Hearing what everyone said, Cook frowned.He didn't speak all the time, he had some exchanges with Lin Xuan.He also knows this Chinese young man better than these people here.

Although he didn't want to believe that the mobile phone in this video was real, he was still slightly worried in his heart.

He also had the same attitude when he first heard about the smart voice steward, but in the end, Lin Xuan actually wrote it, which doesn’t seem to belong to the software of this era, which almost made Google have a counterattack Opportunity.

So now he dare not not face up to Lin Xuan.

And he feels that Lin Xuan seems to have been ready to launch this phone since the launch of the smart voice butler, otherwise, why would he directly ask their company to use the authorization of the appstore in exchange for the equity of Xuanyu Smart.

certainly.Now Cook really regrets the decision at that time. He never thought that Xuanyu Technology would launch such a disruptive mobile phone, which has left them far behind in terms of hardware and technology.

As for the software, he doesn't have to doubt the technology of Xuanyu Technology, and now their Apple company has already contributed to the other party even the only weapon of the mobile phone application ecology.

It can be said bluntly that if Xuanyu Technology really launches this mobile phone, then the end of their Apple is really coming.

"Everyone!" Cook finally spoke, interrupting everyone's discussion, "I didn't ask you to come here to question and criticize Xuanyu Technology. But to let you think about it, if Xuanyu Technology really made With such a mobile phone, how should we deal with it!"

After Cook finished speaking, everyone in the conference room fell silent.All of them shook their heads with bitter expressions on their faces.

If the mobile phone of the video is real, then there is no way to deal with it.Is this like cold weapons versus hot weapons, hot weapons versus nuclear weapons?Is there still a need to discuss how to deal with it?

at this time.Everyone in Apple is in the same mood, and of course there is Samsung.Their meeting also went on for a long time, but in the end they did not discuss any results, and they could only hope that the mobile phone in the video was not real.

Of course, what is more depressing than the two companies Apple and Samsung is the Sony Corporation of Japan Island. Xuanyu Technology's launch of such a mobile phone at this time is like a nightmare for them.

Since the video of Xuanyu Technology's black gold mobile phone spread, the number of their mobile phone reservations has almost stopped, while the number of canceled reservations has been rising rapidly, which makes them unable to remain calm.

It is conceivable that if the mobile phone in the video really comes out, then Sony will really suffer a catastrophe this time, and it will also be the biggest disaster since their company was established.

Not to mention where the mobile phones they have already produced should be sold and how to recover the cost.

Just their research and development of graphene batteries will be completely wasted. The new technology they have spent a huge amount of wealth to develop is facing the crisis of being eliminated before it is put into practice. This is simply unacceptable to them.

Moreover, their graphene batteries are very expensive, and they cannot sell them at a low price, otherwise they will lose money, so if Xuanyu Technology really develops that kind of mobile phone, it will drive them to a dead end.

"Huaxia people, damn Huaxia people! They suddenly popped up at this time! It's really disgusting!" The president of Sony Corporation, Kazuo Hirai, was so angry that he slapped the table, his old face was full of anger.

"Mr. President, I think this is absolutely impossible. It is impossible for the Chinese to have such advanced technology. The current mass production of graphene is still a problem. How could they manufacture such a mobile phone.

I think this must be a despicable trick they deliberately used to attack us. The Chinese people are best at using dirty methods! "

"That's right, they sent out such news when our press conference was about to be held, just to affect our sales, but their mobile phone launch time has not yet been announced, users may be in a wait-and-see state, and temporarily give up buying our mobile phones , This will be a heavy blow to our overall sales plan, and it will also cause great losses!"

"Yeah, the Huaxia people are absolutely hateful! We must not sit still, we must debunk their measurements. I don't believe they can really develop this kind of mobile phone!"

"Kenichiro Yoshida, you immediately formulate a response plan, and make sure to minimize its impact on us!" Kazuo Hirai said in a calm voice.

"It's Mr. President!"


Xuanyu Technology, Lin Xuan sat at the desk and started a new day of work. Now the production of the black gold mobile phone is completely handed over to Jarvis, and the preparatory work such as publicity and sales is completely handed over to various departments. He can also temporarily get away to think about system tasks.

According to the latest situation from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the new type of supercomputer he needs has almost been manufactured, so it is time for Lin Xuan to start preparing for the construction of a controllable nuclear fusion power plant.

Although the unit of the new supercomputer needs to occupy a lot of space, there is enough space in Lin Xuan's factory office building.

However, if we want to build a nuclear fusion power plant, we need to open up another piece of land. Fortunately, there is an open space not far from their factory, so Lin Xuan immediately called Zheng Wenwen to the relevant department and applied for the piece of land. down.

After solving the land problem, Lin Xuan also started to design a controllable nuclear fusion reactor. Their factory can produce some of the materials needed, but there are still many components and materials that Lin Xuan needs to purchase from outside.

...... u

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Just as Lin Xuan kept writing down groups of controllable nuclear fusion design data on the computer, a large number of posts and remarks questioning the authenticity of Xuanyu Technology's black gold mobile phone suddenly appeared on the Internet. ?·

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