
Inside Stern's office...

After Sterling heard Mark's report, his face was very ugly.

Just now when he heard that the intruder ran out from the hall on the third floor, he regretted his carelessness very much.Unexpectedly, that person would trap his subordinates with that kind of spider silk, and then escaped.

I'm afraid that at this time his two subordinates have gone mad and killed each other.

And it made him even more depressed.The intruder even blatantly invaded their surveillance system, paralyzing the entire system.

At this point, they had completely lost sight of the intruder.

"What is the origin of this person? Even the fingerprints and irises are the same as ours. If it wasn't for the DNA verification in the central room, I'm afraid he really entered there smoothly! Who sent him here, and how did he know? The internal situation of our headquarters!" Sterling frowned, really wondering how the intruder did all this.

But just as Sterling was thinking, a handsome man with blond hair and white skin suddenly said, "Mr. Sterling, could this person be the woman brought by Ma Changwei? There was a riot in Ma Changwei's room just now." After that, the girl disappeared, and then the following things happened!"

"It's very likely to be him, but...could this person change his appearance?" Sterling raised his brows, and there was a gleam in his brown eyes.

"Well, although it's unbelievable, maybe it's true, there are people in this world who really have superpowers!" The blond man said with a frown.

"That's right, it should be like this!" Sterling suddenly frowned again, and nodded solemnly.Just now he saw that Lin Xuan has bone claws and can shoot spider silk. Isn't this just the fictional superpower in the movie.

Since he can have these superpowers, it is entirely possible to have the ability to change.

Although he doesn't quite believe that there are people in this world who are born with superpowers.But he still believes that someone in this world may have genetic modification technology and create such a superman.

If this person had the ability to change appearance, then everything would make sense.He must have become Ma Changwei's bodyguard and followed Ma Changwei into here.But later Ma Changwei was killed and his identity was exposed.Then he got into a fight with Ma Changwei's other bodyguard, and the person who was forced to use X potion.

But in this way, isn't this person very likely to be from Huaxia, that is to say, the Huaxia people have mastered the genetic modification technology?

How can this be?

Although Huaxia is rising, in his view, the technology of Huaxia people is still in the stage of plagiarism and imitation, and it is not popular at all. How can it be possible to develop such a technology that has almost spanned several eras at once?

But obviously now is not the time to think about this. Now that the intruder is missing again, he must have changed into someone else's appearance, but he probably won't leave here, because his goal has not been completed, so his next step...

Sterling stood up suddenly, looking nervously at the door.

"What's the matter, Mr. Sterling?" The blond man beside him asked in surprise, but when he saw Sterling's appearance, his heart skipped a beat.

"If he wants to enter the central room, he will definitely come here to fetch Stern's body for DNA verification! He should be coming to us now!" Sterling said quickly.

But before he finished speaking, there were two screams outside the door, and then the sound of verifying and unlocking came from the door.

"He's coming!" Sterling's heart trembled, and the faces of the other people in the room changed drastically. They held their breath and became nervous. Several of the bodyguards immediately took out their pistols and aimed at the slowly opened doorway.

Suddenly, two figures knocked open the door and flew in. Everyone in the room shuddered and pulled the trigger immediately.

bang bang bang...

But just when they pointed their guns at the two figures, another figure took the opportunity to rush in. At the same time, two spider threads shot the guns in the hands of the two people in the room at the same time, and with one pull, they directly shot The pistol was snatched away.

Everyone came back to their senses, and immediately aimed their guns at the third figure and fired continuously, but the figure jumped up as fast as lightning, and then in mid-air, pulled by the spider's silk, suddenly turned at a [-]-degree angle. Turned sharply and moved sideways to the side of the room.

At the same time, there was a burst of gunfire, and several people in the room fell to the ground one after another, but there were still three men who reacted far beyond ordinary people, and even hid behind the table in an instant, and continued to shoot Lin Xuan.

The three were Sterling, the blond man, and another black man.

It's just that although their reaction speed is much faster than ordinary people, it is useless to face Lin Xuan. Lin Xuan kicked his feet against the wall, and his body instantly flew out horizontally, easily dodging the shooting of the three, and then with the help of the spider silk, Pull, suddenly made another sharp turn in the air, and flew behind those three people in an instant.

The three reacted really quickly, they immediately caught sight of Lin Xuan, turned their guns and started shooting, but Lin Xuan did not dodge, allowing the bullets of the three to hit his body, at the same time, he shot continuously The three bullets from the bullets also accurately embedded in the eyebrows of the three people, instantly killing them.

After killing the last three people, Lin Xuan cut off Stern's arm without hesitation, but Lin Xuan was worried that Stern had been dead for a while, and his blood was coagulated, so he might not be able to pass the DNA test of the instrument , so he couldn't help but look at Sterling who had just died.

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