After a long time, Lin Xuan's car finally followed the queue and passed the toll booth. Immediately after, a policeman glanced at their license plate, his eyes flashed, and he walked over quickly.

The man in white lowered the car window and nodded to the policeman, who immediately waved his hand to let him go.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan was secretly startled. It seems that Ma Changwei's energy is really extraordinary. He is worthy of being a man who knows the world. If his experimental base is really in the Northeast, his tentacles may have spread all over the Northeast.

After entering Yanbian City, the car did not enter the urban area, but left the urban area along the outer ring road, and finally after about an hour's drive, it stopped in front of a single-family villa on the outskirts of the county.

This villa is also surrounded by high walls, and there are several guards at the door, and there are also sounds of barking dogs one after another inside.

After the man in white lowered the car window, he greeted the guard at the door. The guard saluted respectfully, and immediately opened the heavy gate, allowing their car to drive in.

After parking the car, the man in white got out of the car and led Lin Xuan into the villa.

"Brother White Tiger!"

"Brother Baihu!" Several young men guarding the villa's entrance greeted one after another.

The man in white nodded slightly, led Lin Xuan into the villa, and went straight to the door of a bedroom on the third floor of the villa.

"Mr. Lin, you can just rest here, and I will ask someone to deliver the computer and meals to you later! If you have other needs, or any news, you can find me at the opposite door at any time, and I will live in your house." The room opposite!"

"Well, thank you Mr. Bai!" Lin Xuan smiled slightly, then opened the door and walked into the bedroom.

This bedroom is very spacious, with stylish decoration, complete facilities, and a bathroom. Lin Xuan sat on the bed for a while, then went to the bathroom to take a hot shower to wash away his exhaustion.

When I came out, I found that the food had been placed on a desk, all of which were Lin Xuan's favorite Northeast specialties, and there was a laptop next to it.

He didn't eat anything last night, and Lin Xuan was indeed hungry, so he swept away a large bowl of rice and several dishes, and then burped in satisfaction, got up, walked outside, and called He caught a man guarding the door and told him to ask someone to take the tableware away.

Lin Xuan didn't care about this kind of monitoring at all. He knew that Ma Changwei, or this man named Bai Hu, was still worried about him, but fortunately, he didn't find any monitoring and listening devices in the room.

After the tableware was taken away, Lin Xuan locked the door and lay down on the bed to go to sleep. But before that, he still had one very important thing to do, which was to redeem Mystique's super power.

So he immediately calmed down, and his consciousness entered the virtual space again.

"System, I want to exchange for Mystique's super power!" Lin Xuan

"Okay, master!"

"Okay, master!" The system voice sounded again, and immediately the image of the Wolverine appeared in front of Lin Xuan.

"The redemption function is now activated..."

Accompanied by the sound of the electronic sound again, the familiar feeling struck again. The numbness and pain, like an electric current rushing into the brain and body, was indeed more intense than last time. After a few waves, Lin Xuan passed out again.


[Thank you for the reward of 1888 coins for the rudder master of this book, and for the 19476044 coin reward for the two book friends, Mr. White Rabbit and book friend 100. Thank you to all the friends who voted for recommendations and rewards, and those who leave messages of encouragement My book friends, with your support, I will work hard to code words! 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When Lin Xuan opened his eyes again, it was already late at night. He sat up, felt his body carefully, and felt that great changes had taken place again, and a lot of secret agent-related skills appeared in his mind. Miscellaneous information, as well as complete knowledge of black technology such as the Jarvis system and steel suits.

Not only that, but Lin Xuan found that he could clearly feel the existence of every cell in his body. It seemed that as long as he moved his mind, those cells would change according to his wishes.

However, what surprised Lin Xuan was that according to the settings in comics or movies, the Mystique seemed to be covered with blue scales all over her body, but after he obtained her superpowers, his own appearance did not have any appearance. Variety.

"Fortunately, I didn't become like Mystique in the movie. Otherwise, I would have to rely on my transformation ability to maintain my original appearance. Then wouldn't I become a monster in ancient mythology!" Lin Xuan shook with a wry smile. Shaking his head, he cursed in his heart.

"But let's try this superpower!" Lin Xuan was actually looking forward to Mystique's superpower, so he immediately concentrated on it, imagining the old man's withered palm in his mind, trying to control the cells in his palm to change.

Sure enough, the skin on the palm of his hand turned yellow, wrinkled, and even age spots appeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan was overjoyed, this super power is really amazing.

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