
-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In Binhai City, after Lin Xuan returned from Kyoto, he began to make arrangements before leaving.

He doesn't need to worry too much about the company. The company's business is very mature now, and the entire leadership team is also very complete. Even if he is not in the company, it can still operate as usual, and Jarvis is still in charge of the factory production. Chen Yu and others are also responsible for the construction, so Lin Xuan needn't worry too much.

Now that the controllable nuclear fusion reactor has been completed, as long as the construction of the power plant is completed, the controllable nuclear fusion reactor is installed and connected to the power generation system, and then the power generation can be tried.

Once the power generation is successful and the supercomputer is running, the system's tasks can be completed as scheduled, and Jarvis can use the supercomputer to display its true capabilities and assist Lin Xuan in starting the next series of plans.

For example, the development of the three-bit operating system, the production of root servers, etc., such as the production of basic components and materials required for the steel suit.

In terms of family, Lin Xuan concealed international affairs from his parents, and his parents were not too young, and their education level was not high, so they had limited ability to obtain news, and paid little attention to those international news.

But with Yang Shuke, Lin Xuan couldn't hide it. After all, there was already a lot of noise about this matter on the Internet, and it was impossible for Yang Shu to know about it.

"Lin Xuan, do you have to go?" Yang Shuke held Lin Xuan's hand, her eyes were a little red. Although she didn't know much about the country's affairs, she was not stupid. She could also guess that Lin Xuan wanted to go. He was handed over to Mei Lijian for physical examination, and he was absolutely close to death.

"Xiao Ke, don't worry, I have superpowers. The people of Meilijian can't do anything to me. This time I just go to Meilijian for a period of time. I will come back to see you in a few days!" Lin Xuan stroked Yang Shu But that smooth cheek comforted softly.

Yang Shu didn't say anything, she could tell.Lin Xuan had made up her mind, so she could only hug Lin Xuan, tears streaming down her face.

Lin Xuan stroked Yang Shuke's hair lightly, but did not comfort him any more.He knew very well that no matter how much he said, it was impossible for Yang Shu to stop worrying. The only thing he could do was to return safely as soon as possible so that Yang Shu could rest assured.

next morning.Lin Xuan left Binhai, and Yang Shuke sent Lin Xuan to the airport. It was destined to be sad before parting, but Yang Shu didn't want Lin Xuan to worry too much, so he held back his tears and watched Lin Xuan disappear at the boarding gate. .

After arriving at Kyoto Airport, Lin Xuan was taken directly to a special airport by a military car.

At this time, a plane dedicated to state leaders was parked there, and there were many people standing under the plane, some of whom were wearing military uniforms.Others were wearing suits, and the head of Huaxia No. [-], Prime Minister Li Guoqiang, and Xia Weiguo were among them.

However, there was a familiar figure beside Xia Weiguo, tall, graceful figure, pretty face, bright eyes, it was Xia Xin.

Seeing Xia Xin following Xia Weiguo, Lin Xuan was not too surprised.In fact, he had guessed the relationship between Xia Weiguo and Xia Xin a long time ago.

But speaking of it, he and Xia Xin haven't seen each other for a while, and this time she came here, she must have known that she was going to Meilijian, so she came here to see her off.

Get out of the car.Lin Xuan greeted Chief No. [-], the Prime Minister and others, and everyone stepped forward one after another, shaking hands with Lin Xuan and saying goodbye with a trace of guilt and gratitude.

"Lin Xuan!" Xia Xin also stepped forward, looking at Lin Xuan with slightly red eyes.

"Xia Xin! Thank you for coming to see me off!" Lin Xuan smiled.

But Xia Xin stepped forward suddenly, hugged him, and said sadly: "Lin Xuan, you must come back safely!"

Lin Xuan was stunned for a moment, but soon came back to his senses, and gently hugged Xia Xin and said, "Don't worry, I'll be fine! Don't forget, I'm a superhero!"

Lin Xuan knows that Xia Xin also likes him, but he already has a girlfriend, so the two of them have always kept a certain distance consciously. If it weren't for the fact that he was going to Meilijian today, and his life and death were uncertain, Xia Xin might not have lost his composure. Hug yourself in public.

"Yeah!" Xia Xin nodded, and then separated from Lin Xuan again. She pursed her lips in embarrassment, but didn't say anything more. In fact, she originally wanted to say a lot to Lin Xuan, but those words came to her mouth. But he couldn't say a word.

"I'm leaving!" Lin Xuan looked at the prime minister, who had already boarded the plane, and several other leaders, and said to Xia Xin with a smile.

"Yeah!" Xia Xin nodded, her eye circles getting redder.

But Lin Xuan didn't say anything more, he waved with Xia Xin, then with Chief No. [-], Xia Weiguo, and the leaders who saw him off, and then boarded the plane.

In a burst of roar, the plane quickly rushed into the sky, Lin Xuan followed the Prime Minister and others, and embarked on this journey!

After an unknown flight, the plane finally landed again, and Lin Xuan followed Li Guoqiang and others to get off the plane.

Many people came to the airport, most of them were Americans in military uniforms, there were also Chinese staff stationed in the United States, and some media reporters.

Li Guoqiang shook hands symbolically with American John Forbes Kerry, who came to pick up the plane. After the two exchanged a few words, they got into a commercial vehicle together, followed by Lin Xuan. .

The convoy left the airport and finally stopped at the entrance of a government office building in the United States. Everyone entered the building together and went straight to a court-like hall.

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