But at this moment, he suddenly noticed footsteps on the stairs, raised his eyebrows, and guessed that the two people who were on the top of the building had come down.

"Xia Xin, wait for me, I'll get rid of the remaining two people!" Lin Xuan patted Xia Xin on the shoulder and said in a low voice.

Immediately, she gently pushed Xia Xin away, walked aside and picked up the pistol with the muffler installed, and quickly jumped out of the window.

Xia Xin was once again stunned by Lin Xuan's actions, she was stunned for a moment, she also hurried to the window, looked down, but did not see Lin Xuan's figure.

But at this time, there were two weak gunshots and screams from upstairs.

Xia Xin was worried about Lin Xuan in her heart, and her complexion became a little ugly. She wanted to go up to have a look, but she was afraid that she would cause trouble for Lin Xuan, so she stood there and waited for Lin Xuan, but when she saw the three people around her lying in a pool of blood, Xia Xin was a little scared about the corpse.

After all, she is just a girl under the age of [-]. She has never experienced such a bloody scene before. It was because Lin Xuan was by her side just now, but now she is here alone, looking at the three people who died tragically, and her heart becomes more and more frightened .

But at this moment, there were footsteps on the stairs, Xia Xin looked nervously, but saw Lin Xuan's figure, her heart finally fell to the ground.

Immediately ran to Lin Xuan quickly, like a frightened little girl, hugged Lin Xuan's arm, her plump breasts pressed tightly on Lin Xuan's arm, as if hugging a life-saving straw.

"Lin Xuan, take me out of here quickly, I'm so scared!"

"Okay!" Lin Xuan nodded, and immediately took Xia Xin downstairs, then walked out of the community, passing through the overgrown and lifeless buildings, the two finally left this unfinished building .

Lin Xuan immediately called Chen Yu and asked him to call a car to pick them up, and then walked slowly towards the city with Xia Xin, waiting for the car to pick them up.

After the two walked for a while, Xia Xin suddenly looked at Lin Xuan curiously, and after a little hesitation, she asked, "Lin Xuan, what happened just now, you have clearly..."


Chapter 76 Cranky

"That's just a blindfold, like magic!" Hearing Xia Xin mention this matter again, Lin Xuan could only make up random things, trying to deceive Xia Xin.

But when he said this, even he himself didn't believe it, let alone Xia Xin.

"Really?" Xia Xin frowned slightly, her eyes full of doubts, "But I just saw that you still have Wolverine-like claws on your fist..."

Saying that, Xia Xin couldn't help but took Lin Xuan's hand, looked at the back of his hand carefully, and touched it again. She didn't seem to see anything unusual, but she was sure that she did see Wolverine's claw just now, and it was very real. .

Thinking of Wolverine, Xia Xin's eyes lit up. Wolverine has a powerful healing ability. Even if he is robbed, he can heal in a short time. Lin Xuan just came back to life miraculously, with nothing but a trace of blood on his body Besides, without any wounds, does Lin Xuan have the super power of Wolverine in the movie?

Thinking of this, Xia Xin widened her eyes slightly, looked at Lin Xuan as if she was looking at a monster, and immediately said with firm eyes: "Lin Xuan, don't lie to me, I'm not a three-year-old child, what you just did is definitely not a blindfold, you Must have special abilities, right!"

"Okay, but if I tell you that there are really mutants in this world, would you believe it?" Lin Xuan was helpless, he knew that he couldn't hide this matter.

"Yes, of course I believe it. When I watched "X-Men" before, I thought there might really be mutants in this world. Could it be that you are a mutant?" Xia Xin slightly widened her eyes, like a child discovering that a dream has come true. Looking at Lin Xuan expectantly.

Hearing Xia Xin's words, Lin Xuan smiled wryly in his heart, and thought to himself that this girl really likes to be whimsical, and she actually believes such things.

"That's right!" Lin Xuan said with a wry smile.

"Really, wow, so handsome, so there are really mutants in this world!" Xia Xin cheered excitedly like a little girl whose curiosity had been satisfied.

"Don't tell anyone about this, or I will be arrested for experimentation!" Lin Xuan ordered with a serious face.

"Well, don't worry, I will never tell anyone, but this is really amazing. I didn't expect to know someone with super powers. My favorite in "X-Men" is Wolverine. I didn't expect you to be the real version of Wolverine!" Xia Xin was so excited that she couldn't help herself, she pulled Lin Xuan's arm, as if a nympho female fan saw her idol, and almost went straight up and kissed Lin Xuan.

"Lin Xuan, can you show me your bone claws again? There's no one here, just look at it once, please!" Xia Xin raised her pale index finger and waved it in front of Lin Xuan, a little coquettishly. begged.

"Oh—well, just this one time!" Lin Xuan knew that if he didn't satisfy Xia Xin's curiosity, this girl would not let it go, and there was no one around here, so she wasn't afraid to show it to her, so He could only show his bone claws again to satisfy Xia Xin's curiosity.

Seeing the three bone claws protruding from the back of Lin Xuan's hand, Xia Xin's beautiful eyes suddenly widened, as if a navigator discovers a new continent, or a pirate discovers a treasure. She grabbed Lin Xuan's hand and touched it in surprise. , Looked again, and almost dissected Lin Xuan's hand directly to see what's inside.

"It's so cool!" Xia Xin repeatedly exclaimed, "It's really incredible!"

"There are many, many incredible things in this world!" Lin Xuan smiled, and immediately retracted the bone claw again, and the skin began to heal immediately.

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