"Sister, brother-in-law, who do you think is coming?" Hou Yuan saw that his sister and brother-in-law hadn't noticed them, so he said quickly.

Hou Jing turned her head to look in surprise, and when she saw Lin Xuan, she was surprised: "Lin Xuan? You're back!"

"Sister Jing, brother-in-law!" Lin Xuan greeted Hou Jing and Qiao Zhiyuan.

"Lin Xuan, sit down quickly, sister Jing is busy, I will spare time to accompany you later!"

"It's okay, Sister Jing, you're welcome, you're busy and don't worry about me!" Lin Xuan said with a smile, and immediately sat down with Hou Yuan on the bench near the door, and Hou Yuan also poured Lin Xuan a glass of warm water.

"Eh? Sister Jing, why don't you open a shop at the main entrance of the school? How remote is it here?" Lin Xuan asked casually after drinking his saliva.

"Oh—we are latecomers, and we were squeezed out by others. It would be great to open a shop here!" Hou Jing sighed.

Hou Yuan also passed the topic with a wry smile: "In the beginning we were there too, and the business was very good, much better than now, but then I guess people were jealous, and the city management came to confiscate our things not long after. In fact, you also know that there are many stalls at the gate of the school, but the urban management only confiscated our things. There is no reason to go, and then my sister went to the Urban Management Bureau and gave their leader a red envelope of [-] yuan, so she was allowed to do business here!"

"Now that the state is so strict, if they dare to do this, they won't be afraid of being reported!" Lin Xuan also said a little unfairly.

"Hey - the sky is high in our small place, the emperor is far away, and the government will not be able to take care of it for a while, not to mention how can we ordinary people fight against others who are officials. Life will be difficult!" Hou Jing said with a bitter face.

"It's true!" Lin Xuan was also helpless, after all, even if the sky net is restored, there are still fish that slip through the net.

"Fortunately, my sister's craftsmanship is very good, and the wine is not afraid of deep alleys. We have more and more repeat customers, and word of mouth, the business has gradually improved recently!" Hou Yuan continued.

"Yeah, when I first came here, I saw the small shop by the main entrance of the school. It's not as popular as yours!"

"Well, my sister's baked cold noodles and my brother-in-law's scallion pancakes are definitely the best in Annong County. You can try them later!" Hou Yuan said proudly.

"Well, I'm hungry after smelling it!" Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"Hehe, your big boss is used to delicacies from mountains and seas, and you still want to eat street snacks?" Hou Jing said with a smile.

The news about Lin Xuan starting a company has long been spread in their village. Hou Jing and Hou Yuan naturally also heard that Lin Xuan developed a smart voice butler and started a company to make a lot of money.

"No delicacies from mountains and seas can compare to my love for roasted cold noodles!" Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"Well, sister Jing will let you eat your fill later!" Hou Jing said with a smile.

... [Please recommend tickets, buddies, rise up! 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

[Book friend group of this book: It's not easy to copy here, there is also at the bottom of the introduction!Welcome friends to join! 】While Lin Xuan was chatting with Hou Yuan and Hou Jing, a white van with the city management law enforcement on it suddenly stopped at the door, and immediately saw seven men wearing urban management coats get out of the car, one of them had a hulking back, The flesh-faced man immediately yelled: "It's gone, it's gone, it's all gone, I dare to buy anything, I'm not afraid of eating to death!" Seeing the urban management coming outside, Hou Jing and Qiao Zhiyuan in the color steel house Her complexion changed drastically, Hou Jing quickly turned off the fire, and ran out: "Big brother, hehe, big brother, what's the matter?" "Brother, I greeted the director of your Urban Management Bureau before, and your director agreed with us to set up a stall here!" Hou Jing quickly explained with an apologetic smile. "Don't use the chief to suppress me, tell you not to talk nonsense with me, turn off the fire immediately, you are operating illegally, we will confiscate your things now!" The leading man yelled fiercely. "Don't, don't, brother, we just don't set up a stall here in the future, you show your hand, we pack up and leave!" Hou Jing quickly grabbed the arm of the man with a swollen face, and smiled apologetically.At this time, Qiao Zhiyuan, Hou Yuan, and Lin Xuan saw that the situation was not good, and hurried out. "Let go, don't mess with me, it's useless. If you don't listen to the warning once, and don't discuss it this time, your illegal equipment must be confiscated!" the man still shouted mercilessly.As he said that, he winked at the people on the side, and those people were about to step forward to make a move, Qiao Zhiyuan and Hou Yuan rushed forward to stop them.And Hou Jing also begged quickly: "Brother, I beg you, big brother, it is not easy for us to do business, we owe a lot of money to buy these things, and we haven't made back the cost until now, you will confiscate it for us, and return it to us." How can we live!" Hou Jing was so anxious that she was about to cry, Qiao Zhiyuan looked at her distressed, and even blamed herself for being incompetent, letting her daughter-in-law go around and suffer, not to mention being bullied. "It's useless to say that, we have to confiscate this thing today - what are you guys doing, drag this shed away!" the man with a stern face ruthlessly shouted, and the others immediately stepped forward The color steel shed is about to be pushed away.Seeing this, Qiao Zhiyuan turned pale with anger, and desperately pushed the city management to prevent them from dragging away his stall, and roared angrily: "How can you bully people like this? We, you guys are too bullying!" "Exactly, why are you confiscating our things!" Hou Yuan was also annoyed, and tried his best to stop the urban management.He knew that it was not easy for his sister and brother-in-law to get this stall, and he borrowed a lot of money. This small business is the entire hope of their family. If it is confiscated, it will be tantamount to cutting off their livelihood! "Stop, I said, do you have law enforcement documents?" Lin Xuan couldn't stand it any longer, and yelled, and Chang Sheng, who had been staying in the car before, got out of the car and walked over.Lin Xuan finally understood that these people were deliberately targeting Hou Jing and his family, and no matter how Lin Xuan saw it, these people did not look like real city management, but rather like a group of hooligans.It stands to reason that Hou Jing has already sent red envelopes to the Urban Management Bureau, and has also moved to such a remote alley, so there is no need for the Urban Management Bureau to kill them all.But this group of people actually found them again, and they couldn't explain it. They insisted on confiscating their belongings and driving them to their death.This is obviously someone who instructed them. "Whoever talks nonsense anymore, I'll arrest you all!" the man with a face full of flesh shouted. "Grab one and try!" Chang Sheng walked up to Lin Xuan, frowned, and snapped.The voice was quite thick and majestic, and everyone present was stunned for a moment, and they looked at him one after another, but they couldn't help but feel a little scared when they saw that there was a fierce aura all over his body. "Hmph, you violently resisted the law, what's wrong with arresting you?" After recovering from his senses, the flesh-faced man shouted coldly again, but his arrogance was much restrained than before. "Violent resistance to the law? Are you law enforcement officers? Show me your ID! Even the police must have ID to handle the case, and the police arrester should also have an arrest warrant. Confiscating other people's things, if I wear a police uniform, can I kill you directly!" Lin Xuan said bluntly.Now he feels more and more that these people are not urban management, but a pack of wolves in sheep's clothing. "Certificate, my face is the ID card!" The man with a swollen face shouted angrily. Although he was a little afraid of Chang Sheng, there were so many of them after all, and he had been in Annong County for so many years, how could he be afraid? A few ordinary people.What's more, today he vented his anger on behalf of his father-in-law. If this matter goes wrong, how can he pursue his daughter in the future, so today he has to drive the family out of Annong County no matter what, so as to avoid future troubles forever. "Why are you still standing still, drag this shed away for me, and I will arrest anyone who dares to block it!" The man with a swollen face roared again. "Chang Sheng, can you handle these people?" Lin Xuan said suddenly. "It's a trivial matter!" Chang Sheng said in a flat voice, and immediately came to the man with a swollen face, grabbed his collar, and threw him out.The whole process was as fast as lightning, and the man didn't react at all until he fell heavily on the ground. Then he came back to his senses, and then looked at Chang Sheng with a look of horror, and the "urban management" who just wanted to move again were also stunned. They stopped, but when they saw Chang Sheng's sharp gaze, they immediately stepped back in fright. "Don't think that you are a law enforcement officer in the clothes of the city management. Go back and tell your leaders. If you continue to do whatever you want, he will not be the leader anymore!" Chang Sheng's words were calm, but full of domineering, which made Lin Xuan slightly A little startled, but Lin Xuan thought about it, this Chang Sheng is not an ordinary bodyguard.He came out of the Ministry of Security, and all of them had military ranks and privileges. He really didn't pay attention to officials in this small county.Thinking about it this way, Lin Xuan felt that it was very wise for him to accept the bodyguard at the beginning. It seems that there is no need for him to be so troublesome in investigating his father's disappearance this time.The flesh-faced man didn't speak, but looked at Chang Sheng with a look of fear, and immediately got up from the ground, took a few other urban management officers, ran back into the car, and drove away quickly. "Lin Zi, thank you, and thank you, big brother, for your help!" Seeing those urban management officers fleeing, Hou Yuan hurried over to thank him. "Yes, Lin Xuan, thank you so much! Otherwise, I really don't know what to do!" Hou Jing also said gratefully. "Monkey, Sister Jing, if you say this, you will be offended, but Sister Jing, don't set up stalls here in the future!" "Well, yes, we won't do anything here in the future. Old Qiao, let's pack up and leave here!" Hou Jing said helplessly.Although Lin Xuan helped them drive away those city management officers, she knew very well that those people would never let it go, and they probably wouldn't be able to do business here in the future. "What I mean is that you sell this shed, go back and choose a good store opposite the school, and I will pay the rent for you!" Lin Xuan said with a smile. "What?" Hou Yuan, Hou Jing, and Qiao Zhiyuan were stunned, but surprise and excitement soon appeared on their faces. ...

[Thanks to the main reward of Zangtian Pavilion 灬灯天露, thanks to piq under the oio star tree for the reward of 1888 coins, thanks to Gao Bo S for the reward of 200 coins, and thanks to the brothel for the road I will not go, and a piece of watermelon rind for the reward of 100 coins!I also thank the rest of the big rewards, everyone's encouragement and support have been received, I am really grateful to everyone! 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

[Book friend group of this book: It's not easy to copy here, there is also at the bottom of the introduction!Welcome friends to join! 】

While Lin Xuan was chatting with Hou Yuan and Hou Jing, a white van with the city management law enforcement on it suddenly stopped at the door, and immediately saw seven men wearing urban management coats get out of the car, one of them was a burly man, full of The flesh-faced man immediately yelled: "It's gone, it's all gone, I dare to buy anything, I'm not afraid of eating to death!"

Seeing the urban management coming outside, Hou Jing and Qiao Zhiyuan's expressions changed drastically in the color steel house. Hou Jing quickly turned off the fire and ran out: "Brother, hehe, brother, what's the matter?"

"Who asked you to set up a stall here?" the man with a swollen face said coldly.

"Brother, I greeted the director of your Urban Management Bureau before, and your director agreed with us to set up a stall here!" Hou Jing quickly explained with an apologetic smile.

"Don't use the chief to suppress me, tell you not to talk nonsense with me, turn off the fire immediately, you are operating illegally, we will confiscate your things now!" The leading man yelled fiercely.

"Don't, don't, brother, we just don't set up a stall here in the future, you show your hand, we pack up and leave!" Hou Jing quickly grabbed the arm of the man with a swollen face, and smiled apologetically.

At this time, Qiao Zhiyuan, Hou Yuan, and Lin Xuan saw that the situation was not good, and hurried out.

"Let go, don't mess with me, it's useless. If you don't listen to the warning once, and don't discuss it this time, your illegal equipment must be confiscated!" the man still shouted mercilessly.

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