"By the way, I didn't come out like this to pretend to be cool! Do you know? You blocked my car a hundred meters away and I couldn't get in!" Lin Xuan pointed to the distance and said with a wry smile.

The words are full of sadness!

Hearing this, everyone laughed in embarrassment. They came here to see Spider-Man, but they blocked his car all the way away. If it wasn't for Spider-Man, he would be able to fly over the wall.I'm afraid that people just want to satisfy their wishes, and there is nothing they can do.

But hearing Lin Xuan's half-joking, half-titting words made everyone present feel that Lin Xuan was not only like a high god, but also as friendly as an ordinary friend by their side.

It seems that their admiration for Lin Xuan has turned into a kind of love. He is a super hero, but he seems to be an ordinary person with flesh and blood and emotions living beside them.

"So, I am very grateful to everyone for their great love and support, but please don't do this again in the future. You gathered here. Not only did it affect the traffic, but it also caused great trouble to me.

If you really like me and support me, please save me some troubles, I would like to thank everyone here.

I also hope that friends from the media can appeal to the friends who support me on my behalf.Please treat my existence rationally. I am not a god. I am just a good friend around you. I will give you and this society some assistance within the scope of my ability. Please also give me the most basic respect and understanding!

Finally, I would like to thank the police comrades for their hard work in maintaining order.I apologize for causing you trouble!

Alright, I'm going back to work at the company, everyone should leave as soon as possible! "

After finishing speaking, Lin Xuan waved his hands with the crowd, then pulled the spider's thread, and quickly went up to the top of the building, leaving only the screaming crowd below.

As Lin Xuan rose, he asked Jarvis to call Zheng Wenwen and help him open the office window.

When he came to the window of his office, Lin Xuan jumped in directly. Zheng Wenwen in the room was dumbfounded when he saw this.

It's quite heartbreaking that the majestic Chinese hero-Spiderman was forced by fans to come to the company through the window!

After entering the office, Lin Xuan leaned over the window and looked at the street, and found that the crowd had begun to disperse, so he was relieved, closed the window, and returned to his desk to continue working.

In the next few days, Lin Xuan did not see a large number of fans appearing downstairs in the company, but there were still some disobedient fans waiting there every day, and the company received a large number of gifts from fans to Lin Xuan every day , all kinds of everything, of course they all know that Lin Xuan is a rich man, he is not short of money at all, and sending these gifts is just to show their hearts.

However, as the components of the nuclear fusion reactor are gradually being prepared, Lin Xuan basically does not come to Xuanyu Technology, and he goes to the factory almost every day.

He began to assemble the core and most precise part of the nuclear fusion reactor by himself, and then led some high-level technicians to complete the overall assembly and welding of the reactor with him.

In the end, it took more than ten days to successfully complete the controllable nuclear fusion reactor.

But while Lin Xuan was busy with the project of the controllable nuclear fusion reactor, the influence of the China threat theory continued to ferment internationally, and even caused tension and turmoil in the international situation.

The Chinese government tried its best to strongly condemn and clarify the remarks in the threat theory, but Western countries led by the United States, as well as Japan, South Korea and other countries did not buy it. They seemed to really feel the threat from China this time, so they united Started to make trouble for Huaxia.

It is required that Huaxia must explain the origin of Spider-Man's ability, or ask Lin Xuan to clarify the matter in person.

For this kind of request, Huaxia naturally chose to refuse, which also led to the intensification of this conflict.

After a stalemate for about a month or so.

The United States, the European Union countries, and Asian countries such as Japan and South Korea have reached an agreement to ignore the basic laws and regulations of the United States and prepare to impose economic sanctions on Huaxia to force Huaxia to hand over Lin Xuan and let them perform a physical examination on Lin Xuan to determine whether he is After any bioengineering modification.

When this news came out, the international situation immediately became more tense, and many people seemed to smell a hint of gunpowder.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I really didn't expect that the situation would develop to this point! Mei Lijian is really deceiving people!" After listening to Jarvis's talk about some recent international events, Lin Xuan was very angry. ?????·

He knew very well that Mei Lijian was forcing Huaxia to hand him over. The last time they failed to kidnap, they actually came up with such a dirty political method this time.

The current situation of Huaxia seems to be very pessimistic. Facing the joint economic sanctions imposed by many developed countries, Huaxia's economy will definitely be hit extremely hard.

Moreover, the current international situation and China's domestic situation do not allow China to resist the oppression of European and American countries through war.

After all, China, which is currently developing, can no longer stand the baptism of war. Once a war starts, let alone the final victory or defeat, the consumption of the national economy by the war alone will far exceed the losses caused by economic sanctions, let alone the war other serious consequences.

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