Lin Yuanfei-face was speechless, "Do you think I'm Emiya Shirou...

Speaking of Emiya Shirou, Lin Yuanfei thought of Kotomine Shirou in this world.

By the way, that guy hasn't appeared on stage for a long time, so he really eloped with his sister, right?

The little girl looked at Lin Yuanfei's dazed look, sighed, and said.

"There is a way to leave, but there is a price to pay.

"What kind of price?" Lin Yuanfei asked.The little girl looked at him with a weird smile, "If you are dragged into the realm of life and death, then you only need to sacrifice a soul to the realm of life and death. You can get relief. But there is only Yuki beside you. You have to sacrifice Yuki Is it?" Lin Yuanfei patted his chin and thought for a while, then rolled his eyes, "Can the soul of the evil spirit work?"

The phantom of Freddy jumped out, very angry, "Xiao Wu, what the hell do you want to do? Cross the river, demolish bridges, dismantle mills and kill donkeys?"

Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly, "Brother Fo, don't get excited. Didn't I ask casually? I didn't say I would sacrifice you, why are you so excited? Our relationship is so strong, how could I sacrifice you? Don’t you think so?” The little girl laughed at the choking observer—the evil spirit, and said, “Although the soul of the evil spirit is fine, but this guy and you are in the same body and entangled with each other, and sacrificing it is sacrificing it Sacrifice to you, are you going to sacrifice yourself to save Yuki?" Lin Yuanfei coughed - and said with righteous words on his face, "Didn't I say that? Foge is my good brother, iron buddy, how can I You may have sacrificed it! You guys have misunderstood me a lot. The little girl sneered, not bothering to pay attention to this guy. She continued, "But the situation has reached the current level, and it is not impossible to solve it.

"The owner of this place found out that you refused to come out, and is currently mobilizing the power of the whole life and death to forcefully drag you into the darkness. According to common sense, the boss cannot move during the preparation of the big move.

"You can take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to jump out and find the other party... and then have a fair duel with it and kill it directly.

"As long as you kill the master between life and death, then this illusory world will naturally collapse, and you and Yuki will naturally be able to return to the real world."

The little girl gave the most simple and direct strategy.Lin Yuanfei rubbed his chin and asked, "If I rush out to fight that guy, what is my chance of winning?"

"It's not more than thirty percent," the little girl said lightly.Lin Yuan Feichen blinked, "Eh? Is it that tall?" The little girl sneered, I'm talking about Yuki's chances of surviving if you fight desperately! As for you, there are ten deaths and no life. 'Lin Yuanfei-face speechless, are fucking kidding me.It’s a good thing to meet a skeleton-level boss? Is it a mission that must die? Is it crazy? I just want to go to Hokkaido, who is it to provoke? This world is too harsh on me!” Freddy laughed strangely Get up, "What are you afraid of, little samurai, death is just the beginning, it will be more interesting after death.Lin Yuan rolled his eyes, too lazy to talk to this guy.

He looked at the little girl beside him. He showed a rare serious expression, "Is there really no way to save my life? I don't believe there is really no way.

Chapter 812

Lin Yuanfei's question made the little girl smile.

"Yes, it's very simple, you immediately rush out and hack the owner of this place to death, so that you can leave the realm of life and death.

The little girl's suggestion made Lin Yuanfei somewhat suspicious.

"Didn't you say this place is dangerous? I can beat the owner of this place?"

The little girl smiled even brighter, "Of can't beat it. How can you, a mere mortal, be able to defeat the collective resentment of hundreds of thousands of people?"

"But since I have appeared, there must be another way."

The little girl looked Lin Yuanfei up and down, and smiled strangely,.... a small price had to be paid.

"Don't you devils like to sign contracts with people and cheat them of their souls?" Lin Yuanfei asked.

The girl shook her head, "Why would I use a mortal soul.... You have been deceived by legends. There are so many legends in this world. If every legend is true, wouldn't the world be very chaotic?

"Then what do you want?" Lin Yuan asked.

The little girl's eyes widened in surprise, "Why - it must be what I want? Can't I help you for free?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at her suspiciously, "Are you serious?"


"Then what price do I need to pay to defeat the owner of this place?"

"You will have a vicious-looking demon body with a long lifespan, a strong body, and more powerful power. But in exchange, you will be abandoned by the human race, unable to

Experience life, old age, sickness and death like a normal human being, unable to integrate into society, and can only wander on the margins of society forever.

"You will be hunted down by the group of so-called demon slayers in the crowd, and you will never have a peaceful day."

Your blood will be as hot as magma, capable of burning everything.

"The breath from your mouth will contain the most vicious poisonous gas in the world, killing all creatures that come close.

Your bodily fluids will become deadly and highly poisonous, corrosive to everything they touch.

"Everything in the land you stepped on withered, and the grass withered, and turned into a dead land.

"The scariest thing is your soul."

"You will hate all the good things in the world, only joy

"How? Knowing this, are you still willing to become a demon?" The little girl smiled strangely and terrifyingly.

Lin Principle looked at her and scratched his head, "Why do I see the things you said on your body?"

"Because I have given up the body of the demon," the little girl said lightly, what you see now is my soul.As for my body, it was destroyed in Shimada's house.

Lin Yuanfei touched his chin, "By the way, you just said that you can go out by sacrificing a soul, right? How should I make a sacrifice?"

The little girl laughed, "It's very simple, you take that

...!" The expression on the little girl's face froze suddenly.

Freddy, who had been floating on the deck, moved instantly.The pitch-black smoke began to spread around the place where he and Lin Yuan Lu's feet were in contact.In almost a short moment, the pitch-black smoke was about to spread to the entire fishing boat.The background of Raccoon City changed instantly.

The pitch-black smoke twisted and finally reshaped Che into another shape.

The salty sea breeze. A huge pirate ship rushed from the dark side, sailing on the blue sea.Lin Yuanfei, whose skin was severely burned all over his body, stood on the other side, with dark red hair, wearing a Japanese samurai uniform, clogs on his feet, a long knife on his waist, and an inexplicable cross scar on his face.The little girl looked at everything in front of her with a gloomy face, and said, "Is it the power of dreams again? You two really like to repeat the old tricks."

Freddy coughed and said, "Who made this world not the real world? As long as it is an imaginary world, Uncle Freddy can rewrite it directly! This is my stand-in ability-S.HI little girl face He looked at them indifferently, without speaking.

At this time, Freddy and Lin Yuanfei stood at the two ends of the deck one behind the other, surrounding the little girl in the middle.

An ominous killing intent floated in the air.The little girl curled her lips and said, "You really can't be careless... Lin Yuanfei, do you really hate me so much that you want to kill me?"

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