to come and help search the scene.He also called Xintian and asked Xintian to mobilize manpower to find Brother Cheng.

And Zhi Ji came over soon.

She went straight to the corner of the living room and found a small thing in the shadows.After handing this thing to Lin Yuanfei, Zhi Ji said.

"Your friend is basically in danger." Orihime said indifferently, "This is the tracker I installed in his mobile phone, and he doesn't even know it.But now it is lost here. Obviously, your friend has been found by the other party

"That my wife Yuno even took his mobile phone and found the chaser in the mobile phone... This woman's vigilance is very strong. Hayashi Yuan 8 was stunned for a second, "You... you are in Brother Cheng Is there a tracker in my mobile phone? Then don’t you know where he has gone?” The girl said with a cold face, “Theoretically, that’s the case.

"Brother Cheng has been away from Lin Yuan's team for so long, why didn't you warn?!" Lin Yuanfei's face was filled with excitement.

...The girl looked at him indifferently and said, "It's two o'clock in the morning. My fiancé, don't I want to sleep? You didn't let me stare at him [-] hours a day. Who knew he would act without authorization of?"

"Please don't stand if you don't want to hurt your back if you talk, okay?"

Lin Yuanfei misfired.

Chapter 748 I am not a demon

In the dark living room, the atmosphere seemed a little awkward.Lin Yuan stood there in embarrassment, speechless.

Ji glanced at him and said, "But don't be so desperate, no body is the best news.

"Maybe my wife Yuno didn't kill Makoto Ito, but left him behind?"

If I were my wife Yuno, I would not have killed Makoto Ito.Zhi Ji said calmly, "So judging from the current situation, the probability of Makoto Ito alive is much higher than the probability of him dying. If I can't find Makoto Ito's body in the next few days, then he can basically be He was held hostage. Zhiji's deduction made Lin Yuanfei heave a sigh of relief. He looked at the indifferent girl in front of him, opened his mouth and apologized. Lin Yuanfei said very guilty. Zhiji rolled his eyes and remained indifferent.

"What do you need the police to do if an apology is useful?" Zhi Ji said with a cold face, "And you don't need to apologize to me, it's just that you were yelled at twice, I won't take this trivial matter to heart.

"If you have time to worry about this, why don't you mobilize your people to find Makoto Ito.

"Isn't your Lin Yuan team known as the three thousand disciples? As the top snakes of the cadres, no one should be better than you in finding people, right?" ?Did Hayashihara group really shout out the slogan of the Second Secondary School? It’s too embarrassing. This night’s dry leaf is not peaceful for many people.

All the members of Lin Yuan's team came out and searched the whole city under Lin Yuan's order.Even Kan Fang helped.All bars, nightclubs, hotels, parks, and places where people could hide in the entire Chiba city area were searched.Even places where bums haunt, such as under bridge holes and park benches, were not spared.But nothing.Makoto Ito and my wife Yuno were not found. These two people seemed to have evaporated from the world, and there was no elimination at all.

It wasn't until dawn that Lin Yuanfei returned to the villa under the escort of the pheasant.However, after returning to the villa, he was a little surprised by the scene in front of him.Outside the gate of the villa, there were two people kneeling, a man and a woman.There were several members of Lin Yuan's group standing around, as if they were guarding the kneeling two people.

After Lin Yuan walked over, everyone greeted him.And the two people kneeling on the ground turned their heads quickly, and the girl among them cried and begged for mercy.

"Woooooooo... Team leader, please let us go. I know I was wrong... I know I was wrong... oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

The girl's crying made Lin Yuan a little emotional.

What's the situation?" He looked at Qingzi beside him, because he recognized the identity of the girl kneeling on the ground.

It's one of the maids in the villa-, it seems that the name is... Yukino? Or Yukino?

Lin Yuan was a little confused, not knowing where these guys were playing.

"This man is Xue Nai's boyfriend, a loafing gambler. He has been calling J to force Xue Nai to give him money, and it is precisely to talk to him. Xue Nai ignored the task you gave her, You didn't receive a call from Mr. Ito.

"So the two of them are the chief culprits who caused Mr. Ito to lose the hospital! Let's catch them now and let the master dispose of them.

Qingzi's description made Lin Yuanfei stunned.

He glanced at the two kneeling in front of him again.And her boyfriend had a look of fear, and his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, obviously he had already been beaten.Seeing these two people, Lin Yuanfei fell silent.

To be honest, if he first met these two people, he might really give some terrible orders.

But after tossing all night, now Lin Yuan's mood has calmed down a lot.

"Things have already happened, and blaming them won't help.

"And the real culprit of Ito's murder is my wife Yuno. The two of them are just idiots at the right time. Lin Yuanfei waved his hand and said, "If you kill, you don't need to kill. The man cuts off his hands, and the woman Just pull out the tongue. "

"I, Lin, am not a devil. I won't blame others. I'll let them go this time."

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