As a result, only Yuki and Yanye were left in the dining room.

The two well-educated girls were eating dinner slowly. The restaurant seemed very quiet, only the melodious and melodious music enlivened the atmosphere.Finally, when Yuki put down the tableware and wiped her lips with a Goeshi towel, she looked at Yan Ye opposite, showing a gentle smile.

"Yan Ye, did you practice sword hard today? Yan Ye, who also finished eating, also put down the tableware and nodded.

Well, I'm a little tired, but it's okay," Yan Ye said, "The master's teaching is very attentive, I want to memorize all the sword formulas as soon as possible, and live up to the master's expectations.Yuki smiled slightly, "Although Lin Yuan-kun expects to work hard, Yan Ye, you should also pay attention to your body and rest more.

"Lin Yuan-jun is a careless man who doesn't know how to be considerate of girls. So Yan Ye, you have to learn to care for yourself.

"If you rely on Lin Yuan-kun for everything, then there is no hope. Yan Ye was stunned by Yuki's smile. On her face, there was an embarrassing smile that she didn't know what to do, so she could only smile Yuki sighed softly and said,

"For the current Lin Yuan-jun, the inheritance of the Feitian Yujian style is probably his most inseparable heart disease, right?"

"If you can learn all of his sword skills and let Fei Tian Yu Jianliu's kendo continue to pass on, Lin Yuan-kun will be able to relax completely, right?" Yuki sighed softly, Yan Ye was stunned.

.... Is that so?" It was the first time she thought of the situation Yuki said. And Yuki looked at her and smiled slightly, "That's right, the thing Lin Yuan-kun never forgets the most is Feitian Yujianliu inherited.

"As long as you learn all his sword skills and pass on the way of swordsmanship, he will no longer have any burdens and complete freedom.

"This is the goal Lin Yuan-kun has always wanted to achieve. Yuki bit her finger lightly and smiled sweetly, "So it's really great to meet Yan Ye.

"Lin Yuan-jun is probably also rejoicing about this... ..

Chapter 754 Coordinates ([-])

Under the night, the sky is full of stars.Dry Leaf City at night is very unsettled.The Hayashiyuan Group, the extreme organization that dominates the entire city, has recently searched for a certain missing boy, and the chain reaction that has been triggered has even spread to all walks of life.

Bars, night clubs, KTV, hotels, apartment houses, homeless people, love action movie shooting companies

Even the police in Chiba dispatched some people to help find it.

What Bi Jinglin's former group did was not a crime, and with such a large organization, the police were also worried about trouble.

However, in this mansion at the core of the Linyuan group, everything seemed very quiet.

Most of the manpower was sent out, except for a small number of people who stayed secretly to guard, this place even gave off a sparsely populated feeling.And in the corner of the Hayashiyuan Group's mansion, in one of the most secluded and secret courtyards, Kishima Yako slowly opened his eyes.In the darkness, no one could see the expression on her face clearly.But her waking up undoubtedly alarmed the two girls not far away.In the room where she slept, two other girls were lying on the tatami floor.The three women slept on the tatami mats like the most pure Japanese.But the other two girls are actually here to protect her. It is also to prevent the disappearance of Makoto Ito from happening again.Now that Yuko Busushima just opened her eyes and sat up, the two girls not far away also sat up.

They looked at Yuko Busushima with some sleepiness.

"Miss Busujima, do you need any help?" one of the girls who was the bodyguard asked.Butujima Yako looked at them and was silent for a few seconds.


"I'm going to the toilet, do you want to follow me?" Yuko Busushima asked the bodyguard for advice.

The two girls looked at each other, and one of them lifted the quilt and stood up, saying, "I'll go with you.

The restroom is not far from the next door, and the distance is very close. No matter what happens, they can be immediately supported, so the two girls did not go there together.

After all, if two people really followed closely, it would more or less make the protected person feel awkward about being watched.After Bushima Yako got up, one of the girls followed.The two pushed open the wooden door, walked into the corridor with wooden floors, and walked towards the toilet.When Kishima Yako entered the bathroom, she closed the door.The bodyguard outside the door stood there dutifully, guarding the door behind him.In the dimly lit corridor, there was a brief silence.And in the bathroom behind the girl, there was a clear and crisp sound.Then there was the sound of the toilet flushing.

Then, there was the sound of turning on the tap to wash hands.

Afterwards, the door was opened, and Yuko Busushima came out.

Business as usual.

The girl turned around and smiled, "Poison Island.

There was a muffled sound, and the moment the girl turned around, Yuko Busushima's knife mercilessly fell on her back shoulder.Under the powerful bombardment, the girl's face froze and her eyes widened in disbelief.

Then, he fell down like this.

The daughter of a samurai family who has practiced swordsmanship since she was a child, even without weapons, she is not weaker than others.

Yuko Busushima gently hugged the unconscious girl, and then put her lightly on the floor.

Didn't make a sound.

Then, she looked towards the room not far away.There, a girl was also lying in the room.The other party also came to protect her.but now.

Shimao was silent and walked slowly towards the room.She calmly opened the wooden door, walked into the room calmly, and walked towards the girl lying in the corner calmly.

- Cut, it seems business as usual.

The girl who heard the footsteps didn't have Zhijie either. In the darkness, she just glanced at the black figure in front of her curiously and asked.

"Miss Poison Island?"

Then, Kishima's arms strangled her around her neck.Naked twist!

The moment the joint technique unfolded, the girl who was tightly bound on the ground widened her eyes in disbelief, but her throat was tightly strangled by Yuko Busujima, and she couldn't make any sound except for a painful hooting sound.

Not being able to ask for help from other people in another cabin.

Soon, the girl fell into a coma due to temporary hypoxia.Butujima Yako quickly let go of the other party to prevent the other party from dying due to suffocation for too long.She went to the back room, found the rope in the cabinet, bound and gagged the two girls who were supposed to protect her, and put them into their respective quilts.In this way, even if they wake up, they will not be able to notify the outside for a while.After doing all this, Shimaoko relaxed slightly.

"I also have a temper. After the voice fell, Yuko Busushima squeezed the golden talisman paper in her hand.

Then, her figure disappeared from the spot.

At the same time, a phantom appeared on the island, rushing towards Ruo's darkness. A few minutes later.Kishima Kishiko came to the streets of Ganba City.

At this time, it has not yet entered the middle of the night, and the streets in the city center are full of people coming and going as usual.

But Kishima Yako went straight through the crowd and walked towards the edge of the port area.

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