The next day, Lin Xuan asked Chen Yu to send someone to the Mercedes-Benz 4S store to buy a Mercedes-Benz R350 series as a company car and a Mercedes-Benz S600 as his personal vehicle, and asked the personnel department to recruit a driver.

Lin Xuan knew that he was no longer an unknown ordinary person in the market. As the news of the opening and the press conference continued to ferment, his popularity was about to catch up with those popular stars.

Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, it is impossible for me to take a bus or take a taxi when I travel in the future.

And Google's [-] million US dollars has already been credited, he is not short of money now, a car worth [-] to [-] million is just a drop in the bucket for him now.

In the next few days, Lin Xuan took his mother back to the newly bought house and hired senior nurses to take care of her.

And Lin Xue also returned to school, ready to go to work in Lin Xuan's company after going through the withdrawal procedures.

Of course, in order to prevent accidents, Lin Xuan still asked Zhang Qisheng to find some excellent bodyguards to protect his mother, sister and Yang Shuke.

Days passed like this, Lin Xuan's life seemed to be calm again, he almost went back and forth between home and the company every day.

During the day, apart from being busy with training employees and leading them to complete the development and charging upgrade of several major dialect versions of the intelligent voice manager, I stayed in the office alone to write the Jarvis system program.

Almost every day I have to be busy until [-] or [-] o'clock in the evening before leaving the company, and sometimes I even just sleep in the company.

During this period, Lin Xuan also accepted interviews and reports from several well-known domestic media.

His impoverished background is in stark contrast to today's great achievements, which makes his story more determined and positive. In addition, the country now advocates the spread of positive energy, and Lin Xuan's story seems to be a reflection of positive energy. The best interpretation of energy, especially the sentence he said at the press conference before: Chinese people should have their own mobile phone operating system, which made the media hype him as one of the pioneers who realized the Chinese dream .

Moreover, Lin Xuan's previous kidney transplantation for his mother was also dug out by these reporters for praise, which also gave Lin Xuan a lot of positive images, making him a role model and idol in the hearts of countless aspiring young people, and even more so. Countless users have more trust and support for Xuanyu Technology.

Of course, the reason why Lin Xuan is willing to let reporters report his life experience is because he hopes that he can represent the company and establish a good image and reputation in the hearts of users. bring some positive impact.


As the fee upgrade date approached, the employees of Xuanyu Technology also began to work overtime collectively, especially the employees of the technical department, who almost directly ate and lived in the unit.

Of course, the overtime pay and subsidies that Lin Xuan paid to them are much higher than those in the same industry, and Lin Xuan also promised that after the smart voice butler upgrades the fees, all bonuses and wages will be doubled for three consecutive months.

So these people are naturally as if they have been beaten.

Today, there are still two days before the smart voice butler upgrade charge, and the paid version of the smart voice butler with several major dialect language packages has basically been completed, and follow-up performance testing and improvement are currently underway.

Therefore, the company's employees were busy until after [-] o'clock in the evening before leaving get off work, and some of the main programmers also made final improvements to the performance of the upgraded version of the intelligent voice housekeeper, and they probably will sleep in the work unit again tonight.

Inside Lin Xuan's office.

Lin Xuan didn't plan to go home today either. He sat in front of the computer and wrote the Jarvis system until midnight.

Standing up and stretching, Lin Xuan made himself a cup of coffee, then stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, drinking coffee while admiring the night view of Binhai City.

Standing here, he can see the huge Ferris wheel on Binhai Yongle Bridge in the distance through the gaps of several buildings. The neon lights of the Ferris wheel are like a halo suspended in the night sky, which is extremely beautiful.

Suddenly, Lin Xuan recalled the thoughts that had just popped into his mind when he was standing here last time, and couldn't help but think of the Spider-Man clothes he bought before, which was still thrown in the drawer, and he hadn't tried it on.

So he immediately went back to the desk, put down the coffee cup, took off his coat, and then removed the Spiderman suit and put it on.

Looking at the hazy figure in the floor-to-ceiling windows, Lin Xuan suddenly felt that he was Spider-Man in the movie, and the urge to shuttle between buildings like Spider-Man in his mind became stronger.

In fact, the reason why Lin Xuan didn't do that was mainly because he was afraid of being seen by others, or being photographed by video or surveillance equipment, which would bring unnecessary trouble to himself.

But now I'm hiding under this dress, no one can recognize me, and in the dead of night, no one should see me.

Even if he is accidentally captured by someone or surveillance, he still has the ability to make these videos disappear from the public's view before causing a sensation.

Thinking about it this way, the burden in Lin Xuan's heart suddenly became much lighter, so he immediately cut two small slits on the wrist of his clothes to make it easier for him to spin silk, and then opened the window of the office, just like Spiderman in the movie. He jumped onto the window frame steadily, squatted on it, and looked down at the street below.

Finally, he looked at the tall skyscrapers around him, and he naturally calculated his route map in his mind to shuttle between these tall buildings.

"Come on!" Shouted in his heart, Lin Xuan slammed his feet, and his whole body was ejected. In an instant, Lin Xuan felt his whole body's blood speed up, and the sound of howling wind passed by his ears, His body crossed the night sky in a parabola, and flew straight to another building in front of him.

It's just that the feeling of falling at such a high speed made him not feel the feeling of flying, but the feeling of jumping off a building!

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