Hearing Xia Weiguo's words, Chief No. [-] said solemnly: "It's really an incredible organization. It seems that we underestimated them. If this is the case, then this matter will be even more involved."

"Yes, this organization poses a far greater threat to China and the world than any terrorist organization!" Everyone nodded solemnly.

"Well, but we still can't disclose the matter of the Earth Protection Association to the public, so as not to cause unnecessary panic. This incident is temporarily designated as a terrorist attack. As for the matter of Spider-Man..."

Speaking of which, the chairman rubbed the center of his brows. To be honest, he is also very troubled by this matter. Now that the identity of Spider-Man has been found out on the Internet, even if they want to help Lin Xuan hide it, they may not be able to hide it. But if they don’t Concealing it, I don't know how much trouble this incident will cause them, and how to explain Lin Xuan's existence to the entire world.

"Chairman, I think this matter should just go with the flow. Judging from the current situation, any cover-up we have is trying to cover up. And the more we conceal it, the more it will arouse the curiosity of those people, and it will make this matter worse." If the fermentation continues, the public will even link Lin Xuan's personal heroism to the national political level, which will be troublesome instead.

So my opinion is to let Lin Xuan decide for himself and face the public by himself!

And with his ability, he can bear the title of hero, so why not just let him exist as our super hero in China!Let us Chinese teenagers worship our own heroes, it is better than worshiping those fictional heroes abroad! "Xia Weiguo said again.

heard the words.The No. [-] chief and everyone present frowned and pondered, but at the moment, it seems that they have no better way to deal with it.

"Alright, then let him decide for himself!" After pondering for a while, the No. [-] commander nodded, "As for the possible troubles caused by this matter, even if we conceal it, we can't avoid it. We can only face it together. Already!"

"Yeah, whether Lin Xuancheng admits it or not, it is true that this happened in China, so those countries that are plotting against the law will still not let go of this difficult opportunity for us, and we can only take one step forward Take a step!"

"Well, so everyone, let's discuss how to deal with this possible international issue. As for Lin Xuan, Xiao Xia, go and communicate with him, after all, you are quite familiar with him!"

"Okay, Chairman!"


In the study room of Lin Xuan's villa, Lin Xuan leaned on a chair, frowning, thinking about what happened today.

The first is the Earth Protection Association. Obviously, this organization has not been completely destroyed, but there are remaining forces hiding in the dark, and it has been investigated that Lin Xuan is the culprit who destroyed them. This makes Lin Xuan feel like a light in his heart. a feeling of.

Obviously, today's assassination is just the beginning, and he doesn't know what kind of crazy revenge this organization will take against him.

And how he should prepare for defense next, and how to find out the remnants of this organization, these are all things he needs to think about.

The second is about the Spider-Man incident on the Internet, how should I face the media and the public next?

Should he stand up and accept the name of a super hero, or hide everything and not respond!

Lin Xuan hesitated a little!

After all, the name of a superhero seems glorious and glorious, but it is accompanied by a heavy burden, and it is accompanied by the invisible public enemy of all criminal forces and terrorist organizations.

Lin Xuan is still not sure, or in other words, he is not ready to bear the heavy responsibility that ordinary people can't bear!

"Our great hero also has troubles!" Yang Shuke walked into the study, hugged Lin Xuan's neck from behind the chair, put his cheek on Lin Xuan's side face, and said with a smile.

Lin Xuan smiled wryly, touched Yang Shuke's hand, and said after a little silence: "Xiao Ke, do you think I should admit the identity of Spider-Man?"

Yang Shu laughed, didn't answer right away, but hugged him tighter, and then said softly after a pause: "Do what you want, I want to start from the time you put on the Spider-Man coat to save people." From that moment on, you should already have the answer in your heart!"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan didn't speak, but nodded with a smile, as if he already had the answer in his heart!


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Not long after Yang Shuke left the study, Jarvis' voice suddenly sounded: "Sir, do you need to answer the call from Xia Weiguo?"

Lin Xuan frowned slightly. After it was revealed on the Internet that he was Spider-Man, his mobile phone was almost blown up. Fortunately, Jarvis helped him filter out the calls he didn't want to answer, otherwise he might really I'm going to be bored to death. △,

"Come on!" Lin Xuan said after pondering for a while, after today's incident happened, Xia Weiguo has not called himself, and he must be busy discussing how to deal with today's incident, so he took time off at this time Come.

"Yes sir! The call is connected!"

"Hello, Xiao Lin?" Xia Weiguo's voice came from the phone with a hint of a smile.

"Minister Xia, are you still up so late?"

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