"I don't remember anything. The expression on Illya's face was very sad, "If Big Brother didn't lose his memory and continued to be with us, Uncle Kiritsugu and Mr. Shader wouldn't die, right?"

Hearing these words, Lin Yuan's pupils constricted slightly.

"Guardian Kiritsugu and Shad... are dead?"

He showed an expression of disbelief, "When did it happen? Why?" Seeing Lin Yuan Lu's shocked expression, Ilya shook her head slightly and smiled bitterly.

"Is there any point in asking these things now... Big brother, our deeds have been exposed, and our plan has failed.

"You said before that with the strength of the four of us, it is impossible to confront Tsuchimikado Toshizo and the forces behind him head-on.

"As you said, Kiritsugu Daikon and Mr. Shader died as soon as our whereabouts were revealed."

She looked at Lin Yuanfei and smiled very sadly, "We are a group of four, and I am the only one left in the end."

"When I was in Kyoto, I kept thinking, when will you come back, big brother?"

"But even if you come back now, Kiritsugu Daikon and Mr. Shader are dead.

"They cannot be revived.

"Things have come to this point, we have no other way to go."

"For me, the only thing I can do is probably to accomplish the common goal for all of us.

"Although I probably didn't get there, the people who brought me out of the Einzbern house and gave me a new life were my elder brother, Uncle Kiritsugu, Mr. Shader and the others.

"You gave my life meaning,

"Even if you die, you can't finish it. But you must do it. The little girl looked at Lin Yuanfei in a daze. There was too much love and reluctance in her shining eyes. She smiled sadly, Tears flowed out slowly.

"If big brother thinks of anything, come to me."

"I'll wait for you at the seaside park.

"This time, there is no possibility of further delay.

"The opponent has already started the final plan. And we only have the last chance."

"If we can't completely block each other this time, the world we cherish will probably be completely changed. Illya laughs, tears fall in the sun, "I believe the real big brother will Come here, Illya is waiting for you here.

The speaker, Ilya's figure disappeared without a sound.It was as if it appeared silently, and disappeared without feeling any breath.The departure of the phantom made the restaurant silent.Lin Yuanfei, Busujima Yuko, and Yuki all looked forward to seeing if this happened, and did not speak.Lin Yuanfei's gaze was somewhat complicated.

Yuki, - with a look of astonishment on his face.

On the contrary, Du Dao looked at the gossip expression, looked at all this with curiosity and surprise, looked at Lin Yuanfei's expression, and looked at the place where Yi Liya disappeared, as if seeing something extremely novel and Lin Yuan was silent for a few seconds Finally, he took a deep breath and stood up.

"You don't need to prepare breakfast for me. Lin Yuanfei picked up the tangerine and fairy Dongyue at hand, and said, "Yuki, eat with senior sister, I will ask Pheasant to send senior sister back to her parents later. "

"I guess I have to go out... the door... Just as Lin Yuan finished speaking, his hand was held by Yuki. Lin Yuanfei was silent, turned his head, and saw Yuki's extremely panicked expression.

The two looked at each other, and Yuki showed an anxious expression.

"Lin Yuan-jun, are you really going? Are you going to find her?"

...Lin Yuanfei was silent for a few seconds, looked into Ruoyuki's eyes, and nodded.His tone was firm.

It was a short answer, but it undoubtedly expressed Lin Yuanfei's determination.Yuki panicked even more.

"But didn't you listen to her? Your enemy is none other than the Prime Minister of Japan, Toshizo Tsuchimikado!"

"Hayashi Yuan-kun, you should have experienced the power of the Tuyumen Clan, right?

"And even she said it herself, face-to-face confrontation... You can't be opponents.

"If you go there now, you will be sent to death!

Yuki looked anxious and panicked.Lin Yuanfei said, "She said it so seriously, if I don't understand the situation clearly, I won't be able to rest assured.

Chapter 779

Lin Yuanfei's whisper made Yuki shake his head frantically.

"No, no, no! Absolutely not!"

Yuki said, "I know Lin Yuan-kun's character very well. You say you don't want to meddle in other people's business. But once you encounter bad things, you will definitely not ignore them!"

"That girl made the situation so serious, Lin Yuanfei, if you really don't want to talk to her, you won't go to see her at all."

"You go over now, you clearly want to go over there to help her!" Yuki's words made Lin Yuan pause.He looked at the girl in front of him without any change in his expression.

He just said calmly, "Believe me, I really just went over to have a look. After listening to her story, I will come back and won't go with her.

"She said it herself, with their strength, they can't beat Tsuchimikado Toshizo.

"Now that even the two important ones are dead, if only she and I are left, even if I am the original Lin Yuanfei, I probably can't be Shi Yumen Suisan's opponent.

"Although I don't know what conspiracy they are up to, this time it has nothing to do with me. Since they didn't come to provoke me, then naturally I wouldn't foolishly provoke them."

"I was surrounded by people I valued and even had a gangster to worry about.

"At a time like this, risking losing everything to offend the most powerful man in Japan, I'm not that stupid yet. Lin Yuanfei said Ruo, and gently shook his head, "So... let go Me, Yuki.I will definitely not be nosy this time. "However, Lin Yuanfei Lu's extremely sincere explanation made Yuki shake his head desperately.

"Lin Yuan-jun, you are lying!"

"If a mere Toshizo Tsuchimikado could knock you down, you wouldn't be doing those dangerous things all the time!

"In Raccoon City, in Torimi Island, in Silent Hill, in... all the things you did, which one is not a dangerous thing that is close to death!"

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