People of different skin colors, different ages, and different genders came with them. Among them, like Ma Changwei, the people representing the heads of various experimental bases sat around the conference table, and the bodyguards or assistants who came with them is sitting behind them.

Lin Xuan looked around, remembered the appearance of these people in his mind, and then looked at the people behind them. Some of them were tall and strangely shaped, and many of them even had tattoos all over their faces. , I can't see the original appearance clearly, but there are some that look normal.

And behind the leader of almost every experimental base, there will be a person holding a laptop and doing operations.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan understood Suzaku's responsibilities, and immediately took out the laptop that Ma Changwei asked her to carry, and started it up.

At this time, a man in a white coat and glasses walked in. This man looked to be in his thirties, Caucasian, with brown curly hair, and his appearance was not surprising.

Beside him was a foreign girl who was approaching the computer with her hands in her hands, and behind her were two tall Caucasian men with tattoos on the left side of their necks, which should be the unique symbol of this organization.

Seeing this person come in, everyone got up one after another, and when the person stretched out his hand to signal everyone to sit down, they all sat down one after another.

"It seems that he is the leader of this organization!" Lin Xuan secretly guessed in his heart, but Lin Xuan was a little surprised by the age of this person. In his opinion, it is possible to establish such a huge organization and research the NS virus. Not too young, at least about the same as Ma Changwei, but he didn't expect to be a person who looked only in his thirties.

However, Lin Xuan also knew that Europeans and Americans in their [-]s and [-]s seemed to look the same, and it was difficult to judge his actual age just from his appearance.

But looking at everyone's reaction just now, one thing is certain, this person should be the leader of this organization without a doubt.

As Lin Xuan guessed, this person is the leader of the Earth Protection Association - Stern, who is also a talented bioengineering scientist. He cultivated and invented the organization's NS virus and some biological medicines.

But no one knew the real identity of this person, not even Ma Changwei and the others. They just inferred from Stern's habitual language that he should come from the Federal State of Germany and Italy.

Stern sat down at the front seat of the conference table, and the foreign girl who came in with him quickly connected the laptop to the projector, and then opened a PPT file to play.

Over the years, in order to prevent the governments of various countries from intercepting and eavesdropping on their communication signals, the organization will use code words whenever it involves the content of the terrorist program. If important information is involved, they will all gather together and have face-to-face for meeting exchanges.

And this time he called all the heads of the test bases to a meeting, just to discuss how to deal with the actions taken by the governments of various countries against their organizations, as well as the resettlement of people who have obtained surviving quotas before the implementation of the **** plan, and Survival base management issues, etc...

Seeing the words used on the screen, Lin Xuan was speechless for a while, he didn't know the words at all.

"Zhu, just pick the key points and record later, you don't need to record everything!" Ma Changwei suddenly turned his head and said to Lin Xuan.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan nodded hastily, but felt bitter in his heart.

He finally understood Suzaku's mission this time...

"Misters and ladies..." Stern said, but what made Lin Xuan even more distressed was that the language spoken by this person was completely incomprehensible to him.

And the following meeting made Lin Xuan completely desperate. These people communicated in the language that Stern spoke the whole time.

"This is too bad. Suzaku should understand the language they speak, but I can't understand it at all, and I don't understand the words on the screen. There is no way to record the content of this meeting. After a while, Ma Changwei saw that I didn't record anything. , will definitely question me, how should I answer?

And going on like this is not an option, Ma Changwei must have brought Suzaku because Suzaku is proficient in some special skills to assist him, but I don't know anything about Suzaku except that I look the same as Suzaku, Ma Changwei will definitely notice it after a long time! "

Lin Xuan's brows became tighter and tighter, and he was also anxiously thinking about the solution, but after thinking about it, Lin Xuan's face gradually turned cold, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "It seems that Ma Changwei is about to be attacked in advance. Doubt that it is easy for me to start, otherwise it will be even more troublesome!"


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

[I sincerely urge everyone to subscribe and support this book tomorrow, let me see your support, and make me more motivated to write it down, thank you everyone!After midnight tonight, four VIP chapters will be updated in a row. Please subscribe. If you have a monthly pass, I hope you can vote for this book tomorrow. Thank you! 】

After the meeting, Lin Xuan deliberately slowed down and followed Ma Changwei and Qinglong back to the room.

But as soon as he walked into the room and closed the door, Lin Xuan's eyes flashed coldly, he immediately quickened his pace, approached Qinglong from behind, and immediately took advantage of Qinglong's unpreparedness, punched him as fast as lightning.

At the same time, the sharp bone claws also stretched out, directly grabbing the vital part of Qinglong's heart.

"Huh?" Just when Lin Xuan's bone claws were about to touch Qinglong's back, Qinglong's complexion changed, as if he had noticed something strange behind him, and instinctively dodged forward.

But Lin Xuan's sneak attack was extremely fast this time, and Qinglongsi was unprepared before.

So even though he noticed something strange at the last moment, he was half a beat behind when he dodged.

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