After all, in the eyes of the children of many big families, women are like clothes. If Lin Xuan is also a fickle person, regardless of his girlfriend's life or death, then he can only think of a way.

But he didn't expect Lin Xuan to agree to come over, which made him see Lin Xuan's weakness of emphasizing love, so things would be much easier to handle.

That's why he said these words at this time, to see if he could force Lin Xuan to submit again.

"Lin Xuan, don't, don't listen to him, don't worry about me, go away, my father will send someone to save me!" Xia Xin's complexion became even uglier, and she shook her head repeatedly. Although she was also afraid of death, but at this time She was even more afraid of Lin Xuan's death. She didn't even care about her own safety. She just relied on the simplest idea to let Lin Xuan leave quickly, and she didn't want to see him in danger.

"Xia Xin, I can't leave you alone!" Lin Xuan looked at Xia Xin and said seriously, then picked up the pistol on the ground, and said to Seven Snakes: "I hope you will remember your promise!"

Seeing that Lin Xuan was so obedient, Seven Snakes were also a little surprised, but they were overjoyed, secretly thinking that this kid is really an infatuated kind.

But at this time, Xia Xin was so anxious that she was about to cry, especially when she thought of Lin Xuan's death, her heart felt like a knife was cut, she shook her head again and again: "No, Lin Xuan doesn't want it!"

"Xia Xin, don't be sad, this happened because of me, let me settle it myself!" Lin Xuan looked at Xia Xin, calmly comforted him, then looked at Seven Snakes again, and asked with a frown: "However, before I die, can you tell me who is trying to kill me?"

"No problem, I'll let you die to understand that the person who wants to kill you is Tian Hongwei!" Seven Snakes said coldly.

"Tian Hongwei?" Lin Xuan's expression changed.

Xia Xin on the side was also startled, it turned out that Tian Hongwei was going to kill Lin Xuan, wasn't he already arrested, why...

But thinking of Tian Hongwei, Xia Xin felt even more uncomfortable. She knew very well that it was all because of herself that Lin Xuan would provoke Ueda Hongwei. These, a strong sense of guilt and heartache intertwined, made Xia Xin feel like a knife was twisting his heart.

"That's right!" Seven Snakes grinned and nodded.

Lin Xuan was surprised. It was true that the centipede was dead but not stiff. He still underestimated Tian Hongwei's energy.

Thinking about it, Lin Xuan felt a little terrified. If he hadn't exchanged Wolverine's superpowers, he might really have died today.

"Oh... so it's Tian Hongwei!" Lin Xuan smiled wryly, but didn't say anything more, and immediately raised his pistol and pointed it at his temple.

He never thought that he would experience suicide once in his life.

I hope that Wolverine's super power will not fail, otherwise he will really die.

He muttered something in his heart, but Lin Xuan closed his eyes, ready to pull the trigger.

But Xia Xin didn't know that Lin Xuan possessed the immortal body. Seeing that Lin Xuan was really going to commit suicide, she was already frightened to death, her beautiful eyes were full of tears, she shook her head desperately, and shouted: "No, Lin Xuan Xuan, don't—"


Amid Xia Xin's hoarse shouts, Lin Xuan pulled the trigger, and the bullet pierced his head instantly, bringing out a cloud of blood.

In an instant, as if time stood still, Xia Xin's cry stopped abruptly, her eyes widened, her mouth trembled but she couldn't make a sound, and her mind went blank.

Even the Seven Snakes, who had become numb to life and death, and the two men on the side were stunned. They never expected that this kid actually committed suicide.

"Lin Xuan——" After a brief silence, Xia Xin broke out into a hysterical wail, the tears in her eyes instantly burst and rushed down, her whole body seemed to be hollowed out in half, and she collapsed directly on the ground, beautiful His eyes trembled, and his body trembled too.


She never imagined that she would one day witness someone's death, or that the process would be so painful.

Seeing Lin Xuan lying on the ground bleeding like a river, Xia Xin's heart felt like being cut by sharp swords, and her mind was like a raging stormy sea, roaring, and the sky was dark.

Her hands and feet were tied, so she could only lie on the ground and crawl forward little by little, hoping to touch Lin Xuan's last temperature again, and even wishing that everything in front of her was an illusion, and it would shatter when she touched it.

All the pictures about Lin Xuan flashed in her mind. Although they had known each other not long ago, those memories were the most unforgettable and the happiest for her.

She used to think that she had found that him, but she didn't expect that the two of them were just destined for each other.

She used to think that she and Lin Xuan might never meet again in this life, but she didn't expect that fate would bring them together again, let alone that she would watch him die with her own eyes.

Lin Xuan...

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