"The teacher is very... happy... Mr. Okada's weak smile, its figure gradually dissipated. Finally, it turned into a light spot that gradually dissipated. Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a moment, and suddenly looked behind him.


In the cabin, Lin Yuanfei's angry voice sounded, "Didn't I let you live?"

With a bang, Freddy flew behind Yuki and yelled loudly. Freddy shouted loudly, "It came back to itself after it regained consciousness, and it has something to do with me? Little samurai, there is a debt. Lord!" Lin Yuanfei was a little confused, "Extend yourself?"

"It's what you Japanese say about becoming a Buddha. Oh, I forgot that you are Chinese.

Lei Di said, "Anyway, it was the ghost who was rescued after washing away his grievances."

"Your teacher is different from ordinary ghosts. She doesn't have the resentment that ghosts should have at all. It's just that something has affected her mind and confused her thinking. world.

That's why they exist like ghosts.

"Now that the Qingcheng has been restored, it has no motivation to continue to exist in the world, and it has been directly transcended by itself to become a Buddha.

"Do you think anyone can be a ghost? The resentment is not strong enough, the hatred is not deep enough, ordinary people will directly transcend themselves after death, and there is no power left in the world.

"A ghost king like me who not only stays in the world, but is also fierce, is one in a million, do you understand?

Freddy boasted proudly.

Lin Yuanfei-head black line, "Then do I still have to praise you... FUCK!" Lin Yuanfei stood up and said, "This ghost place is weird, and there is no one who knows? If you follow the According to Freddy's logic, the evil spirits that appear in this area have no memory of death and are completely in a state of confusion, so even if he finds other evil spirits, he will not be able to ask any information.

In the end, Hayashihara took Freddy back and saw Yuki.

"Let's go out," Lin Yuanfei said, "Everyone stay on the deck, it's too out of place for us to hide in the cabin all the time."

And if he was on the deck, it would be easier for Lin Yuanfei to see what happened next.

After warning Yuki not to speak in front of others, Lin Yuanfei took Ruoyuki's hand, pushed open the cabin door and went out.Then, the moment he pushed open the door of the cabin, Lin Yuanfei raised his head in confusion, seeing the scorching sun hanging in the sky, Lin Yuanfei's face was full of complacency.

"Didn't it be foggy just now? Why is the sun suddenly out now?

He also looked at the deck.

However, the deck was empty, and no one could be seen.

But outside the deck, Lin Yuanfei actually saw the city's buildings.

When he came to the edge of the deck, he could clearly see the scene on both sides of the fishing boat.On both sides of the fishing boat are low residential buildings.It seems to be a residential area.

A little farther away, there are tall buildings that a city should have.

As far as the eye can see, there is no sea water.The ship they were on seemed to appear on the street out of thin air, and it looked extremely abrupt.Lin Yuanfei looked around and frowned.He didn't feel anything unusual at all, and the fishing boat actually appeared directly on the streets of this city.Space teleportation? But it shouldn't be

Lin Yuan looked towards the center of the city

There, there is a huge building that is extremely eye-catching.Under the blinding sun, Umbrella's OGO stands out from the building.Here...Raccoon City!

Chapter 807

The huge fishing boat lay across the middle of the empty street, looking extremely abrupt.This fishing boat doesn't look very big on the sea, but now it stands abruptly on the street of the city, and it looks a bit huge when reflected by the surrounding houses.The scorching sun, high in the sky, scorched everything on the earth.In the city center in the distance, the huge LOGO of the umbrella company shines in the sun.Seeing this scene, Lin Yuanfei fell silent.

He turned around and looked around, only to find that there was no one on one of Junda's fishing boats.In the empty world, it was so quiet that no other sounds could be heard.Hayashi Yuan Lu frowned in thought, and took Yuki for a walk around the fishing boat, but Yiri didn't find anyone.

The dozen or so sailors, including Iron Head, all disappeared as if they had evaporated from the world, leaving no trace on the fishing boat.

There was no trace of blood, no trace of battle. Lin Yuanfei didn't even hear anything in the cabin before, and the group of sailors mysteriously disappeared.In a quiet city, there is silence.

At this point, even Yuki realized that something was wrong.

She shrank behind Lin Yuanfei with some courage, looked around nervously, and said softly.

"Lin Yuan-jun, there seems to be no one here, it's so quiet Lin Yuanfei nodded, "That's right, there seems to be no one in this city.

With Lin Yuan's hearing ability, the sound of cars within a radius of two kilometers should be heard clearly.However, in this originally bustling Raccoon City, he couldn't hear any unnecessary sounds.No cars, no people, not even animals.

For example, there are no cicadas singing the most in this season, which seems extremely strange.Hayashi Yuan thought for a while, and brought Yuki to the edge of the fishing boat.

He looked down at the street below Ruo.

The height of the deck from the ground is a full six or seven meters, but this height is not an obstacle for him.

It's just that the weird situation in front of him made him a little uncertain.

"Did you feel anything? Yuki?" Lin Yuanfei asked.

In terms of the ability to perceive evil creatures, Yuki, the daughter of the devil, is definitely stronger than Lin Yuanfei.

Although at this time Yuki has lost her memory and is a "young version". But what is young about her is her mind, not her body.

She herself is the demon daughter who was liberated with the collapse of Silent Hill and is getting stronger and stronger.Faced with this weird situation, Lin Yuanfei could only hope that Yuki would find something.

Unfortunately, Yuki didn't find anything abnormal.

She frowned and looked around for a picture. She shook her head.

"Not feeling anything...but I have a feeling that we can't get off this fishing boat or something is going to go wrong.

Lin Yuanfei looked at the empty fishing boat in front of him and frowned.

"Can't leave the fishing boat?"

"Okay, then we will not leave the fishing boat," Lin Yuanfei said, looking at the fishy fishing boat in front of him, "Let's sit here and wait."

That being said, it was impossible for Lin Yuanfei to stand still and wait to die.

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