"Ito-kun is Lin Yuan-kun's most concerned friend, how could I hurt him.

The girl said naturally, "Of course, senpai, you are different from Ito-kun. So I can't help you either. Looking at Yuko Busujima in front of her, the girl named Yuki sighed softly and said.

"I've always wanted to save you...but my senior always wants to commit suicide, it's really hard for me to do it.

"You are entangled with Mr. Lin Yuan every day, and you are desperate to seduce Mr. Lin Yuan, want to shake Mr. Lin Yuan's heart, and even want to possess Mr. Lin Yuan.

"You are so excessive, so hateful, so hateful, how can I let you go

Yuki said with a look of compassion, "Senior is such a good woman, good-looking, good-looking, super strong personality, independent, sexy and considerate...such an excellent sister. She should be a very A perfect wife and mother, why would she want to do indecent things and pester Hayashi Yuan-kun? Yuki sighed, but her eyes were cold.

, such a hateful senior, I really can't save you...

Chapter 756 Coordinates ([-])

.Such a hateful senior, I really can't save you...Yuki's soft whispers silenced Kishima Kibako.She looked at the girl in front of her with a pale face, and said

"As expected...you did all this because of Lin Yuan-kun?

"You're the illusionist, you're the one who hurt Ito-san, even your little sister... Is she dead?"

Kishima Kibako's question made Yuki shake his head.

"How could Yuno die...

"When we were very young, when we were in the orphanage and we didn't have parents, we were each other's only family.

"For the family, is she going to kill her because she made a mistake? How is that possible!"

"I just let her calm down temporarily. When she becomes sensible, obedient, and stops messing around... I will let her out.

"I have never actively hurt anyone since I was a child. Busushima-senpai, you think of me too scary. Yuki's narration made Busushima Yako smile sarcastically.

She looked at Yuki in front of her and said, "You haven't hurt anyone? Then what happened to your adoptive parents' discharge?"

"When I heard about this case before, I didn't pay much attention to it. But thinking about it now... Are your parents dead?" Yuki sighed, "They are dead... Although I have no intention of hurting them. And I really, really, really love them.

"They rescued Yuno and me from the orphanage, treated us very well, gave us a warm and healthy home, and cared about everything about us.

"Yuno and I have carefully recorded the results of each exam in a form. There has never been an omission.

"It's not even just the grades, the time we went out, the time we came home, how many times we were late when we got home, why we were late, and the specific time we were late, these are also recorded.

"Even our parents have complete plans for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day.

"The number of calories we eat every day, the nutrients we need for growth and development, these things have been carefully studied by our parents, and they have also formulated the most useful dietary standards for us.

"I have always obeyed their arrangements seriously, never eat what they are not allowed to eat, never do what they are not allowed to do, and I have been working hard to become their proudest daughter. With an obsessive smile on his face, "Mom and Dad also like me and Yuno very much. Many times we did wrong things. Not only did they not blame us, not only did they not give up on us, but they even endured the pain in Ruo's heart to punish us and educate us. Wants to get us back on track.

"Ah... Mom and Dad, they are so nice..

"Sometimes I even deliberately make a little mistake and let my mother beat me... because I know that the more angry my mother is, the more she loves me!" Yuki said, showing an extremely happy smile , seems to recall very warm memories.

But Yuko Busushima's face was pale. . .... Proof of loving you... Busujima Yuko said sarcastically, "Since you said you loved your parents so much, why did they mysteriously disappear? What did you do to them?

"I didn't do anything!" Yuki said sincerely, "I didn't intend to hurt them at all. Mom and Dad are so kind to me, care about me and Yuno so much, and love us so much, how could I hurt them?" .Yuki said very sadly, "Mom and Dad said that we should be excellent people and not do things that violate laws and regulations.

"But Dad actually stole the company's secrets and sold them. Mom found out about this and not only didn't stop her, she even helped Dad... How is this possible!'

"Mom and Dad are so kind to me and love me so much. How can I bear to see them do wrong things! How can I just watch them go astray and not stop them!"

"So I used their education methods and put them in cages.

"This method is really effective. Every time Yuno and I make mistakes, we are locked in a cage by our parents."

"In such a dark basement, confined in a pitch-black cage, with no water to drink, no food to eat, people will think a lot of things in the dark, and then realize their mistakes, and then correct them.

"This is the truth that Yuno and I have personally experienced since we were young. I believe that my parents will also understand their own mistakes in the banned group and correct their mistakes.

"So you starved them to death?" A sarcasm curved the corner of Kishima Kiba's mouth.

Yuki was silent and shook his head, "No... how could I starve them to death.

"Although they have been refusing to admit their mistakes, although they have been scolding me, although they don't understand me at all, and they don't understand how much I love them, but they are my parents after all! I love them!

"I can't make up my mind to completely cut off food and water like they do, but give them part of the food and water from time to time... I'm afraid they will really starve to death.

Speaking of this, Yuki looked frustrated, "I'm not a qualified daughter, I can't be as good as them. If it's me and Yuno, then we can't admit our mistakes and change our past 5, mom and dad are real Can be very determined not to give us anything to eat.

"One time, Yuno was almost starved to death, and my father didn't soften his heart.

"I'm not as good as them, my soft heart may be the reason that hurt them in the end.

"They always refuse to admit their mistakes, even if they have admitted their mistakes with their mouths, but they are obviously unwilling to admit their mistakes in their hearts.

"But I have never been able to cut off their food and water, which- -point, ultimately killed them

With a sad face, Yuki said, "I never knew that Yuno had such a heavy hatred for her parents.

"She didn't understand her parents' love for her at all, and instead felt that she was being abused.

Finally, one day when I was away, she went into the basement alone and killed the parents in the cage

Speaking of this, Yuki looked desperate, "If I could have understood Yuno's mood earlier and discovered her resentment towards her parents earlier, none of this would have happened at all!

Chapter 757 Coordinates ([-])

The cold night wind blows across the port.

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