
-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After the renovation of the villa was completed, Lin Xuan took his parents and sister in. ±,

Lin Guowei and Chen Huilan were also a little surprised when they saw the high-walled courtyard of the villa and many security personnel patrolling inside, but they didn't ask any more questions.

After all, they also know that their son is now a rich man, and the money is unavoidable for thieves to worry about. Just like the rich man in ancient times, there must be a housekeeper at home to prevent some people who plan to do anything wrong.

Three days later, Lin Xuan, who was busy in the office, received a call from Xia Weiguo. Lin Xuan guessed that the investigation on the two agents might have had results, so he quickly connected the phone.

But Xia Weiguo's answer made Lin Xuan a little disappointed.

"They would rather die than tell?" Lin Xuan frowned, and after a moment of pondering, he asked, "Is it possible to find out their origins through other clues?"

"Well, we will continue to investigate this, and we will notify you if we find out the results. Don't worry, no matter what the results of the investigation are, the government will definitely handle it for you, and we guarantee that similar things will not happen again in the future! "Xia Weiguo said in a deep voice.

"Well, thank you Minister Xia!" Lin Xuan didn't say anything more.

After finishing the call with Xia Weiguo, Lin Xuan's complexion gradually darkened, and his brows frowned even tighter.

He is not a three-year-old child, how could he really believe Xia Weiguo's words, how could the dignified Ministry of National Defense not be able to get a clue from the mouths of the two agents.

If this is the case, Huaxia has already made spies from various countries restless these years.

So Lin Xuan knew very well that Xia Weiguo must have deliberately concealed the truth.And it's not difficult for Lin Xuan to guess the purpose of his doing so.

Is it the instigator behind the scene who took my revenge in a fit of rage?

Lin Xuan smiled wryly and shook his head, it seemed to be true as he had guessed.The messenger behind this scene is definitely not an ordinary person or force, but a country.

And the most suspect.That's America.

In fact, Lin Xuan has also thought about this matter carefully in the past few days.Although at first he felt that Microsoft was the most suspect, but after thinking about it, he ruled out Microsoft, because if it was Microsoft, he would have directly sent a killer to assassinate him in retaliation.

But those two agents wanted to kidnap themselves, that is to say, the people who instructed them most wanted to achieve the goal not to kill themselves, but to use the technology they had mastered.

able to have such an idea.The biggest possibility is a certain country.

As for why Xia Weiguo didn't tell the truth, Lin Xuan guessed that it must be because of the means he used to deal with Microsoft, which made Xia Weiguo worry that he was young and vigorous, and impulsively used computer technology to capture America and create chaos.

Although the Chinese government is happy to see the United States fall into chaos, the conflicts between countries cannot be resolved by such a simple and crude method.

What's more, the United States is always looking for trouble. If they are allowed to seize the opportunity, they will not make use of it.He began to incite the allies behind him, as well as many countries with eagles and dogs.

Even if there is no war, it is inevitable that they will unite to impose economic sanctions on China. This is not a good thing for China, which is currently developing.

So Lin Xuan who calmed down at this moment.I also felt that what Xia Weiguo did was not wrong.

Because when I was angry just now, I really wanted to directly paralyze the network of American Lijian, and then control their military satellites.Launch several nuclear missiles to blow up their own military area, and then kill the White House of the United States.Kill all those leaders.

Thinking about these thoughts to myself is really scary.The so-called impulsiveness is the devil. It would be fine if I was just an ordinary person, but the ability I have now, under impulsiveness, is really enough to cause a disaster.

If I really did those things, it would not only hurt the American government, but many innocent people, and the result of doing so would really probably force the American dog to jump over the wall and cause a war.

At that time, I am afraid that the Huaxia government will not protect me anymore. Although I am strong, I can't compete with a country for the time being!

However, it is not necessary to use such extremely cruel means for revenge.

"Hmph, old beauty, Lin Xuan will write down this time's enmity first!" Lin Xuan said to himself with a flash of coldness in his eyes.

Although it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, Lin Xuan knew that he would kick Mei Lijian from his position as the world's hegemon in less than ten years.


In Europe, in a secret scientific research institute in the German-Italian Federal State, Stern and several men in white coats and goggles were busy conducting experimental research in the laboratory, when a loudspeaker on the glass door behind him suddenly rang out There was a beep, followed by a man's voice: "Doctor, the identity of the intruder has been found out!"

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