"What I mean is that you sell this shed, go back and choose a good store opposite the school, and I will pay the rent for you!" Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"What?" Hou Yuan, Hou Jing, and Qiao Zhiyuan were stunned, but surprise and excitement soon appeared on their faces.


[Thanks to the main reward of Zangtian Pavilion 灬灯天露, thanks to piq under the oio star tree for the reward of 1888 coins, thanks to Gao Bo S for the reward of 200 coins, and thanks to the brothel for the road I will not go, and a piece of watermelon rind for the reward of 100 coins!I also thank the rest of the big rewards, everyone's encouragement and support have been received, I am really grateful to everyone! 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Lin Xuan, sister Jing heard right?" Hou Jing looked at Lin Xuan excitedly. She never wanted to have a store, so that she would not be afraid of these urban management.

It's just that they have been suffering from not having enough money to rent the shop. They spent a lot of effort to get together the money to buy this simple shed. It is simply impossible to rent a shop.

But Lin Xuan just said that he would pay the rent to help them rent a store, which is simply a pie in the sky!

"Sister Jing, you heard me right, it would be useless for you to have such good craftsmanship and not open a store!" Lin Xuan said with a smile.

With Lin Xuan's affirmation, Hou Jing grabbed Lin Xuan's hand excitedly, and said with blushing cheeks: "Lin Xuan, Sister Jing really doesn't know how to thank you, Sister Jing thank you, but we can't give up the money for nothing Take it, treat it as if you lent it to Sister Jing, and when Sister Jing makes money, I will return it to you with interest!"

Hou Jing's excited voice trembled a little, and Qiao Zhiyuan and Hou Yuan beside him were also full of joy.

"Sister Jing, you don't have to be polite. When do you have the money for renting the shop and when do you pay it back? It would be too outrageous to charge you interest!" Lin Xuan said with a smile. He asked for his money for no reason, so that's all he could say.

"Okay!" Hou Jing was so excited that she didn't know what to say anymore, she looked excitedly at Qiao Zhiyuan and Hou Yuan who were also excited, the family seemed to be dreaming.

"Haha, we don't have to be so useless in the future, let's go, let's close the stall and go home, Lin Xuan, if you have nothing urgent, wait for brother-in-law for a while, brother-in-law will take this shed back, and treat you to dinner, let's have a good drink today Cup!" Qiao Zhiyuan said excitedly.

"Yeah, Lin Zi, we haven't seen each other for a long time, let's have a drink together at noon today!" Hou Yuan also put his arm around Lin Xuan's shoulder and said happily.

"Okay!" Lin Xuan happened to be hungry too, and he and Hou Yuan hadn't seen each other for more than two years, so it was time to catch up.

"Haha, that's good! Let's close the stall and go home!"

Qiao Zhiyuan, Hou Jing, and Hou Yuan quickly started to pack their things. Lin Xuan also got into the car and drove the car to the front, ready to use his own car to help Hou Jing and the others drag the colored steel shed home.

But just when they tied the color steel shed to Lin Xuan's car, a police car and a police van suddenly drove over and stopped in front of Lin Xuan's car, and several policemen quickly got out of the car , walked over with a stern expression.

Seeing the police approaching, Lin Xuan frowned, and couldn't help thinking that those urban management officers just now had a lot of history, and they even called the police.

And Chang Sheng on the side also had a flash in his eyes, and suddenly said: "Mr. Lin, I think you don't have to work so hard to investigate the disappearance of your father this time!"

"What do you mean?" Lin Xuan turned to look at Chang Sheng with doubts on his face.

"Just ask your local police to help with the investigation. I can use my privilege to directly ask the Public Security Bureau to do things for us!"

"You have such a great privilege, why didn't you say it earlier!"

"Sorry, Mr. Lin, my main task is to protect your safety. Using privileges should also serve this purpose, and every time you use privileges, you need to report to your superiors, so you can't use privileges indiscriminately to deal with other things. This The second is that these police officers abused their power and threatened your safety, so I can use my privileges to protect you, and naturally I can help you with this matter by the way!" Chang Sheng explained, and smiled meaningfully after finishing speaking.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan's eyes lit up, he understood Chang Sheng's meaning, nodded and said, "So that's the case, thank you very much!"

"This is what I should do!"


Several policemen walked up to Hou Jing and the others, held up an arrest warrant, and said in a cold voice, "You guys are suspected of violent resistance to the law. This is an arrest warrant. You guys should come with us!"

When the police said that they were going to be arrested, Hou Jing, Hou Yuan, and Qiao Zhiyuan's faces suddenly changed with fright, and their minds went blank. They were ordinary people, and what they were most afraid of was entering the police station.

"The water in Annong County is really deep!" Pushing open the car door, Lin Xuan said coldly.

In fact, Lin Xuan already knew that the relationship between the officials, businessmen, and gangsters in Annong County was not simple. His father disappeared back then, the police did not file a case, and his fellow villager went to find the contractor but was beaten and arrested. It is enough to explain all this.

Although Annong County is small, the water is very deep.

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