"Good Mr. Lin, I, Xia Weiguo, thank you for your contribution on behalf of the party and the country!" Xia Weiguo extended his right hand and shook hands with Lin Xuan. Both of them were in a good mood.


The next morning, Lin Xuan was typing codes in the office when he suddenly received a call from an unfamiliar number. After connecting, he found out that the caller turned out to be Li Changqing, the mayor of Binhai City.

Lin Xuan was a little surprised, but immediately guessed that it probably had something to do with the fact that he wanted to build a factory.

Sure enough, after the two chatted briefly, Li Changqing talked about building a factory, but what Lin Xuan didn't expect was that the Binhai Municipal Government decided to provide Xuanyu Technology with a piece of land for free in the Binhai High-tech Industrial Park, and Various procedures and certificates will be sent to Lin Xuan later.

This news surprised and delighted Lin Xuan, not to mention how much money the free piece of land would save his company, the procedures and certificates alone saved Lin Xuan a lot of trouble and time.

You know, if you buy land and build a factory, you need to go through so many procedures that it will be a headache, and the process is also very complicated. It may be difficult to complete it in less than [-] or [-] days.

But now that he didn't have to do anything, the government offered a piece of land and sent all the procedures. Lin Xuan couldn't help but sigh, with the country as a big backer, it really is easy to do things!

After Lin Xuan thanked him, he offered to invite Li Changqing to dinner, but Li Changqing declined, but he left his personal number to Lin Xuan, and said that Lin Xuan could call if he needed help in the future. give him.

Not long after the call with Li Changqing ended, an employee of the municipal government came to Xuanyu Technology and sent Lin Xuan various procedures and certificates.

After getting all the procedures, Lin Xuan immediately called Chen Yu, and handed over the design and planning of the factory building, bidding construction and other work to Chen Yu, and he devoted himself to the development of the intelligent security master search function module. .

In this way, another week passed in a flash, and the craze caused by Spider-Man seemed to have subsided gradually, but speculation about Spider-Man's true identity was still fermenting on the Internet.

Moreover, during this week, many foreign tourists came to Binhai City, especially the Peace Building, which has almost become the hottest tourist attraction. Many foreigners came there to visit and take pictures, and there were even speculators, who specially wore Spiderman's clothes , and take photos with tourists on the spot for a fee.

In this regard, the Binhai Municipal Government really didn't know whether to be happy or sad. A disaster even boosted Binhai's tourism economy. This ending seems a bit unexpected.

And this phenomenon was naturally not ignored by the media. After media reports, Lin Xuan also heard about this incident very quickly. .


In the Institute of Advanced Materials, Chinese Academy of Sciences, today is destined to be an extraordinary day. Those researchers and old professors who are usually rational, calm and taciturn, seem to be on stimulants today, surrounded by a piece of equipment, their faces full of excitement clapped and cheered.


"It really succeeded, it's incredible!"

"This Lin Xuan is simply a genius, how did he come up with this method!"

"That's right, it's completely different from the research direction of all preparation technologies today, this is completely a slant, and a new way!"

"This kid is indeed a genius!" Everyone discussed excitedly, their eyes full of admiration.

In the past few days, they have also made a piece of equipment using the technical information provided by Lin Xuan, but at first some professors still had some doubts about this technology, but after just carrying out the preparation experiment, they successfully prepared While they were excited about the graphene material, they were also completely overwhelmed by Lin Xuan's wisdom.

"However, I find it incredible that even if this method finds its way, at least it will take countless experiments to find that the two parameters of temperature and sound frequency satisfy the conditions at the same time. Does Lin Xuan still have his own experiments? The laboratory and the scientific research team are not working?" A professor suddenly raised doubts.

"Perhaps, otherwise, how could it be possible to develop such an advanced preparation technology, and this kid should not only be researching nanomaterials such as graphene, but may also be researching technologies in other fields, such as bionic materials! So he is really Maybe it's the so-called Spider-Man!" another professor said.

As early as the second day after the Peace Building caught fire, they received an analysis report from Binhai, and learned that the spider silk used by Spider-Man was almost identical to real spider silk, which made him excited for a long time.

Because this result proved that Spiderman used synthetic spider silk, and the technology he used was probably already extremely mature.

Later, they also personally took back the spider silk samples collected at the scene of the Heping Building fire, and conducted analysis and research, hoping to find some useful technical clues, but unfortunately, there is no result yet.

But at least this gave them a glimmer of hope for synthetic spider silk!

"Well, there should be an [-]% possibility. This time, Minister Xia and I went to Xuanyu Technology and found that the Xinyuan Building where their company is located is very close to the Peace Building!" Professor Liu said with a serious face. .

"In this way, this Lin Xuan is indeed a genius comparable to Einstein! He has developed a new computer language, and has also developed a graphene material preparation technology, and it is very likely that he has also mastered the technology of artificially synthesizing spider silk. , This is really unbelievable, is he a human from Earth!" A scientific researcher exclaimed.

"Well, I can only use the word genius to describe him!" A group of old professors also expressed admiration.

"Since it is basically confirmed that Spider-Man is Lin Xuan, what is the Prime Minister's plan for this?"

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