"Of course, I think it might be because she has been too happy in her recent life." Yuki sighed and said, "What Lin Yuan-kun didn't know is that it actually started from the day when Ms. Tomoe moved in here until this morning. Ms. Jiang has already spent 7 million yen[-]..."

...8 million and [-] yuan...The corner of Lin Yuanfei's mouth twitched.

Although he has no idea about the consumption of Japanese yen. But [-] million yen... emmmm..., this figure is scary enough even if it is converted into RMB.

And it's spent in the past few days... How did Gao Jiang spend in this bitch? Lin Yuanfei is a little bit compelled.It is not very difficult to spend so much money in such a short period of time, but it is a bit scary to spend so much money in such a short period of time without leaving home.

This is not the China of more than ten years later, where you can go crazy at home with electricity and shop online.Moreover, in terms of prices in 03, spending [-] million yuan in such a short period of time...was cheating! No wonder Jiagaojiang is such a good-behaved bitch, he must be soft when buying things, right? Yuki's narration made Lin Yuanfei Sighed.

"It seems that if we don't think of a way to deal with Fu Jiang, Lin Yuan's group will be bankrupted by her! Lin Yuanfei's emotion made Yuki show a curious expression.

"How does Mr. Lin Yuan plan to deal with Sister Gao Jiang?"

"Of course, according to the original plan, find a place to imprison her and seal her up!"

Lin Yuanfei said, "But now we have to save brother Cheng, and sister Dudao, and find Yuno and the illusionist, and we can deal with Fu Jiang after these things are dealt with.

"...Why are there always messy things happening around me? Lin Yuanfei said Ruo, a little speechless, "There has been no rest in the past twenty days!"

Yuki rolled her eyes.Did not speak.

Sitting beside him, he smiled and watched Lin Yuanfei finish his lunch before getting up to clear the table.

"Leave the rest to me, Lin Yuan-jun.

Yuki smiled and said, "Go and do your own business first, but remember to go home and eat dinner. I will prepare dinner for you. Yuki said very caringly, like a man watching her husband go out Working wife kind.

Lin Yuanfei felt warm in his heart when he saw this scene.He smiled and nodded, "Don't worry. I will definitely not miss the dinner prepared by Yuki. If I don't come back to eat the dinner prepared by such a cute Yuki. Then I would be too stupid.

If he said that, he laughed and left the shy Yuki.

Walking out of the gate, Lin Yuanfei felt inexplicably refreshed. Not only did he feel much better mentally, but even his physical fatigue was gone.

It seems that the sleep recovery is very effective? Or is Yuki’s love lunch so powerful? It’s not.. It’s not ginseng fruit. How can eating a few pieces of meat have such a magical effect? ​​It’s probably a psychological effect.Thinking like this, Lin Yuanfei left the gate of the villa straight away.Outside, the girl named Gui Yanye has been practicing sword for a long time in her own corner.

Seeing Lin Yuanfei coming back, the girl saluted very politely. "Master girl said softly and softly. Next, under the huge camphor tree, the girl named Gui Yanye seriously practiced the sword skills she had memorized so far.

The reason why I say "remember" rather than "acquire" is because the girls nowadays just memorize it by rote, and the sword skills can't even be used in actual combat, let alone understand the profound meaning of the Feitian Yujian style. But Lin Yuanfei sees it After finishing her performance, she nodded in satisfaction.

"It's not bad, it's already pretty good looking. Lin Yuanfei happily praised Yan Ye's progress, "It seems that you didn't delay your sword practice during the time I was away.You are so hardworking, I am very happy to be a teacher. "

Lin Yuanfei said Ruo, and took out a secret book.

"This is the secret book I prepared for you, it records the esoteric swordsmanship and practice tips of the Feitian Yujian style.

"You use this secret book of secrets to cooperate with the moves I taught you, even without my guidance, you should be able to learn something."

"Maybe you can't become a generation of swordsmen, but at least you can become a qualified inheritor of Feitian Yujian.

"Of course, remember to keep this secret book carefully, and don't let others see it.

"Because this set of secrets must be practiced in conjunction with the moves I taught you. It only records the tricks of practice and the true meaning of the sword, and there are no real specific sword moves."

"Other people who read this secret book, it's fine if they are ordinary people, but if they read it, they will be affected by the things recorded in it, causing their own sword practice to stagnate and even go crazy.

"The consequences are serious, you'd better be careful, don't kill innocent people.

Lin Yuanfei handed the secret book to the bewildered Yan Ye, and said, "How about you open it and have a look? You can't understand the words on it, right?"

"I can't help it, your master, I'm Chinese, so I can only write Chinese characters, and I don't even know a few Japanese characters. You asked me to write a secret book in Japanese characters, it's hard to do.

"So you have to find time to learn Chinese by yourself in the future. Anyway, your family is rich, so let your parents pay for you to find a Chinese teacher. After you learn Chinese, you can read the text on the secret book by yourself

"Don't worry, the writing for the teacher is very easy to understand and not complicated at all. You don't need to be very good at Chinese, as long as you can understand most of the daily expressions. After Lin Yuan finished speaking, Yan Ye was stunned.

She looked at Ruo Lin Yuanfei timidly, and said in a low voice, "Master, you... are you going to do something dangerous?"

"Uh, can I see you?" Lin Yuan was a little confused.

The little girl said timidly, "The things you have done, Master, make me feel that you... seem to be preparing... to prepare...

"Preparing for the funeral?" Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes and said what Yan Ye didn't dare to say.

"Just kidding! Your master and I look like a martyr who died bravely? Even if the earth explodes, your master and I can live well!" Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes wildly and said, "I just spend time every day It’s just teaching you. Can’t you learn by yourself? The time of being a teacher is so precious, how could it be wasted on you every day!” Lin Yuan said bluntly that if there is no teacher’s morality.

Chapter 751 Mission Impossible

Lin Yuanfei said brazen words confidently and confidently, without considering the image that Master should have at all.

Of course, he was indeed lying to Ye.

Although he wasn't preparing for the funeral, he was indeed planning to run away after finishing the matter here.He still has to go to Hokkaido to seek help from Tang Yifu, who is so troublesome.Although Orihime just mentioned this name, how many weak people are there who can come out of China? Although China is still in the fog of war, the tip of the iceberg exposed is already very scary what.

I, the Great Qin Star Destroyer, is the number one jiog in the world! Lin Yuanfei felt that since that Tang Yifu was able to get Zhi Ji, Miss Tu Yumen] to mention it, there must be two brushes.When you have to recover from illness, you will fly away and be a wandering traveler.

In his previous life, Lin Yuanfei was bound by life, reality, and the most important thing, money, so he couldn't go to many places he wanted to go.

But this time. He's going on an instant trip!

The afternoon sun is slightly hot.The streets of Akihabara are full of people coming and going.On both sides of this long street, several large shopping malls are selling commodities related to the dimension.Of course, there are also some maids in maid costumes on the street handing out leaflets for cafes.Although the looks of these maids are basically not very beautiful, their soft voices and cute smiles are easy to give people a good impression.If you have time to sit and experience their caring service, it is indeed a very interesting experience for foreign tourists.

However, most of the nerds are obviously not very interested in the maids and sisters, and the pedestrians who come and go pay more attention to the nearby big shops.

There are several floors of shops here, and each floor sells a wide range of hand-made items.Legend has it that on one of the buildings, the age limit gets higher every time you go upstairs.The first floor is for all ages, and the page floor is for products that are really banned under 18.And in the alleys behind these large shopping malls, there are also large and small second-hand shops, where you can find very good second-hand comics, grandchildren, CDs and other related animation products.

Therefore, for most dead houses, this small neighborhood is really a paradise.And the priest named Kotomine Toro was standing helplessly in the store at this time.Looking at his younger sister who was about to press her face into the glass kitchen window, she shook her head speechlessly.

And the girl named Kallen, staring at the products in the window with wide eyes at this time, said:

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