"So even if you are tortured and abused, you still refuse to speak?" Lin Yuanfei looked at the girl in front of him, a trace of tenderness flashed in his eyes, "You are really likable. Yuki's eyelashes trembled slightly.

There seemed to be hope in her.

"Lin Yuan-jun, I...I really like you, and I don't want to lose you.

Yuki said beggingly, "Please, don't leave this time. Only this time, only this time, please don't leave. Yuki's begging made Lin Yuanfei silent for a while . he said softly.

"I like you very much too. The blade in K. Hayashi's hand was slowly attached to the skin of the girl's collarbone.

In the restaurant, Lin Yuanfei's whispers sounded.

"So, if you peel off your skin and keep it. Yuki, you don't mind?"

Chapter 784 I will never lie to you

..So Yuki, you don’t mind if I peel off your skin and keep it?” Lin Yuanfei’s voice was low and calm.

However, the murmurs that sounded in the ears were filled with trembling fear.

It was like a low howl of evil electricity.The girl who was close to him was startled.Then, she worked hard to widen her eyes, and grabbed Lin Yuanfei's hand with an excited face.In the mouth, issued a low cry of joy.

Yuki's face was full of surprise. It was like being attached to the good luck from the sky. She grabbed Lin Yuanfei's wrist with great excitement.Yuki nervously confirmed it.

"Lin Yuan's eyelids trembled, but he didn't speak.

Suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a problem with his torture strategy.

The girl in front of her didn't care about the physical pain and mental torture at all.

... In other words, Lin Yuanfei had almost no way to torture her mentally.After realizing this, Lin Yuanfei fell silent.After a while, he put down the knife in his hand and smiled inexplicably.

"As expected of my wife Yuno's older sister.

Lin Yuan Lu put the knife back into its sheath, with a bitter smile on his face, "You really made me completely helpless, Yuki." Lin Yuanfei looked at Ruoyuki, and said, "Give me back Brother Cheng, and give Xue My sister's memory has recovered, so I won't go to Illya, nor will I go to Tsuchimikado Toshizo, how about that?" Yuki stared at him blankly, a little disappointed,....don't peel my skin for collection Yet?"

...Lin Yuanfei squeezed the space between his eyebrows and said, "I plan to keep you whole, how about this."

Lin Yuanfei said blankly, "You give me Brother Cheng and restore the memory of Senior Sister. In exchange, you and I will leave Japan and settle in another country.

"I will not pursue these things you have done again, and I will not recruit other women again."

"From now on, you belong to me personally, and I will be completely dedicated to you. We don't distinguish between each other, life and death, and never betray, how?" Hayashi Yuan's proposal made Yuki silent.She looked into Wakabayashi Yuan Lu's eyes anxiously, and said, "Lin Yuan...are you willing to forgive me?"

"Well, forgive me." Lin Yuanfei said with a blank face, "At this point in the matter, do I have any other options besides forgiving you?"

"You should be satisfied with this, right? Lin Yuan's face was full of sarcasm. Yuki looked at him anxiously, and said timidly, "But... Mr. Lin Yuan, what should you do if you go back on your word?"

Lin Yuanfei's eyelids twitched, "I won't go back on my word. He said very seriously, "If I go back on my word, I'll beat Lei Yong to death."Lin Yuanfei's swearing made Yuki even more uneasy.She looked at Lin Yuanfei timidly, and said in a low voice, "But I... I'm afraid... If Mr. Wan Linyuan repents, I really

Amid the sound of the sword penetrating into the body, Yuki's body trembled violently.She lowered her head in disbelief. She saw the half amputation knife inserted into her lower abdomen, and the blood was slowly spilling out.Lin Yuan K's hand holding the sword was trembling, and his whole body was in a state of hysteria that was about to explode.

His eyes were extremely terrifying.Gritting his teeth, he let out a cold growl.

Don't challenge my patience!"

Lin Yuan K said in a hoarse voice, "This step is my biggest step back. If you pick and choose again, I'm afraid I'll really lose control and cut you off directly. Lin Yuanfei said in a low voice, blood red as his eyes , "We've known each other for so long. What kind of character am I? Yuki, you Yuki stared at Wakabayashi Yuanfei's crazy-like appearance, and said timidly, "I know... I know."

"Bigger!" Lin Yuan pulled out the knife abruptly, and then inserted it forcefully.

Amidst the blood splattered from the first wound, the first wound appeared on the girl's body.Lin Yuan's expression and Ostil's madness are like evil electricity crawling out of hell.

"Your voice is so low, who the hell can hear you!!!" Yuki closed her eyes in horror, and shouted loudly, "I know! Yuki knows! Yuki knows that Hayashi Yuan-kun will not go back on his word!"

This time, Lin Yuanfei's expression softened slightly.

He withdrew the knife, let the scarlet blood splash her - sound, and then said.

"You are a half-demon. Your resilience will not be weaker than mine, so I won't send you to the hospital." Lin Yuanfei said indifferently, "Tell me the location of brother Cheng, and then help senior sister recover her memory. Get out of Japan.I don't want to get involved in this matter anymore.

Said Ruo. Lin Yuan let go of the girl in his hand.

And Yuki didn't cover her wound immediately, and directly dragged the injured body to the senior sister, and put her intact left hand on the senior sister's head.

"Sister's memory is actually still there. I just temporarily blocked her memory after she was ten years old. So as long as the blockade is unlocked, she can return to normal."

"Well, go ahead," Lin Yuan said with a cold face, shaking off the blood on the blade, "Where is Brother Cheng's position? Where are you hiding Brother Cheng now? It should be intact, right?" Yuki nodded again and again. , "Well, Ito-san was not injured, I did not hurt him."

Immediately afterwards, Yuki told Lin Yuanfei of Makoto Ito's address.

Seeing Yuki, who was unlocking the memory for her senior, with a blank face, "Wouldn't everyone be happy in this way?"

"You like me, and it happens that I like you too. The two of us are entangled with each other so as not to provoke other people. This is the best ending for everyone.

"No one is really hurt anyway, everything can be salvaged.

"But I still have a few questions I want to ask you. I hope Yuki will not lie to me. Sitting there, Lin Yuanfei said calmly, "The most important thing for two people to be together is to be honest, so I hope you will not If you hide anything from me, you can be completely honest with me. Yuki, who is unsealing the memory for her senior, nodded repeatedly.

"Yeah, Yuki knows.

OK, so let's ask the first question. "Lin Yuanfei raised a finger and said coldly, "When the senior sister was attacked the night before yesterday, how did you manage to attack the senior sister while staying in the villa? Do you know the avatar technique? Or... You have already voluntarily become a got your help?

Chapter 785 My Flesh

"Or...Yuno has volunteered to be your helper?"

The question Lin Yuan asked was the one he was most concerned about and also the most confused.

He wondered why Yuki was able to do two things at the same time.

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