However, the people from the embassy asked the people from the police station to take good care of Lin Xuan, so the officers from the police station enthusiastically took Lin Xuan home for a night.

At night, Lin Xuan used the police officer's home computer to check the information about the Earth Protection Association on the host computer, and found out the language of the information through the Internet.

"It turned out to be German!" Lin Xuan frowned, and immediately found a translation software to translate. Although the translation software was not very accurate, Lin Xuan still managed to find all the things he wanted from the host.

Including the archives of all members of this organization, the location of each base, etc., and even the specific implementation rules of this organization plan.

What shocked Lin Xuan was that nearly one-third of the members of this organization were important officials from various countries, including some important government officials from China. In addition to officials, there were also several European capitalist families .

No wonder this organization has the funds to do research and is so rampant all over the world.

But with these things, Lin Xuan doesn't have to destroy this organization by himself. As long as he sends this information to the Yankees, they will be willing to go all out to destroy this organization.

So Lin Xuan immediately downloaded all the data, packed it into a compressed package, and sent it to the director of the CIA, the director of the Security Bureau, and important officials such as the FBI in the form of an email. At the same time, he also sent another email to Xia Weiguo share.

Of course, he himself kept a copy in the mobile storage device.

After doing all this, Lin Xuan's heart finally fell to the ground. All he needs to do next is to wait for the governments of various countries to take action. I believe that this organization will disappear from this world in a short time.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The next day, people from the embassy came to pick up Lin Xuan, bought a ticket for Lin Xuan to return to China, and put him on the plane. ,

After the plane took off, Lin Xuan's mood was slightly complicated. It had been more than a week since he left the company, and this week was like a dream, and he actually saved all mankind once in this dream.

It's a pity that he was the only one who failed to save his father, which was his greatest regret and heartache.

At the same time that Lin Xuanfei left Libya, people from the American Security Bureau and the Huaxia Security Department had already started to take action, and the American Lijian and Huaxia also joined forces with European, African and other countries to take action. Destroy all bases of the Earth Protection Association within the time limit and arrest all members of the organization.

An action to save the whole world and all mankind begins.


In Europe, in a secret scientific research institute in the German-Italian Federal State, a middle-aged man with glasses and fluffy curly hair was sitting at his desk with a gloomy face, listening to a young man who looked very similar to him in front of him, Report the situation.

If Lin Xuan was here at this time, he would be surprised to find that these two people are almost exactly the same as Stern. The only difference is that the person sitting at the desk is much older, at least fifty or sixty years old.

But the man standing outside the desk is very young and looks to be in his early twenties.

"This is the latest situation, Dr. Stern. At present, the information of all our organization members has been leaked, and countries have taken action. This time our plan may..."

"Damn guy!" Stern in the desk was so angry that he broke the pen in his hand, "I didn't even say that I killed my three clones. It even ruined my plan. I must put this The guy is in pieces!"

At this time, Stern was furious and heartbroken.The organization he worked so hard to plan for decades was destroyed just like that.

What made him most distressed was that his three clones were also killed, and those three people were almost like his three children.

After cloning them back then, he brought them up and imparted all his thoughts and knowledge to them, allowing them to assist him in completing this great new era.Yuan Plan, and they did not disappoint him.

But now I never expected it.Just before this great plan was about to be successfully realized, it was completely destroyed by an unknown person.

His decades of painstaking efforts were wasted like this, how could he not be angry, how could he not be heartbroken!

dang dang...

"Dr. Stern!" A slightly anxious voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Come in!" Stern calmed down a little, and said in a deep voice.

The door was pushed open, and a bald middle-aged man in a white coat ran in with a document, with a hint of surprise on his face.

"Dr. Stern, this is the DNA verification instrument from the central chamber. The DNA analysis report of the blood sample collected from that person is quite unexpected!" The bald middle-aged man handed the report to Stern .

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