So in the next time, he still needs to manually continuously upgrade and adjust Jarvis's program, and add self-optimized program modules.In this way, Jarvis can self-optimize in the future to make his program more perfect, and even add various functional program modules to himself.

However, today's primary version of the Jarvis system is still sufficient to control all the equipment in the entire factory for automatic production.

It's just that there is a lack of maintenance robots in the factory at present, and Lin Xuan will need to add various maintenance robots in the future, so that Jarvis can automatically control the maintenance robots and perform maintenance on various equipment.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After returning home, Lin Xuan went straight to his study, opened the door and turned on the light, went to the computer and called out: "Jarvis!"

"Welcome home sir!" The computer screen lit up, and Jarvis's voice came from the computer speakers. ?·

Lin Xuan was overjoyed. It seemed that Jarvis had successfully connected. It was a pity that in his study, except for the computer and the monitor, which could be controlled by Jarvis, the rest of the electrical appliances were not intelligent and could not be controlled by Jarvis. manage.

This also made Lin Xuanyue want to develop technology quickly. If he develops a three-bit operating system, a holographic projection computer, and a smart home in the future, then he can transform his study into the advanced technology of Tony in the movie. laboratory.

That must feel really cool!

Lin Xuan sat in front of the computer and saw that QQ had already logged in. He briefly checked the QQ messages and emails. There was nothing to say about the QQ messages, but the contents of the two emails were more important. One of them was from Director Wang. The content was the resume of a materials engineer introduced by Director Wang, and the other was from Li Qin, which also contained a resume.

Now that Lin Xuan's factory has been built, the recruitment of personnel has also begun. Although the factory does not need too many skilled workers, the management and the company's product research, operation management, equipment maintenance and other departments all need a lot of employees.

Of course, Lin Xuan of the research department has recruited a lot of elites through Director Wang and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, but there is still a shortage of people in operation and management, so Li Qin has been recruiting and interviewing continuously in the past two days. They will send an email to Lin Xuan for review and review. ·

After reading the resumes in the two emails, Lin Xuan felt very satisfied, and immediately replied to the email to agree to the admission.

In the next few days, the recruitment of factory personnel was completed successively, and Lin Xuan also began to compile various technological products in his mind into various data that Jarvis could understand, and transmitted them to Jarvis.Make it possible to produce based on these data.

These include graphene microtransistors, graphene processors, graphene batteries, and graphene sensors.There are a series of graphene products such as graphene touch screens, and of course there are many graphene composite materials.

In this way, the various departments of the factory began to operate, and all the workers in the factory went through a systematic training session and were officially employed.And the factory started its first operation.

But on the first day of operation, the graphene preparation workshop was only temporarily opened, and the entire preparation equipment was almost entirely controlled by Jarvis. The workers only needed to transport the stone-milled crystal raw materials to the feeding port of the factory. The rest of the process is almost entirely automated.

In the next few days, as Lin Xuan continued to input the data of various graphene derivative products to Jarvis, other workshops of the factory also began to operate, graphene touch screen, graphene battery, graphene Products such as processors are produced continuously, and products are produced from production to product testing.Jarvis was in charge of everything, and everything was proceeding in an orderly manner under the control of Jarvis' system.

Epoch-making graphene-derived products are being produced one after another, but Lin Xuan does not intend to announce these graphene products to the public for the time being.

Because these products are only the basic components for Lin Xuan to create brand new mobile electronic products. ?·

While the factory was running stably, Lin Xuan also led the technical team of Xuanyu Technology to start the development of a new smartphone operating system.

With the core program of the intelligent voice steward as the basis, and the help of Jarvis, the development of the whole system is very fast.

Of course, this operating system is only a transitional product of the first generation, and its intelligence is relatively low.However, it is much smarter than the current operating systems on the market, and the overall performance and stability are also better than theirs.

The next-generation operating system planned by Lin Xuan is to use this system to connect with the Jarvis system, so that every user can interact with the Jarvis system.In turn, the mobile phone has a more powerful smart experience.


Today, Lin Xuan was busy writing the code for the mobile phone operating system, when Jarvis' voice suddenly rang out: "Sir, there is a piece of news on the Internet just now, you may be very interested!"

"What news?" Lin Xuan raised his eyebrows and asked curiously.

"Sony's official website announced their latest smartphone promotional video early this morning. In addition to inheriting the consistent high quality of Sony products, the biggest selling point of this phone is that it is equipped with a new graphene battery, which can increase the battery life of the phone. Double the increase, double the charging rate, and greatly extend the lifespan!

And this phone will hold a press conference a month later, and it will be sold globally immediately.

At present, the promotional video of this mobile phone has begun to spread rapidly on the Internet, which has aroused great repercussions.

According to expert analysis, Sony's mobile phone business department is likely to turn losses into profits with this mobile phone. If the performance of the graphene battery used in this mobile phone is as it is officially introduced, and the price of the mobile phone remains at the original level, then This phone is likely to help Sony open up the mobile market, and in the future, Sony may even compete with Samsung and Apple in a tripartite situation..."

"Graphene battery?" Lin Xuan frowned, then shook his head and smiled. Sony Hijima used to be extremely brilliant, and even Apple's Jobs took it as his role model and goal.

Sony once led the global music trend - the Walkman a1kman was popular all over the world, and once bought Columbia Pictures, one of the six largest film companies in the United States, at a sky-high price of US$6 billion.

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