Spider-Man actually appeared in Huaxia, and he was still in the fire, saving more than [-] survivors and four firefighters.

This made many people feel unbelievable, but they were inexplicably excited.

For a while, the Internet became more lively, and almost everyone was discussing this topic, and a large number of fans of Spider-Man movies emerged, and they became supporters of the real version of Spider-Man.

Soon, some interview videos about the people rescued at the scene became popular on the Internet. Those people described in detail the process and feelings of being rescued by Spiderman at that time, and pushed the authenticity and popularity of this matter to the highest point. .

"At that time, I couldn't stand the smoke. The fear and despair in my heart also made me lose my mind. I finally chose to end my life by jumping off the building. But the moment I jumped down, I was really scared. I I didn't want to die, but it was too late, I thought I was going to die, but I didn't expect Spider-Man to appear, he saved me a second before I landed, and let me regain my sacrifice!" A man He said excitedly during the interview.

"I never believed that there were any superheroes in this world before, but today I have to believe that that person is our superhero. Although his prototype is derived from Western comics, the Spider-Man that appeared today belongs to Our Chinese superhero! I love him!" Another rescued woman said with the same expression.


Who is Chapter 96?

The background of the video screen was switched to a ward, and a beautiful woman with a slightly haggard complexion said to the reporter equally excitedly: "Although I am not in good health because of inhaling a large amount of poisonous gas, I would like to say something anyway. Sentence——I was going to attend an interview on the [-]th floor of the Peace Building this afternoon, but the elevator suddenly lost power, and I was trapped in the elevator. Later, I heard someone shouting that it was on fire. I knew the situation was not good. I knocked on the elevator door desperately, shouting for help, hoping that someone could help me, but no one answered me, only I was struggling in the elevator, I almost tried everything, but I couldn’t escape the elevator at all. , I was really scared!"

Speaking of this, the woman seemed to think of the situation at that time, her eyes turned red, and her voice choked up slightly.

"You may never imagine the feeling of being ineffective every day. I was really close to despair at the time. The thick smoke made me almost suffocate, but when I was dying , the elevator door was opened by life, and I saw the figure of Spiderman. At first I thought it was a hallucination before dying, but I didn't expect it to be real. He rushed out of the building with me in his arms. From then on I jumped from a height of more than [-] floors, and finally brought me safely to the ground. At that moment, I was really touched. Spiderman is the eternal hero in my heart. I would like to repay his life-saving grace with everything I have! "

The video cut back to the scene again, and a crowd watching at the scene said in an interview: "I witnessed the whole process today, and my mood went from heavy at the beginning to excitement and excitement at the end. People are sad, but fortunately, Spider-Man appeared in time, he saved more than [-] lives, so that this disaster did not lead to a greater tragedy, he is our hero!"


Lin Xuan didn't know that when he was resting on the roof of the building, the news and videos about him had turned the whole of China upside down.

As the sky gradually darkened, Lin Xuan sat up and looked at the Heping Building in the distance. There was still thick smoke there, but the fire seemed to have been brought under control.

At this time, he has recovered to the state of life and vitality again, but he feels very hungry in his stomach. It is a feeling of hunger that he hasn't felt in a long time. It must be that he just used superpowers to consume too much energy.

But Lin Xuan did not return to the company immediately, but waited until it was completely dark and all the units in Xinyuan Building were off work before returning to Xinyuan Building again.

Then quietly returned to his office through the window, took off Spiderman's clothes, and put on his coat.

"Hey—it's really drunk to be so sneaky as a hero!" Lin Xuan laughed at himself, "But it will be convenient to have Mystique's super power in the future!"

Although he complained, Lin Xuan did not regret his choice today. After all, because of his existence, more than [-] lives survived, and because of his existence, no more tragedies happened. He felt that it was worth it. up!

After working on the chair for a while, Lin Xuan suddenly thought of something. Although no one could recognize him wearing Spider-Man's clothes today, it is necessary to deal with the record of buying Spider-Man's clothes from the Internet.

So he immediately activated the hacking software...


The mayor of Binhai City, Li Changqing, hasn't been as busy as he is today for a long time, but since the Heping Building caught fire, his phone has been ringing non-stop. At first, he was reporting the situation and asking his superiors about the situation.

But in the end, even the leaders and chiefs at the top of the central government also called. However, these calls were not only about the fire in the Peace Building, but mainly about the appearance of Spider-Man on the scene.

Li Changqing didn't dare to neglect to report the situation one by one. As for the Spiderman matter, he didn't dare to jump to a conclusion. He just said that someone witnessed it at the scene, but he had already sent someone to investigate the specific situation.

Moreover, Li Changqing also followed the instructions of the leader and asked someone to collect samples of the spider silk found at the scene and send them to relevant departments for chemical analysis.


"What do you guys think about this?"

In the conference room of a central office building in Kyoto City, several top leaders of countries and two professors from the Chinese Academy of Sciences gathered here. They held this informal meeting tonight not because of the fire in the Peace Building, but because of the Show up the Spider-Man thing.

And on the large projection screen in the meeting room, the video of Spider-Man rescuing people on the spot has just been played.

Hearing the question from Chief No. [-], everyone present frowned slightly. After some thought, one of them, a middle-aged man in military uniform with a resolute face, said: "There is no need to say the authenticity of the video, but I don't believe it. What kind of superman is there in this world! I think he may have used some kind of high-tech device!"

"Ma Ling is right. If a certain device is really used, it is most likely a device that can emit bionic spider silk! At present, the Binhai side has asked people to collect samples for analysis, and it should be available tomorrow. The result has been obtained. However, I personally think that the possibility of bionic spider silk is not particularly high. Since the 20s, researchers from various countries have been researching artificially synthesized spider silk technology, and our country has also invested a lot of money in this research. Technology, but so far no country or organization has a better way to artificially synthesize spider silk, let alone a bionic spider silk launcher! So I think this is unlikely!" A professor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences He shook his head slightly and said.

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